Have to gruadate soon but still undecided

  • Thread starter ice109
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In summary, an undergraduate degree in applied mathematics does not usually include a strong computational background. However, if you have some experience in programming, you may be able to gain an advantage in applying for graduate programs. An applied mathematics degree from a prestigious university may also be enough for top tier schools. However, a graduate degree in a related field may be beneficial in improving your chances of getting into a better school.
  • #1
my undergraduate funding is running out so i have to graduate soon but i still feel like I'm not sure what i want to go to grad school for. i started uni as a physics major, i added pure math and just recently I've gotten interested in computational science/applied math.

first: am i correct in assuming that most applied mathematicians these days program? if so what is the point of these "computational science" programs? it seems like applied math lite or applied math + all the stuff you should've learned on your own with less time to do applied math.

second: can i get into an applied math program having not taken pdes/self studied pdes? more so than "can i", is it normal enough?

third: would an applied math phd prepare me for industry?

fourth: would it be sufficient to have one research project under my belt/published? I'm working on an computational physics problem right now that I'm enjoying but i don't think i'll have time to complete another one before i graduate. sufficient for top tier schools? i think not...

fifth: physics/pure math is kind of out of the question simply because i feel like if i didn't make it in academia with those specializations i couldn't sell those degrees. of course if i did do physics it would be computational but again that seems to me like it gives me the same skills as an applied math program just a different context to develop them in.

sixth: what can i do to improve my chances of getting into schools that i want to go to? start an email/letter exchange with professors there? go see them? for the record i'd like to go to school in new york, ny.

finally: there's a program in new york called teach for america which pays for a master's in math education from columbia, bard, or nyu but conscripts you to teach high school math for 4 years and gives you a 90k stipend over the 5 years.. though i don't want to be a high school math teacher it's a fall back plan, allows me to move to new york comfortably, and gets me a graduate degree. after completing the 5 years i would go back and get a real phd. will one graduate degree in a semi-related field make me a better candidate for another graduate degree, maybe better my chances at a top tier school? I'm also hoping i might be able to squeeze some audits of real math classes during that year I'm earning the master's in education though that might not be feasible. note I'm not worried about going back to school during early-middle age so no worries there. again this is a fall black plan and will only be seriously considered if you guys think one grad degree will better my chances of getting into a really good school.

if you've gotten all the way down here i appreciate your time.
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  • #2
i'm sorry for the first point: am i correct in assuming most applied mathematicians program these day?
  • #3
first: I don't know if all applied mathematicians in academia do programming (some do) but a strong computational background is usually not a part of an applied math degree (they may take some basic programming courses but that's it).

sixth: You might want to try e-mailing a prof whose work you are interested in. Tell them your skill set and ask them if they have room for someone like you.

finally: 90k over 5 years (18k a year) is not enough to live 'comfortably' in new york.
  • #4
maverick_starstrider said:
first: I don't know if all applied mathematicians in academia do programming (some do) but a strong computational background is usually not a part of an applied math degree (they may take some basic programming courses but that's it).

sixth: You might want to try e-mailing a prof whose work you are interested in. Tell them your skill set and ask them if they have room for someone like you.

finally: 90k over 5 years (18k a year) is not enough to live 'comfortably' in new york.

its 28k during the first year while in school. then the other 62 distributed over 4 plus teacher's salary. it comes out to ~300k earned over 5 years.

FAQ: Have to gruadate soon but still undecided

1. What should I do if I have to graduate soon but am still undecided?

First, it's important to prioritize your options and interests. Make a list of potential career paths or further education options that you are interested in and do some research on each one. Consider your strengths, values, and long-term goals. You can also reach out to a career counselor or academic advisor for guidance and advice.

2. Is it better to choose a major or career based on job prospects or personal interests?

This ultimately depends on your individual priorities and goals. Some people prioritize job security and financial stability, while others prioritize personal fulfillment and passion. It's important to find a balance between the two and consider your own values and strengths when making a decision.

3. What if I still don't know what I want to do after graduation?

It's completely normal to feel unsure or undecided about your future career path. Remember that it's okay to take some time to explore different options and gain experience through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work. You can also consider talking to professionals in different fields and networking to gain insight and advice.

4. What if I have already declared a major but am having doubts about it?

It's important to address your concerns and evaluate why you are having doubts. Are you struggling with certain courses or feeling disengaged from the material? If so, consider talking to your academic advisor about switching majors or exploring minor options. If it's a matter of uncertainty, try taking a variety of classes in different subjects to see what interests you the most.

5. How can I make a decision without feeling pressured or rushed?

It's important to remember that your career path is not set in stone and can always change and evolve over time. Take the time to reflect on your interests, values, and strengths, and make a decision that feels right for you. It's also helpful to seek advice and support from mentors, friends, and family members. Ultimately, trust your instincts and remember that it's okay to change your mind and make adjustments along the way.

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