What is secondary active transport?

  • Thread starter sameeralord
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In summary, the conversation discusses the mechanism of membrane transport, specifically how molecules attach to carrier proteins without the use of ATP. The general idea is that ATP energy is used to create a concentration and electrical gradient for one substance, which is then used to transport another substance against its concentration gradient. An example of this is the SGLT1 glucose transporter protein, which moves Na+ ions in the direction of their electrochemical gradient and glucose molecules against their concentration gradient using stored energy from ATP.
  • #1

Ok I researched it but I don't understand. What I understand is that when one molecule normally diffuses(high to low) another molecule from a (low to high gradient) attaches to the carrier protein. How does this molecule attach without ATP? I don't get it. Any help would be appreciated. I'm talking about membrane transport of course!
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  • #2
Im not sure which part of the mechanism are you not understanding, but the general idea is quit simple. ATP energy is spent to create concentration and possible also electrical gradient for one substance across cell membrane and the other substance is transported together with the first substance by using this stored energy. Good example is SGLT1 glucose transporter protein, that moves Na+ ions in the direction of their electrochemical gradient and glucose molecules against their concentration gradient. Energy for this still comes from ATP, but is stored as electrochemical gradient and then its used for transport purpose.
  • #3

Secondary active transport is a type of transport mechanism in which a molecule is transported across a cell membrane against its concentration gradient, using the energy stored in the electrochemical gradient of another molecule. This type of transport does not directly require the use of ATP, but rather uses the energy from the electrochemical gradient of the other molecule to drive the transport.

In secondary active transport, the movement of one molecule down its concentration gradient provides the energy needed to transport another molecule against its concentration gradient. This is achieved through the use of carrier proteins, which bind to both molecules and facilitate their movement across the membrane.

To answer your question about how the molecule attaches to the carrier protein without ATP, it is important to understand that carrier proteins have specific binding sites for the molecules they transport. When the molecule with a higher concentration outside the cell binds to the carrier protein, it causes a conformational change in the protein that allows the molecule with a lower concentration inside the cell to bind as well. This binding process releases the energy needed to transport the molecule against its concentration gradient.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the concept of secondary active transport for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

FAQ: What is secondary active transport?

1. What is secondary active transport?

Secondary active transport is a process in which molecules are transported across a cell membrane against their concentration gradient, using energy derived from the movement of another molecule down its concentration gradient. This type of transport is different from primary active transport, which uses ATP as the direct source of energy.

2. How does secondary active transport work?

Secondary active transport relies on the existence of a concentration gradient of one molecule, created by primary active transport, to drive the movement of another molecule against its concentration gradient. The energy stored in the concentration gradient of the first molecule is used to transport the second molecule across the membrane.

3. What types of molecules are transported through secondary active transport?

Secondary active transport can transport a variety of molecules, including ions, amino acids, sugars, and neurotransmitters. These molecules are typically too large or too charged to pass through the cell membrane on their own, so they require the assistance of secondary active transport to enter or exit the cell.

4. Where does secondary active transport occur in the body?

Secondary active transport occurs in all living cells, as it is an essential process for maintaining proper cellular function. It is particularly important in the cells of the digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems, where the movement of molecules is crucial for nutrient absorption, gas exchange, and cell signaling.

5. What is the importance of secondary active transport?

Secondary active transport is essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis and for the proper functioning of various organs and systems in the body. It allows cells to transport necessary molecules against their concentration gradient, which is critical for processes such as nutrient absorption, waste removal, and cell signaling. Without secondary active transport, these vital functions would not be possible.

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