Exploring the Possibilities of 4-Dimensional Space: Is It Achievable?

  • Thread starter AnthreX
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In summary: But to visualize a 5 dimensional object you would need to visualize all 6 dimensions at the same time which is near impossible).In summary, there is up to 3-D but it's 4-D possible.
  • #1
there is up to 3-D but

is 4-D possible ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you mean physically? There was already some hints against it from renormalization theory, and now recently I have noticed additional restrictions could come from quantum mechanics and from gravity.

There are mathematical spaces beyond 3d of course, but the point is if dinamical interacting theories can be consistently built.
  • #3
In what sense? "dimension", in its most general definition, just means how many numbers you need to identify something of interest. If I'm draw a graph in the plane, I need two numbers to identify each point- that's two dimensional. If I am drawing graphs in space I need 3 numbers- three dimensional. Physicist work, most fundamentally, with "events": things that happen at a particular point at a particular time. That requires 4 numbers- 3 numbers to identify the point and one number to identify the time: 4 dimensions (and the "fourth dimension" is time).

If, instead of individual points, I were doing a problem envolving a stick moving through the air, I might use 3 numbers to identify the position of one end, one number for the time, and two more numbers to identify angles the stick makes with the coordinate axes (so that I can identify the position of any point on the stick at any time): that's 6 dimensional!

Even more complex is dealing with a plasma: I might have thousands of ions (call it n) all at different positions moving at different velocities. Two determine that exactly, I would need to identify the position of each ion (3 numbers each) as well as the velocity of each ion (another 3 numbers each) at time t (one number). That's a total of 6n+ 1 dimensions for some extremely large n!

And that's talking about physics. If you get in abstract mathematics, anything goes! The theory of "fractals" deals with fractional dimensions. In particular, the "Cantor ternary set" has dimension log(3)/log(2).
  • #4
3-d 4-d 11-d

The fourth dimension is time

But now with the production of superstring theory it requires there to be a minimum of 11 dimensions (that some describe twisted) When Superstring theory first came out it called for over 100 dimenions but now its down to 11 minimum. (you see it is very easy to add a dimension mathmatically although hard if not impossible to visually be able to have a concept of them for example volume of box is side A * side B * side C = volume Therefore a volume of a 5 dimensional object would be side1*side2*side3*side4*side5=volume.

FAQ: Exploring the Possibilities of 4-Dimensional Space: Is It Achievable?

1. What is a "4 - Dimensional" object?

A 4-dimensional object is an object that exists in four dimensions, which are length, width, height, and time. It is difficult for humans to visualize 4-dimensional objects because we only experience 3 dimensions in our daily lives.

2. How is time considered a dimension in a 4-dimensional object?

In a 4-dimensional object, time is considered the fourth dimension. This means that the object's position and movement are described not only by its three spatial dimensions, but also by its position in time.

3. Can we see or experience 4-dimensional objects in real life?

No, humans cannot see or experience 4-dimensional objects in real life because our physical world is limited to 3 dimensions. However, scientists and mathematicians use mathematical models and equations to understand and study 4-dimensional objects.

4. How is the concept of a 4-dimensional object relevant in science?

The concept of a 4-dimensional object is relevant in various fields of science, such as physics and cosmology. It helps scientists understand the nature of space, time, and the universe. It is also used in mathematical models and theories, such as Einstein's theory of general relativity.

5. Is time travel possible in a 4-dimensional world?

In theory, time travel may be possible in a 4-dimensional world. However, the concept of time travel is still a topic of debate and is not currently possible with our current understanding of physics.

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