Understanding the Relationship Between Ions and Dipoles: Debunking the Myth

In summary, your teacher may be correct in saying that ions are not compounds and therefore cannot have dipoles. However, monoatomic ions can still have transient dipoles.
  • #1
Can ions have dipoles?

ive had a really long argument with a teacher who says ions can't have dipoles because ions are not compounds...

can anyone clarify this for me please
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ions can certainly have dipoles, since ions are not restricted to being monoatomic like the chloride anion or the lithium cation.

Consider the acetate ion (see attached figure). The acetate ion consists of a methyl group directly connected to a carboxylate group.

An oxygen atom in the carboxylate group contains an extra electron, which causes the carboxylate group to be negatively charged. Because the extra electron is localized on the carboxylate group, an electric gradient across the molecules is set up; which causes the dipole moment.

Perhaps your teacher, for the sake of the class, wanted to emphasize that the ions you will be dealing with ions which are strictly monoatomic; and because of spherical symmetry, wouldn't have a dipole moment. :smile:


  • acetate.bmp
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  • #3
i think she's just stupid...at one point she said NF3 had no dipole. and i specifically asked her why NO3- wouldn't have one and she gave me that BS reson (ions arent compounds...)
thanks alot
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  • #4
Even monoatomic ions can have transient dipoles.
  • #5

never heard of those...in AP Chemistry in HS
  • #6
Never? I took AP Chemistry last year; transient dipoles are simply temporary imbalances of charge, which can exist among molecules or separate atoms.

Recall this from the "(London) dispersion forces" section in the chapter on intermolecular forces. (though, I don't know what textbook you are using)

...at one point she said NF3 had no dipole. and i specifically asked her why NO3- wouldn't have one and she gave me that BS reson (ions arent compounds...)
thanks alot

Remind her of that common term, "polyatomic ions" :wink:
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  • #7

im using Zumdahl, which my tacher warships like a god.

thanks again
  • #8
Stalker23 said:

never heard of those...in AP Chemistry in HS

maybe you haven't learned about it yet...?

i took that course last year and learned aboot them
  • #9
well if its what i think your talking about, we call them tomporary dipoles or induced dipoles


FAQ: Understanding the Relationship Between Ions and Dipoles: Debunking the Myth

1. Can ions have dipoles?

Yes, ions can have dipoles. A dipole is a separation of positive and negative charges within a molecule or ion. This can occur when there is an asymmetrical distribution of electrons, causing a partial positive and partial negative charge.

2. How do ions form dipoles?

Ions can form dipoles through several mechanisms. One way is through the unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond, where one atom has a higher electronegativity and pulls the shared electrons closer to itself. Another way is through the orientation of polar molecules in an electric field, where the positive and negative ends align with the field.

3. What is the significance of ions having dipoles?

Dipoles in ions play a crucial role in many chemical and physical processes. They can affect the solubility, reactivity, and properties of a substance. They also contribute to the overall polarity of a molecule, which determines its interactions with other molecules.

4. Can all ions have dipoles?

No, not all ions can have dipoles. A dipole requires an asymmetrical distribution of charge, which is not possible in symmetrical ions such as spherical ions or ions with an even number of electrons. Only ions with an uneven distribution of charge can have dipoles.

5. How can we determine if an ion has a dipole moment?

The dipole moment of an ion can be determined by calculating the product of the charges on each end of the dipole and the distance between them. This information can be obtained from the molecular structure of the ion. In general, if the dipole moment is non-zero, the ion has a dipole moment.
