Calcium + Calcium Nitrate → What are the products?

  • Thread starter Hollysmoke
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In summary, When combining calcium and calcium nitrate, a redox reaction occurs where elemental calcium gives electrons to nitrate nitrogen, reducing it to a low oxidation state. In an aqueous or protic medium, calcium reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide. Calcium nitrate can also be hydrolyzed to produce nitric acid, which can react with the hydroxide. When calcium nitrate is dissolved in water, it does not significantly produce calcium hydroxide, which is why calcium metal is used instead. This is because when a metal is dissolved in water, it produces hydrogen gas and its corresponding basic oxide, which can then react with water to form calcium hydroxide.
  • #1
hey, I've got a question. How do I write out the word equation Calcium + Calcium Nitate → ?. I haven't done one like this with the same metal before. Since they are on the equal level of the activity series, what happens? When I did the lab, there was a reaction so...I'm confused o-O
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  • #2
Hello, if there is to be a reaction, I suppose it should be a redox. There are two redox-active elements; first, elemental calcium, and second, nitrate nitrogen. Elemental calcium wants to go 2+ oxidation state, and therefore, gives electrons to nitrogen. Nitrogen is thus reduced to its low oxidation states, say, 2+.

If the medium is aqueous, or protic, forget these and write Ca(OH)2, since calcium reacts with water to give this chemical. This is also an oxidation. Calcium nitrate can be hydrolyzed to give nitric acid, which can react with this hydroxide.
  • #3
You need to distinguish calcium metal [itex]Ca_{(s)}[/itex] from its cationic form. I believe Chemtr is right in saying that solid calcium hydroxide is one of the products. however, note one common method of making calcium nitrate

[itex]HNO_3_{(aq)} + Ca(OH)_2_{(aq)} {\xrightarrow} H2O_{(l)} + Ca(NO_3)_2_{(aq)} [/itex]

as one can guess this reaction goes to completion, and note that each product chem tr suggested in on the right. The reverse does not occur significantly. One can guess that since nitric acid is known to be a strong acid, that its conjugate, being a weak base, would not react appreciably with water.

I don't believe that calcium hydroxide can be formed by simply dissolving calcium nitrate in water. And thus the point of dissolving calcium metal. You should recall the reaction where a metal dissolved in water will produce hydrogen gas and its corresponding basic oxide in this case [itex]CaO_{(s)}[/itex] which will react with water to form calcium hydroxide.

FAQ: Calcium + Calcium Nitrate → What are the products?

1. What is the chemical equation for the reaction between Calcium and Calcium Nitrate?

The chemical equation is: 2Ca + Ca(NO3)2 → 3CaO + 2N2 + O2

2. What is the product of the reaction between Calcium and Calcium Nitrate?

The products of the reaction are Calcium Oxide (CaO), Nitrogen gas (N2), and Oxygen gas (O2).

3. Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic?

This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat energy during the reaction.

4. What are the physical properties of Calcium and Calcium Nitrate?

Calcium is a silver-white, soft metal with a melting point of 842°C. Calcium Nitrate is a white solid with a melting point of 561°C.

5. What are the common uses of Calcium Nitrate?

Calcium Nitrate is commonly used as a fertilizer, in wastewater treatment, and in the production of concrete. It is also used in the manufacture of fireworks and explosives.
