Cyclic voltammetry of GOX

  • Thread starter sting10
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In Summary, the current output at 0.6V (forward scan) depends upon glucose addition when we add it at the beginning of cycle 16 (-0.1V forwards scan), which is the third image.
  • #1
Hey, this is not a homework question really but more a research issue my fellow students and I have run into.

So basically, we have a project where we have cross-linked glucose oxidase to a polypyrrole surface on a gold electrode. The solution additionally contain PBS as well as ferricyanide as a mediator. The electrode with polypyrrole and GOX is the working electrode.

We run several laps of cyclic voltammetry and at cycle 16, we add glucose. We run several of these experiments at several concentration. three cycles have been handpicked, with 30mM and 40mM glucose have been added for your viewing.

Now we analyse how the current output at 0.6V(forward scan) depends upon glucose addition when we add it at the beginning of cycle 16 (-0.1V forwards scan), which is the third image. (scan rate is 150mV/s)

The last image illustrates the peak current when we add glucose compared to right before.

The problem we are facing is that lower concentrations of glucose added results in a higher output peak relative to higher concentration. This seems pretty counter-intuitive since we would think that a higher conc. of ferricyanide would get reduced at higher conc. of glucose which would lead to a greater oxidation current. We are thinking that there is something kinetics based that we are overlooking.

Hopefully, you have some ideas.


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  • #2
Looks interesting, can't say I understand what is happening in the solution (I mean - what is the chemistry behind the system and the electrode reaction). Care to elaborate?

I must admit I have not dealt with these things for almost 30 years.
  • #3
Well, hopefully we should have glucose oxidase getting reduced (glucose oxidised). The point of the voltammetry is switching between ferri/ferrocyanide redox couples. Ferricyanide should hopefully work as a mediator (getting reduced to ferrocyanide) transport electrons to electrode and get oxidized to ferricyanide once again. The point was introducing a disturbance into this redox couple when adding glucose and see how this would work out. In our understanding, the dependence should be the exact opposite of what we see. We understand that when we do a forward sweep we are oxidizing any possible species at the working electrode, and when we do the negative sweep we should be reducing species.

We are also wondering what the nature of the current developing at around 0.350 V (backwards sweep). Something is getting reduced, which in our opinion can only be ferricyanide or maybe H2O2 (byproduct when breaking down glucose)
  • #4
So the basic chemistry is

glucose + ferricyanide -> D-glucono-1,5-lactone + ferrocyanide + H2O2

and electrode reaction

ferrocyanide -> ferricyanide

Or am I still missing something?

Don't you need oxygen to produce H2O2?
  • #5
yes, you need oxygen but that should not be a problem according to articles. The reactions you listed are correct.

FAQ: Cyclic voltammetry of GOX

What is cyclic voltammetry?

Cyclic voltammetry is a technique used to study the electrochemical behavior of a molecule or material by measuring its current response to varying applied potential.

What is GOX?

GOX, or glucose oxidase, is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to produce hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid. It is commonly used in biosensors to detect glucose levels in biological samples.

Why is cyclic voltammetry used to study GOX?

Cyclic voltammetry is a powerful technique for studying the electrochemical properties of enzymes like GOX. It can provide information about the enzyme's redox behavior, stability, and catalytic activity, which can be useful for optimizing its performance in biosensors and other applications.

What is the procedure for performing cyclic voltammetry of GOX?

The procedure for cyclic voltammetry of GOX typically involves immobilizing the enzyme on an electrode, then measuring its current response to a series of potential sweep cycles. The results can be analyzed to determine the enzyme's electrochemical characteristics.

What are the potential applications of studying the cyclic voltammetry of GOX?

Studying the cyclic voltammetry of GOX can have potential applications in biosensing, biofuel cells, and other biotechnological applications. It can also contribute to a better understanding of enzyme function and aid in the development of new enzyme-based technologies.
