Combining high frequencies to get a large frequency

In summary: Interesting..When coupling a fiber-optic bundle image transfer block to a fibre-optic faceplate on an image intensifier, we used to rotate the part to a place where the Moire patterns and other effects were minimum.I noticed once that as the planes of fibres came to line up with the faceplates (bundles of hexagons) structure, I could make in the interference patterns, a clear image of the boundaries, including broken interfaces and distorted joins. Also, I could get several versions of these, getting bigger as I approached "zero beat".This was about 15 years ago. I wondered at the time whether the effect could be used for microscopy, and now, whether what
  • #1
"Combining high frequencies to get a large frequency"

"Combining high frequencies to get a large wavelength"

Is this possible? There will be constructive and destructive interference, but can there be anything that increases the wavelength?
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  • #2
What is a "large" frequency?
  • #3
billiards said:
What is a "large" frequency?
I think he means "to get a low frequency" and "anything that increases wavelength".
  • #4
DaveC426913 said:
I think he means "to get a low frequency" and "anything that increases wavelength".

Ya... that's what i meant ... don't know why i didn't see that =p
  • #5
Well, do 2 waves interact with each other if they meet? And if they do, in what level?
  • #6

kmarinas86 said:
"Combining high frequencies to get a large wavelength"

Is this possible? There will be constructive and destructive interference, but can there be anything that increases the wavelength?

Yes it is and its quit common. Radios use this to bring rf frequencies down to audio f. Piano tuners use this to tell when they're approaching the right string tension. Pilots use it to sync up twin engines on boats and planes. It's call a beat frequency. I bet has something on it. take a look.
  • #7

The technique is referred to as heterodyning.
  • #8

Heterodyning is also beginning to be applied to microscopy, to move spatial frequencies beyond the classical resolution limit back into the exit pupil. One way is off-axis illumination, but there are several:

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Sep 13;102(37):13081-6. "Nonlinear structured-illumination microscopy: wide-field fluorescence imaging with theoretically unlimited resolution.", Gustafsson MG.
  • #9

When coupling a fiber-optic bundle image transfer block to a fibre-optic faceplate on an image intensifier, we used to rotate the part to a place where the Moire patterns and other effects were minimum.

I noticed once that as the planes of fibres came to line up with the faceplates (bundles of hexagons) structure, I could make in the interference patterns, a clear image of the boundaries, including broken interfaces and distorted joins. Also, I could get several versions of these, getting bigger as I approached "zero beat".

This was about 15 years ago. I wondered at the time whether the effect could be used for microscopy, and now, whether what I saw is part of this.

Heterodyning is also beginning to be applied to microscopy, to move spatial frequencies beyond the classical resolution limit back into the exit pupil. One way is off-axis illumination, but there are several:

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Sep 13;102(37):13081-6. "Nonlinear structured-illumination microscopy: wide-field fluorescence imaging with theoretically unlimited resolution.", Gustafsson MG.

FAQ: Combining high frequencies to get a large frequency

1. How does combining high frequencies result in a larger frequency?

When multiple high frequencies are combined, they create a new frequency that is the sum of the individual frequencies. This is known as frequency addition, and it is used in various fields such as audio engineering and radio communication.

2. Can any two high frequencies be combined to get a larger frequency?

No, not all combinations of high frequencies will result in a larger frequency. The frequencies must be in phase and aligned in time in order to add constructively and create a larger frequency. If they are not aligned, they will cancel each other out and result in a smaller or no frequency.

3. What are the practical applications of combining high frequencies to get a larger frequency?

One practical application is in audio engineering, where high frequencies are combined to create a higher pitch or tone. Another application is in radio communication, where multiple high frequencies are combined to transmit a signal over a greater distance.

4. Are there any limitations to combining high frequencies to get a larger frequency?

Yes, there are limitations to combining high frequencies. The frequencies must be within a certain range and aligned in time to add constructively. Additionally, the resulting frequency may be limited by the capabilities of the equipment used to produce and measure it.

5. Are there any risks associated with combining high frequencies to get a larger frequency?

In most cases, there are no risks associated with combining high frequencies. However, if the frequencies are not properly aligned or if the equipment used is not calibrated correctly, it could result in inaccurate measurements or unintended consequences in certain applications.
