Batteries connected in parallel

In summary, connecting two batteries with different output voltages in parallel is not recommended because it can lead to overcurrent and potential damage to the batteries. It is also not possible to reverse the position of one of the batteries to prevent this issue. If the two batteries have similar output voltages, they will still fight each other and reach an intermediate output voltage.
  • #1
What will happen if two batteries were connected in parallel, and how could the total voltage and current be distributed among the resistors?
Like in this attachment considering that the internal resistance of the 12V battery is 3 ohms while the resistance of the 5V battery is 2 ohms
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  • #2
ElmorshedyDr said:
What will happen if two batteries were connected in parallel, and how could the total voltage and current be distributed among the resistors?
Like in this attachment considering that the internal resistance of the 12V battery is 3 ohms while the resistance of the 5V battery is 2 ohms
View attachment 66866

The 5V battery will likely catch fire.

Voltage sources are not connected in parallel, unless their output voltages are closely matched.
  • #3
berkeman said:
The 5V battery will likely catch fire.
Voltage sources are not connected in parallel, unless their output voltages are closely matched.
Why would it catch fire ??
  • #4
ElmorshedyDr said:
Why would it catch fire ??

Because you are driving an overcurrent backward through the 5V battery (and drawing a large current out of the 12V battery). That's generally a bad thing to do with batteries, depending on what chemistry they are.

An ideal voltage source has a very low output resistance, so when you try to connect voltage sources of different output voltages in parallel, you will be drawing large currents and forcing large reverse currents. Not a good idea.

Voltage sources can be connected in series, and current sources can be connected in parallel.
  • #5
berkeman said:
Because you are driving an overcurrent backward through the 5V battery (and drawing a large current out of the 12V battery). That's generally a bad thing to do with batteries, depending on what chemistry they are.
An ideal voltage source has a very low output resistance, so when you try to connect voltage sources of different output voltages in parallel, you will be drawing large currents and forcing large reverse currents. Not a good idea.
Voltage sources can be connected in series, and current sources can be connected in parallel.
I want to overlook all the problems that might arise due to this connection, I will prevent the reverse current by readjusting the position of one of the sources and I will control the situation by perfect, ideal circumstances to prevent any damage, even If that's impossible, I'm just curios how would the voltage and current be distributed among the resistors (theoretically speaking).
  • #6
I will prevent the reverse current by readjusting the position of one of the sources

and how do you propose to do that ?

  • #7
davenn said:
and how do you propose to do that ?

I'll make the two sources pump voltage in the same direction
  • #8
again how will you do that

show us how ( I know how, I want to see if you do )

  • #9
davenn said:
again how will you do that
show us how ( I know how, I want to see if you do )
I'm not the one who did this circuit I just found it on one of the websites and I copied it here I don't know how can I show you, I'm just saying in this circuit I'll reverse the position of one of the sources
  • #10
ElmorshedyDr said:
I'm not the one who did this circuit I just found it on one of the websites and I copied it here I don't know how can I show you, I'm just saying in this circuit I'll reverse the position of one of the sources

If you do that with batteries, you will most likely damage one or both of them.

If you do it with power supplies, the higher voltage power supply will supply all of the load resistor current, and the lower voltage power supply will not supply any current to the load (its output would be shut off by the higher voltage at its output.
  • #11
ElmorshedyDr said:
I'm not the one who did this circuit I just found it on one of the websites and I copied it here I don't know how can I show you, I'm just saying in this circuit I'll reverse the position of one of the sources

Huh? What does that even MEAN ?
  • #12
berkeman said:
If you do that with batteries, you will most likely damage one or both of them.
If you do it with power supplies, the higher voltage power supply will supply all of the load resistor current, and the lower voltage power supply will not supply any current to the load (its output would be shut off by the higher voltage at its output.
Thanks a lot that's a clear answer, I just want to ask one more thing, what if the voltage of both sources were nearly equal as you mentioned earlier
  • #13
ElmorshedyDr said:
Thanks a lot that's a clear answer, I just want to ask one more thing, what if the voltage of both sources were nearly equal as you mentioned earlier

If they are batteries, they will fight each other a little bit, but level off at some intermediate output voltage.

For power supplies, the higher voltage will still dominate and shut off the lower voltage power supply. Most power supplies can only source current, they cannot sink current. So the lower voltage power supply will basically have its output stage shut off by the higher voltage power supply.

