Superluminal instantaneous influence

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of superluminal instantaneous influence in entanglement after measurement. The question is raised whether this influence also occurs before measurement and if the EPR effect applies even without measurement. The expert suggests that correlation and causation are distinct concepts and that these concepts can only be applied to an ensemble, not a single instance of an experiment. The expert recommends investing in a copy of Ballentine for a more comprehensive understanding of these concepts.
  • #1

it is well known that after measurement, there is a superluminal instantaneous influence (but not really communication) in entanglement.

I wonder if such influence also happens everytime before measurement as well?

i would be very grateful to read your reply!
Physics news on
  • #2

scope said:
it is well known that after measurement, there is a superluminal instantaneous influence
(but not really communication) in entanglement.

It's not "influence" (which is another term for "causation"), but rather correlation.

Correlation and causation are very distinct concepts.
  • #3

anyway, the question is: does the same happen both before and after measurement?
  • #4

scope said:
anyway, the question is: does the same happen both before and after measurement?

One can't correlate the results of measurements before those measurements
have been performed, i.e., before the results exist.
  • #5

ok, and what if, before the measurement, the state of the first particle is modified. would the state of the second particle in entanglement be modified to verify again the correlations?. in other words, does the EPR effect applies even without measurement?
  • #6

scope said:
ok, and what if, before the measurement, the state of the first particle is modified. would the state of the second particle in entanglement be modified to verify again the correlations? in other words, does the EPR effect applies even without measurement?

Correlation, expectation values, etc, etc, are concepts that apply to an ensemble.
But you're trying to think of them in the context of a single instance of an experiment.

I don't think there's much more I can usefully say here in a few lines except "invest
in a copy of Ballentine". He discusses all this stuff much better and more comprehensively
than I could ever do here.

FAQ: Superluminal instantaneous influence

What is superluminal instantaneous influence?

Superluminal instantaneous influence is a theoretical concept in physics that suggests the possibility of information or influence traveling faster than the speed of light. It challenges the currently accepted principle of relativity, which states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Is superluminal instantaneous influence possible?

At this time, there is no evidence or scientific proof that superluminal instantaneous influence exists or is possible. It remains a theoretical concept and has not been observed or replicated in experiments.

What are the implications of superluminal instantaneous influence?

If superluminal instantaneous influence were to be proven possible, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It could potentially open up new possibilities for faster communication and travel, but it could also challenge our current scientific theories and models.

How is superluminal instantaneous influence different from faster-than-light travel?

Superluminal instantaneous influence is not the same as faster-than-light travel. While both involve the speed of information or influence, superluminal instantaneous influence suggests that the information or influence is transmitted instantaneously, while faster-than-light travel suggests that an object is physically moving faster than the speed of light.

What research is being done on superluminal instantaneous influence?

Currently, there is limited research being done on superluminal instantaneous influence due to the lack of evidence and understanding of the concept. However, some scientists are exploring the possibility through theoretical and experimental studies, but more research is needed to fully understand this concept.
