What Will the Concentration of Uranium 235 Be in One Billion Years?

In summary, the concentration of uranium 235 in naturally occurring uranium deposits is currently 0.77% and it is expected to decrease to approximately 0.69% in one billion years. This calculation is based on the equation N(t) = No e^ -(ln(2)/half-life)t and a half-life of 7.04E8 years. However, the calculation does not account for the decay of U-238, which may have a small impact on the final concentration. It is assumed that the decay of U-238 can be ignored for this problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

At present, the concentration of uranium 235 in naturally occurring uranium deposits is approximately 0.77%. What will the concentration be one billion years from now?

Homework Equations

N(t) = No e^ -(ln(2)/half-life)t

The Attempt at a Solution

i attempted this problem and got an answer of .69%.. What i did was put XNo= .77No e^ -(ln(2)/half-life)t .. that was the No can cancel out.. and then I just solved for X.. I feel like I am close but just making a slight mistake.
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  • #2

You need to know the half-life of uranium to solve this problem.
  • #3

well i looked it up and found that it was equal to 7.04E8.. sorry that i did not include this information.. it wasn't included in the original question but i looked it up in the textbook.. but with that information, am i going about solving the problem correctly?
  • #4

Your equation is right, although that .77 should either be .77% or .0077. I get something around half the value you reported when I plug the half-life and 1 Billion years into my calculator.

One thing you're not accounting for is the decay of the U-238 though. Does the problem say to ignore that? About 15% of it would decay away in a billion years and you would have to account for that to get the new concentration of U-235.
  • #5

U-235 is not part of the decay chain of U-238, so the U-238 decay does not matter here.

I agree with Grogs, the % U-235 is less than the .69% calculated by JDioro. JDioro, what do you calculate for the quantity:


It's probably a simple arithmetic error somewhere.
  • #6

Redbelly98 said:
U-235 is not part of the decay chain of U-238, so the U-238 decay does not matter here.

It's not in the decay chain, but it is in the denominator of the equation used to find the fraction of U-235 in natural uranium:

frac(U-235) = N(235) / [N(235) + N(238)] (Ignoring the really small amount of U-234)

That's why most of the times I saw this type of question in basic physics courses the question stated to ignore U-238 decay. Otherwise you have to solve for both and find the new fraction.

If the question is asking what's the concentration in the rock (it seems a little ambiguous the way it's worded - "uranium deposit" sounds like we're just talking just uranium enrichment) then the U-238 just converts to Th-234 and so on so you don't have to account for it. If you're just doing basic radioactive decay I suspect that's what the instructor is looking for, but it's good to state that you're making that assumption.
  • #7

my calculations were as follows:

(ln(2)/half-life)t = .0985

and then i just calculate e^ -.0985 and now i got .906.. and then when i multiply by the .77 I get .697
  • #8

If the half-life is 7.04e8 years, and t=1e9 years, then that expression should be 0.985, not 0.0985.

Grogs said:
It's not in the decay chain, but it is in the denominator of the equation used to find the fraction of U-235 in natural uranium:
Yes, good point. But I agree, we're probably supposed to ignore that, and that should have been stated explicitly.
  • #9

UGH!... I am using the E button on my calculator and didn't account for an extra.. i was doing 1E8 instead of 10E8.. thanks for the help.. really appreciate it..

FAQ: What Will the Concentration of Uranium 235 Be in One Billion Years?

1. What is Half-life?

Half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of a given sample of a radioactive substance to decay into a more stable form.

2. How is the half-life of a substance determined?

The half-life of a substance is determined by its rate of decay, which is a constant value unique to each radioactive substance. This rate is typically measured through experiments and observations.

3. What is the formula for calculating half-life?

The formula for calculating half-life is t1/2 = ln(2) / λ, where t1/2 is the half-life, ln(2) is the natural logarithm of 2, and λ is the decay constant.

4. Can the half-life of a substance change?

No, the half-life of a substance is a constant value that is determined by its rate of decay and cannot be changed.

5. How is half-life used in real-world applications?

Half-life is used in various fields, such as medicine and environmental science, to determine the time it takes for a radioactive substance to decay and become safe to handle or to monitor the decay of pollutants in the environment.
