Electric flux through gaussian cube

In summary, the student is trying to find the flux through a cube with two parallel faces and two perpendicular faces. They use the equation of Integration, \phi = \int \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A}, to calculate the flux. They also need to take into account the direction of the area vectors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a cube with four faces parallel to the field and two perpendicular.

The field is non uniform, given by E = 3 + 2x^2 in the +x direction.

The Attempt at a Solution

So I get [tex]\phi = \int \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A} = \int EdA = A \int E = A \int (3+2x^2)[/tex]

But how do I evaluate this with no dx?
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  • #2
cscott said:

Homework Statement

I have a cube with two faces parallel to the field and two perpendicular.

The field is non uniform, given by E = 3 + 2x^2 in the +x direction.

The Attempt at a Solution

So I get [tex]\phi = \int \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A} = \int EA = A \int E = A \int (3+2x^2)[/tex]

But how do I evaluate this with no dx?

Slow down... you need to justify each of these steps.
First, a cube has six faces.
Second, what precisely do you mean by the expression after the second equals-sign (and how do you justify it?) [Hint: it's wrong.]
[tex]\phi = \int \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{A} = \int EA[/tex]
For each integral, what is the region of integration?
  • #3
Sorry, I meant to say four parallel faces.

and I just realized that the perpendicular faces would have constant E over them since all points on both faces are at the same x value.

I said [tex]\int \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A} = \int EdA [/tex]because the angle between E and A vectors is 0

Would this make sense?
[tex]\int \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A} = \int EdA = E \int dA = EA [/tex] and I'm given the dimensions of the cube as well as it's position along the x axis.
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  • #4
Technically, you have an integral over the closed surface of the cube... and by breaking the surface up conveniently into six faces, you have the sum of six fluxes through each face (an open surface), four of them being zero. So, what you write actually refers to one of the two remaining faces (which have the same form, but not same value). Note that you need to take the directions of the area-vectors (taken from the original cube) into account.
  • #5
So I basically get +EA and -EA because of the antiparallel area vectors for the two faces?
  • #6
Yes, although each E is "E on that surface used to calculate the flux".
  • #7
Alright, thanks a lot.
  • #8
Hi, i am having the same problem. But when you do the calculation of the remaining two faces, will they be zero since the area vectors opposite to each other?

I know this is a non uniform field. And i was thinking perhaps the field can move in any directions even in the negative x,y,z directions. If i were to calculate the net charged enclosed, i should calculate the e-flux first the use EA = q/Epsilon right?
  • #9
In addition my cube sits at a distance 'a' from the x-axis. Is there any integration involved? This part confused me the most
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  • #10
Since the field is [3(N/C)+4(N/C m^2)x^2]i^, and x is in meters. So the field's magnitude should be 7 N/C right?



What shall i do next?

FAQ: Electric flux through gaussian cube

1. What is electric flux through a gaussian cube?

Electric flux through a gaussian cube is a measure of the amount of electric field passing through the surface of the cube. It is given by the product of the electric field strength and the surface area of the cube.

2. How is electric flux through a gaussian cube calculated?

The electric flux through a gaussian cube is calculated using Gauss's law, which states that the electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the enclosed charge divided by the permittivity of free space.

3. What is the significance of a gaussian cube in calculating electric flux?

A gaussian cube is a closed surface that is used in Gauss's law to calculate electric flux. It is chosen because it simplifies the calculation by providing a symmetrical surface and allows for the use of vector calculus.

4. Does the orientation of the gaussian cube affect the electric flux?

Yes, the orientation of the gaussian cube does affect the electric flux as it determines the direction of the electric field passing through the surface. The electric flux will be maximum when the cube is perpendicular to the electric field and zero when it is parallel.

5. What are some real-life applications of electric flux through gaussian cubes?

Electric flux through gaussian cubes is used in various fields such as electrical engineering, physics, and electronics. It is used to calculate the electric field strength in capacitors, transmission lines, and other electrical systems. It is also used in the design and analysis of electronic circuits and devices.
