Vortices in hot plasma, not in real space, but in phase-space.

In summary, the uploaded video on YouTube shows the formation and evolution of vortices in hot plasma through a numerical simulation. These vortices exist in a 6D mathematical space and have a significant impact on the 3D space. The simulation also demonstrates a subcritical instability, with spontaneous vortex formation and interaction leading to electron redistribution, anomalous resistivity, and turbulent heating. The source of free energy in this simulation is the initial velocity drift, and the thermal energy of the electrons increases due to phase-space activity. The unrealistic mass ratio of 4 is used for pedagogical purposes, but similar results can be obtained with the realistic mass ratio of 1836.
  • #1
Let me give you a glimpse at my research. I uploaded a video of my latest simulation on youtube, .

You can see the formation and evolution of vortices in hot plasma such as fusion plasma. The subtlety is that these vortices do not live in the real, everyday-life 3D space, but in an imaginary, mathematical 6D space. They do impact 3D space though.

To be more precise, this video shows the nonlinear growth, evolution and interaction of self-coherent phase-space structures in a numerical simulation of ion-acoustic turbulence (actually 1D with periodic boundary conditions, or 2D in phase-space). The turbulence grows in contradiction with linear theory, which predicts that all waves are stable in this system. In other words, this is a subcritical instability. Up-left and up-center: perturbed distribution function of ions and electrons. Bottom-left: spatially-averaged velocity distribution. Bottom-center, spatially-averaged perturbed velocity distribution. Bottom-right: electric field spectrum. Top-right: time-evolution of the field energy, with an horizontal line to indicate the instant of each frame.

During this simulation, several vortices form spontaneously and interact with each others. This process is associated with a significant redistribution of the electrons, anomalous resistivity and turbulent heating.

Please ask me any question or clarification. It's a very good exercise for me explain my research to laypeople.
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  • #2
What is the source of free energy here?

Did you use a realistic value for m_i/m_e? I'm wondering since the lower left plot shows the initial width of the electron distribution to be only slightly bigger than the width of the ion distribution, suggesting T_e << T_i. You show the electron distribution flattening out... or is it just getting much hotter? The wings of the electron distribution are cut off by the graph. Do they go out a lot farther?
  • #3
Khashishi said:
What is the source of free energy here?

Did you use a realistic value for m_i/m_e? I'm wondering since the lower left plot shows the initial width of the electron distribution to be only slightly bigger than the width of the ion distribution, suggesting T_e << T_i. You show the electron distribution flattening out... or is it just getting much hotter? The wings of the electron distribution are cut off by the graph. Do they go out a lot farther?

Thank you for your interest. You guessed correctly, that the mass ratio is unrealistic, m_i/m_e = 4. I use this value for pedagogical reasons, because the evolution of structures becomes much clearer than for m_i/m_e = 1836. However, I get similar results for m_i/m_e = 1836, except that the effects of vortices on the ion distribution are negligible. I will try to produce a video for real mass ratio. Here T_e = T_i. In the wings that are cut off, the redistribution is negligible.

The source of free energy is the initial velocity drift. The electron distribution is flattening out indeed, you could say that it's getting hotter but since the distribution becomes strongly non-Gaussian, the temperature doesn't make much sense. It's less confusing to say that the mean thermal energy is increasing. Actually, the mean thermal energy is doubling due to the phase-space activity.

FAQ: Vortices in hot plasma, not in real space, but in phase-space.

1. What is a vortex in hot plasma?

A vortex in hot plasma is a swirling pattern of fluid motion that occurs in a high temperature and high energy state of matter known as plasma. This vortex can be seen as a spiral or circular motion of charged particles within the plasma, and is typically created by strong electric or magnetic fields.

2. How are vortices in hot plasma different from those in real space?

Vortices in hot plasma are different from those in real space because they exist in a different state of matter. Plasma is a highly energized gas that behaves differently from the solids, liquids, and gases that we are familiar with in our everyday lives. This means that vortices in plasma have different properties and behaviors compared to those in real space.

3. What is phase-space and how does it relate to vortices in hot plasma?

Phase-space is a mathematical concept that describes the physical state of a system in terms of its position and momentum. In the context of vortices in hot plasma, phase-space refers to the space in which the particles that make up the plasma exist. Vortices in hot plasma exist in phase-space because they are created by the movement of charged particles within the plasma.

4. How are vortices in hot plasma studied and observed?

Vortices in hot plasma are studied and observed using a variety of experimental techniques, such as magnetic field measurements, spectroscopy, and computer simulations. These methods allow scientists to visualize and analyze the behavior of the charged particles within the plasma and their interactions with the electric and magnetic fields.

5. What are the potential applications of studying vortices in hot plasma?

Studying vortices in hot plasma has many potential applications, particularly in the fields of energy and space exploration. Researchers are investigating the use of plasma vortices for energy production, such as in fusion reactors, and also for propulsion systems for spacecraft. Understanding the properties and behavior of vortices in hot plasma can also help us better understand natural phenomena, such as solar winds and auroras.

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