How do ions form in chemical reactions?

  • Thread starter Cookie_1993
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In summary, ions are formed when an atom has an excess or deficiency of electronic charge, making it no longer neutral. This can happen through a chemical reaction, such as dissolving salt in water, where the atom with a higher affinity for electrons attracts them from another atom. Ions can also form through the photoelectric effect or collisions with other atoms at high temperatures.
  • #1
can you tell me how an ion of an element can be formed?
For example- how does an ion of sodium form?
Physics news on
  • #2
It depends on the circumstance. For example, dissolve salt in water and it will disociate into sodium and chlorine ions.
  • #3
Ion simply refers to an excess or deficiency of electronic charge such that an atom is no longer neutral. Atoms with less electrons than protons are positive ions, and atoms with more electrons than proton are negative ions.

Ions can form chemically, as in the example provided by mathman. In this case, the chlorine atom attracts electrons (it has a higher affinity for electrons than sodium) and thus the clorine atom attracts the electron from the Na atom, and we have a solution of Na+ and Cl-.

Ions can form by the photoelectric effect in which a photon of higher energy than the electron binding energy is absorbed by the electron which then escapes from the atom. But then the electron is likely to be attracted back to its parent atom, now an ions, attracts an electron from another atom.

Ions can also form by collision with other atoms. At very high temperatures, atoms become ionized, usually by collisions with energetic electrons or energetic atoms, and the result is a plasma or ionized gas.
  • #4
thank you!

FAQ: How do ions form in chemical reactions?

What is the formation of ions?

The formation of ions is the process by which an atom gains or loses electrons, resulting in a positive or negative charge. This can occur through various methods, such as chemical reactions or exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

What is the difference between cations and anions?

Cations are positively charged ions that have lost one or more electrons, while anions are negatively charged ions that have gained one or more electrons. Cations are typically formed from metals, while anions are formed from nonmetals.

How are ions formed in chemical reactions?

Ions can be formed in chemical reactions through a process called ionization. This occurs when an atom gains or loses electrons to become more stable. For example, in the reaction between sodium and chlorine to form sodium chloride, sodium loses an electron to become a positively charged ion, while chlorine gains an electron to become a negatively charged ion.

Can ions exist independently?

In some cases, ions can exist independently, such as in ionic compounds. However, in most cases, ions are unstable and will quickly bond with other ions or molecules to form more stable compounds.

What is the role of ions in the human body?

Ions play a crucial role in many biological processes in the human body. They are involved in nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and the maintenance of proper fluid balance in cells. Certain ions, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, are essential for proper functioning of the body's cells and organs.

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