Cosmology: Is Universe Finite or Unbounded?

  • Thread starter da_willem
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In summary, the current cosmological theories state that the universe is infinitely big, which is possible in light of the big bang theory.
  • #1
I am confused about the currents status of knowledge in cosmology, I always thought that cosmologists believed the universe to be finite but unbounded. Now I read that 'current cosmological theories state that the universe is infinitely big' ( , how is this possible in light of the big bang theory?
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  • #2
da_willem said:
I am confused about the currents status of knowledge in cosmology, I always thought that cosmologists believed the universe to be finite but unbounded.

I think you were mistaken about that. AFAIK there has never been a consensus among cosmologists on the "finite but unbounded" issue

Now I read that 'current cosmological theories state that the universe is infinitely big' ( ,
the information at the cornell website is false or misleading. The fact is that SOME current theory assumes spatially infinite.

the prevaling cosmological model (LCDM, standing for LambdaCDM) can be spatially infinite or it can be spatially finite and "nearly flat"----with a slight positive curvature.

even more to the point, the observational data is CONSISTENT WITH EITHER spatial finite or infinite!

the decisive parameter is called "Omegatotal" and if you set Omega exactly equal to 1, and plug that into LCDM, you get zero largescale spatial curvature, spatially infinite, version.
Mathematically this is the simplest to deal with, so it is very attractive to set Omega exactly = 1.
But if you set Omega = 1.01, for instance, then you get a spatially finite version of LCDM, with very slight positive curvature, WHICH FITS THE CURRENT OBSERVATIONAL DATA ABOUT EQUALLY WELL.

Ned Wright, a prominent mainstream cosmologist, posted a paper in january this year where he said the "best fit" to all available sets of relevant gave an Omega of 1.011. BUT he stressed that because of uncertainty, the data was CONSISTENT with the spatially flat infinite picture with Omega = 1.
Here is preprint of Ned Wright's january 2007 paper (to be published in Astrophysical Journal)

It is common practice to set Omega = 1 in doing analysis, but Wright and several others have warned against doing this. At present one can't be sure whether it is 1 or something like 1.01, so safer to leave it open.

how is this possible in light of the big bang theory?

Big bang theory works equally well with spatial finite and spatial infinite.
There is a popular misconception that BB theory says the universe began "as a point" or as something finite and pointlike like maybe a garbanzo bean or a peanut. But that is not what it says. BB theory could have an infinite-sized region of initial singularity----that is one possibility.

A singularity is where a theory breaks down and stops giving meaningful results----it doesn't have to be a "single" point even though the word SOUNDS like "single". A theory can fail at an extensive region.

Maybe the singularity was infinite, but all that we can now observe came from something as big as a peanut. The part we can observe is finite, so finite comes from finite----but the whole thing could be spatially infinite and have a spatially infinite singularity in its past.

In any case improvements on General Relativity that folks are now working on seem to be going in the direction of getting rid of the initial singularity---so the theory does not break down and probes back further into the past BEFORE where the classical GR breaks down.

I've seen an announcement that Springer press is bringing out a book in 2008 called "Beyond the Big Bang" edited by R. Vaas, with essays by several of the researchers involved in this. In February this year there was a three week workshop at the Santa Barbara ITP (institute of theoretical physics) about this kind of thing (improving GR so it doesn't break down, so you can go back before----a smooth 'bounce' instead of a bang)
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  • #3
marcus said:
BB theory could have an infinite-sized region of initial singularity----that is one possibility.

A singularity is where a theory breaks down and stops giving meaningful results----it doesn't have to be a "single" point even though the word SOUNDS like "single". A theory can fail at an extensive region.

Maybe the singularity was infinite, but all that we can now observe came from something as big as a peanut. The part we can observe is finite, so finite comes from finite----but the whole thing could be spatially infinite and have a spatially infinite singularity in its past.

Ah, that answers my questions, thx!

FAQ: Cosmology: Is Universe Finite or Unbounded?

1. Is the universe infinite or finite?

This is a frequently asked question in cosmology, and the answer is that we do not know for sure. The prevailing theory is that the universe is infinite, meaning it has no boundaries and goes on forever. However, there are also theories that suggest the universe is finite and has a specific size and shape.

2. How do scientists measure the size of the universe?

Scientists use various methods to measure the size of the universe, such as observing the expansion of galaxies and using the cosmic microwave background radiation. These measurements have led to the current understanding that the universe is incredibly vast, possibly infinite.

3. What is the concept of the observable universe?

The observable universe is the portion of the universe that we can see from Earth. It is limited by the distance that light has had time to travel since the beginning of the universe, estimated to be about 93 billion light-years. Anything beyond this distance is not observable to us.

4. Are there other universes besides our own?

This is a topic of ongoing debate and speculation among scientists. Some theories, such as the multiverse theory, suggest that there may be multiple universes beyond our own. However, there is currently no concrete evidence to support this idea.

5. Has the question of the universe's finiteness or infinity been solved?

No, the question of whether the universe is finite or infinite is still a topic of research and discussion in the scientific community. New discoveries and advancements in technology may lead to a better understanding of the universe's true nature in the future.

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