What are the critical numbers for g(x) = x^2 + 2x^(2/3) on [-2,2]?

In summary, the function has two extrema: an absolute minimum at (-2) and an absolute maximum at (+2). The absolute maximum can only be reached by solving for g(-2) on [-2,2], which is not possible because g(-2) has no real values on [-2,2]. To find the absolute minimum, you need to determine that g(-2) is < 0.
  • #1
The function is:

[tex]g(x)=x^2+2x^\frac{2}{3}[/tex] on [-2,2]

So far I got the derivative as:


Now, I am stuck at finding the critical #s. I need help.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Wont that be complex when x is negative? How are you going to maximize that?
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  • #3
Davorak said:
Wont that be complex when x is negative? How are you going to maximize that?
Is there an easier method?
  • #4
I mean won't the answer have an imaginary part. What criteria are you using to maximize the imaginary part of the answer?

{\left( -2 \right) }^{\frac{2}{3}} = -0.793 + 1.37473\ I
  • #5
Imaginary? Ooh...I don't think it's suppose to get that complicated. At least not yet. Call me slow but we definitely haven't learn that yet. The way I was taught to find critical numbers was set the derivative equal to zero. The cube root makes it difficult for me. How would you simplify the derivative. Once I know that I'll probably be able to take it from there.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say criteria. If the interval is what you mean then here: [-2,2]
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  • #6
g'(x) = 2 x + \frac{4}{3}x^{-\frac{1}{3}} = 0
Take [itex]\frac{4}{3}x^{-\frac{1}{3}} [/itex] to the other side of the equation.
Solve for x

Does this make sense?
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  • #7
So basically you mean: (correct me if I'm wrong)


Then divide that by 2? Ok, obviously I'm not very bright in math. Then how would you move the x from [tex]3x^\frac{1}{3}[/tex] over?
  • #8

Now multiply both sides by [itex]x^\frac{1}{3}[/itex]...

Also, since you're looking for global extrema on a closed interval, you need to test the endpoints.

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  • #9
Yes that is right.
I am being stupid and time to go to bed.
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  • #10
jzq said:
The function is:

[tex]g(x)=x^2+2x^\frac{2}{3}[/tex] on [-2,2]

So far I got the derivative as:

[tex] g'(x) = 2x + \frac {4} {3} x^{-1/3} [/tex]

Now, I am stuck at finding the critical #s. I need help.
The function g(x) has the following extrema on the Interval [-2, 2]:
Absolute and Relative Minimum at x=(0) where g(0)=(0)
Absolute Maximum at x=(-2) where g(-2)=(7.17)
Absolute Maximum at x=(+2) where g(+2)=(7.17)

Note: g'(x) has NO real values on [-2, 2] where g'(x)=(0). All maxima and minima must be determined "graphically" by computing values of g(x) on [-2, 2].

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  • #11
Thanks Xanthym and everyone else!
  • #12
xanthym said:
Absolute Maximum at x=(-2) where g(-2)=(7.17)
How are you geting this to be real?


(-2)^{-\frac{2}{3}} \in C
Where C is the field of Complex numbers.
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  • #13
Davorak said:
How are you geting this to be real?
[tex] \ \ \ \ g(x) = x^{2} + 2x^{2/3} [/tex]

[tex] \ \ \ \ g(-2) = (-2)^{2} + 2((-2)^{2})^{1/3} = (7.17) [/tex]

  • #14
Why is that valid over:
g(-2) = (-2)^2 +2((-2)^\frac{1}{3})^2

Not that you are claiming such. But if you perform the reverse operation:
(((-2)^2)^\frac{1}{3})^\frac{3}{2}=2 \ne -2
I thought the root was not considered valid when this was true.

never mind the ^1/2 takes care of both
  • #15
An appropriate argument to determine the extrema is to observe the properties of the derivative g'(x).

[tex]g'(x) = 2x + \frac{4}{3x^{1/3}}[/tex]

Note that the derivative is not defined at x = 0, so therefore it is important to test the point x = 0 as well as the endpoints of the interval, x = ±2.

Also, for [itex]-2 \leq x < 0[/itex], g'(x) < 0. For [itex] 0 < x \leq 2[/itex], g'(x) > 0. This implies that local maxima will be found at the endpoints, and the absolute maximum will be one or both of them. It is sufficient to show that g(x) is even, i.e. g(x) = g(-x) to determine that the absolute maximum will be attained at both endpoints. Additionally, the monotonicity of the derivative in the two regions as well as the continuity of g(x) implies that the absolute minimum will be found at x = 0.

There is nothing that needs to be done graphically in this problem.

  • #16
There's no imaginary part here.All complex #-s involved are real.What are you dreaming about...?

  • #17
There are complex numbers which satisfy (-2)^(-2/3). I was just tired and was ignoring the real answers.
I blame my lack of sleep myself.

FAQ: What are the critical numbers for g(x) = x^2 + 2x^(2/3) on [-2,2]?

What is an absolute extrema problem?

An absolute extrema problem is a type of optimization problem in mathematics where the goal is to find the maximum or minimum value of a function over a given interval. This value is known as the absolute extrema.

What is the difference between absolute extrema and relative extrema?

Absolute extrema refers to the overall highest or lowest point on a graph or function, regardless of its surroundings. Relative extrema, on the other hand, are points that are higher or lower than their immediate surroundings, but not necessarily the highest or lowest overall.

How do you find the absolute extrema of a function?

To find the absolute extrema of a function, you must first take the derivative of the function and set it equal to 0 to find the critical points. Then, evaluate the function at each critical point and at the endpoints of the given interval. The largest or smallest value will be the absolute extrema.

What is the importance of absolute extrema in real-world applications?

Absolute extrema are important in real-world applications as they can represent the maximum or minimum values of a physical quantity, such as the highest or lowest temperature in a given time period. They are also used in optimization problems to find the most efficient solution.

What are some common techniques used to solve absolute extrema problems?

Some common techniques used to solve absolute extrema problems include the first and second derivative tests, substitution, and graphing the function to visually determine the absolute extrema. These techniques can also be combined to find a more accurate solution.
