Struggling With Calc 1: Should I Stay or Switch for Calc 2?

In summary, the teacher you are taking calc 2 with is probably the best math teacher you have ever had. He is passionate about math and always has an answer for your questions. He is teaching the class next semester, so you should either stay with him and potentially fall behind, or try another teacher.
  • #1
Ok i am currently in calc 1 and will be taking calc 2 next smester. I am doing well in calc 1 and am happy with it for the most part. Here is my problem the class i am in is a decent ways behind all the other classes. We just finshed the chain rule and the other classes have just started integration. Now the teacher i have for calc 1 is probally the best math teacher i have ever had. He knows his stuff inside and out and he has a passion for doing math. Also everytime i have needed help i have always had my questions answered, or if i was confused by the time i was done talking to him i was no longer confused. So He is teaching calc 2 next semester should i take it with him and possibly fall futher behind if he doest cover all the material. Or should i attemp this class with another teacher. I am judging our class being behind by what the other clac 1 classes are doing. What is suppose to be covered in calc 1. Thank in advance for your replies
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  • #2
I would stay with the good teacher you like. Besides, being 'behind' is not necessarily a bad thing-- it probably means you're covering the material more thoroughly, and learning more.

If you find a teacher you like and can learn from, take every class they offer :-)
  • #3
I agree, I'd stay with the "good" teacher. Sometimes in the field of math, they are very hard to find.
  • #4
I'd say the other classes are going more quickly than yours, and yours is on pace!

When I had Calculus in high school, we didn't start integrals until after winter break. And we ended up covering all necessary material. Stick with the guy you know, it'll work out better for you in the long run.
  • #5

FAQ: Struggling With Calc 1: Should I Stay or Switch for Calc 2?

1. Should I drop Calc 1 and switch to Calc 2?

This ultimately depends on your personal circumstances and goals. If you are struggling with Calc 1 and do not feel confident in your understanding of the material, it may be beneficial to drop the course and retake it before moving on to Calc 2. However, if you have a strong understanding of the concepts and feel ready to move on, it may be worth sticking with Calc 1 and seeking additional resources for support.

2. Will I be at a disadvantage if I switch to Calc 2?

Switching to Calc 2 may put you at a slight disadvantage, as you will have missed some of the foundational concepts covered in Calc 1. However, if you are able to catch up on these concepts and are willing to put in the extra effort, you can still be successful in Calc 2.

3. How will dropping Calc 1 affect my academic progress?

Dropping Calc 1 will likely delay your progress towards completing your degree, as you will need to retake the course at a later time. However, it is important to prioritize your understanding and mastery of the material rather than rushing through the course and potentially struggling in future math courses.

4. What resources are available to help me succeed in Calc 1?

There are many resources available to help you succeed in Calc 1, including tutoring services, study groups, and online resources. Your professor or academic advisor can also provide guidance and support in finding the best resources for your specific needs.

5. How do I know if I am ready for Calc 2?

If you have a strong understanding of the concepts covered in Calc 1 and feel confident in your ability to apply them, you may be ready for Calc 2. However, it is important to assess your own understanding and seek guidance from your professor or academic advisor if you are unsure.

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