There are some very sophisticated systems that have multiple power supplies that share sourcing current for loads, or act as redundant backup supplies to be sure that the failure of one power supply will not take down the system.
  • #14
berkeman said:
If they are batteries, they will fight each other a little bit, but level off at some intermediate output voltage.
How is the intermediate voltage calculated?
  • #15
ElmorshedyDr said:
I'm not the one who did this circuit I just found it on one of the websites and I copied it here I don't know how can I show you, I'm just saying in this circuit I'll reverse the position of one of the source

but you are the one making a claim/statement. so why make the statement if you can't show how you will do it ? It makes the whole point of what you are talking about meaningless.

the whole idea here is to help further one's education. If you don't know how to do it or show how its done, don't claim that you can :smile:

instead ask how it can be done :smile:

  • #16
davenn said:
but you are the one making a claim/statement. so why make the statement if you can't show how you will do it ? It makes the whole point of what you are talking about meaningless.
the whole idea here is to help further one's education. If you don't know how to do it or show how its done, don't claim that you can :smile:
instead ask how it can be done :smile:
You really misunderstand what I meant by " I can't show it ", I meant that I don't have any kind of software to redraw the circuit that visualizes what I mean. So I'm saying it in words instead of a diagram.
  • #17
ElmorshedyDr said:
How is the intermediate voltage calculated?

It would depend on the relative sizes of the batteries and their state of charge. Given the same size/capacity batteries with equal charges but off by 0.2V in their output voltages, the sum would close to the average output voltage.
  • #18
berkeman said:
It would depend on the relative sizes of the batteries and their state of charge. Given the same size/capacity batteries with equal charges but off by 0.2V in their output voltages, the sum would close to the average output voltage.
Thumbs up, I'm really grateful
  • #19
ElmorshedyDr said:
Thumbs up, I'm really grateful

Glad to help. Keep in mind that many vehicles have dual-battery systems for extra reliability. You might try a Google or Wikipedia search on those to see how they are connected in real life.
  • #20
ElmorshedyDr said:
How is the intermediate voltage calculated?

Consider the following circuit:

The voltage at the node between the resistors is:

V = (V1/R1+V2/R3)/(1/R1+1/R3+1/R2)

Suppose R1 = R3 = R. Then:

V = (1/R)(V1+V2)/(2/R+1/R2)
V = (V1+V2)/(2+R/R2)

Now let R go to zero, and you end up with that illegal circuit you had in the first image. Of course, we've made some illegal assumptions, so it's probably not what happens in reality, but it sort of captures the idea. Assuming your batteries don't blow up, the average voltage will be close to the output voltage.

The idea of a battery is that it pumps out as much current as possible to sustain a given voltage. However, in your illegal circuit, neither battery pumps out the correct amount of current to produce the correct voltage. Both batteries are still going to pump out what current they believe are correct, but the excess charge is going to travel from the stronger battery (12 V) to the weaker one (5 V) and mess with whatever chemical reaction is going on inside (which is described by the Nernst equation).

FAQ: Batteries connected in parallel

1. How do batteries connected in parallel differ from batteries connected in series?

When batteries are connected in parallel, the positive terminals are connected together and the negative terminals are connected together. This means that the voltage remains the same, but the capacity (or total charge) of the batteries increases. In contrast, when batteries are connected in series, the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of the next battery, resulting in an increase in voltage but no change in capacity.

2. What is the benefit of connecting batteries in parallel?

The main benefit of connecting batteries in parallel is that it increases the overall capacity of the battery bank. This means that the batteries can hold more charge and last longer, making them ideal for use in high-power devices or applications that require a lot of energy.

3. Can different types or sizes of batteries be connected in parallel?

Yes, different types or sizes of batteries can be connected in parallel as long as they have the same voltage. However, it is recommended to use batteries of the same type and capacity to ensure proper and efficient functioning.

4. What happens if one battery in a parallel connection fails?

If one battery in a parallel connection fails, the other batteries will continue to provide power. However, the failed battery will need to be replaced in order to restore the full capacity of the battery bank.

5. Are there any risks associated with connecting batteries in parallel?

Yes, there are some risks associated with connecting batteries in parallel. If the batteries are not balanced (i.e. if one battery has a higher charge than the others), it can lead to overcharging or discharging of the batteries, which can reduce their lifespan. It is important to regularly check the voltage and capacity of each battery in a parallel connection to ensure they are balanced.
