Expansion of the Universe - Closed Universe

In summary, there is still much debate around the fate of the expanding Universe. Some theories suggest that it will continue to expand forever, while others propose that it will eventually slow down and collapse back in on itself. However, we cannot yet prove these theories as we need to understand if matter is forming faster than empty space, and if the universe is becoming more dense at a constant, increasing, or decreasing rate. Some evidence suggests that the universe is becoming less dense as it expands, and that mass is not being created but rather objects are receding from each other.
  • #1
Ralph Bucking
The Universe is expanding at an increasing rate, and from what I've read there is still much debate around its fate. Will it continue to expand forever, slow to a constant rate of expansion, or slow and fall back in on itself?

Why can we not yet prove that the Universe will eventually fall back in on itself? Gravity is a function of mass so if at some point in the future more mass exists than space in the universe it will begin to decelerate its expansion and eventually fall back in on itself. So we just need to be able to answer the following question; Is the formation of matter occurring faster than the formation of empty space? Or, Is the universe becoming more dense? And of course, is it becoming denser at a constant rate, increasing rate, or decreasing rate. The conundrum eventually becomes; how many integrals of this thought process are required to reach a constant?

If everything started as a huge cloud of gas following the big bang it stands to reason the universe is getting more dense, because it certainly isn't gas now (of coarse there's still the issue of how fast is empty space being created). I'm just surprised we haven't thought of a way to prove a constant exists that supports the theory that the universe is becoming more dense and will eventually collapse back in on itself.
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  • #2
I mean you no disrespect, but this is all so wrong I hardly know where to start.

Yes, you do have it right that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate but how you can use this to conclude that the universe is becoming more dense and should collapse is completely beyond me.

As far as current evidence goes, the univese is becoming MUCH less and less dense and will continue that exponentially. Even if the "big rip" scenario does not take place, and many physicists say it is unlikely, the very best that will happen is that each galaxy will become isolated in its own observable universe until it eventually goes cold and even black holes evaporate.

If the "big rip" does take place then everything down to fundamental particles will separate and eventually become their own observable universe although by that time I'm not clear that "observable universe" will be a particularly meaningful phrase since things won't be radiating photons towards each other.
  • #3
Ralph Bucking said:
Why can we not yet prove that the Universe will eventually fall back in on itself? Gravity is a function of mass so if at some point in the future more mass exists than space in the universe it will begin to decelerate its expansion and eventually fall back in on itself. So we just need to be able to answer the following question; Is the formation of matter occurring faster than the formation of empty space? Or, Is the universe becoming more dense? And of course, is it becoming denser at a constant rate, increasing rate, or decreasing rate. The conundrum eventually becomes; how many integrals of this thought process are required to reach a constant?

Matter isn't being formed anymore except in extremely tiny amounts that have no consequence to the universe as a whole. Practically all matter in the universe today was formed in the early universe as Hydrogen and Helium. Once stars formed they began to convert these two light elements into heavier ones. All elements heavier than Helium are the result of nuclear fusion inside stars. (Except for trace amounts of some lighter elements like lithium that were produced in the early universe as well)

So mass is not being created, the universe is expanding, and the gravitation between distant parts of space falls off as things recede from each other.

If everything started as a huge cloud of gas following the big bang it stands to reason the universe is getting more dense, because it certainly isn't gas now (of coarse there's still the issue of how fast is empty space being created). I'm just surprised we haven't thought of a way to prove a constant exists that supports the theory that the universe is becoming more dense and will eventually collapse back in on itself.

Locally things get denser, as gas clouds collapse into stars and planets and such. However when you look at the observable universe as a whole you will see that density is far far less than it was in the early universe thanks to expansion.

Also, you seem to think space is "being created". This isn't really true. All that is happening is that objects are receding from other objects. Saying space is being created brings up other issues. For example, what is space? If it can be "created" it must be something right? Well, we don't know. There isn't an easy answer for this.

FAQ: Expansion of the Universe - Closed Universe

What is the "closed universe" model?

The closed universe model is a theoretical concept in cosmology where the universe is finite, meaning it has a specific size and shape. In this model, the universe has a closed geometry, similar to a sphere, where if one were to travel in a straight line, they would eventually return to their starting point.

What evidence supports the idea of a closed universe?

There are a few pieces of evidence that support the concept of a closed universe. One is the observed overall shape of the universe, which appears to be curved. Additionally, measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the leftover radiation from the Big Bang, also suggest a closed geometry for the universe.

How does the expansion of the universe play into the closed universe model?

In the closed universe model, the expansion of the universe is still occurring. However, the rate of expansion is not enough to counteract the gravitational pull of matter in the universe. This means that the universe will eventually stop expanding and begin to contract, ultimately leading to a "Big Crunch" where all matter in the universe collapses into a single point.

What is the difference between a closed universe and an open universe?

A closed universe is finite and has a closed geometry, while an open universe is infinite and has a flat or open geometry. In the open universe model, the expansion of the universe will continue indefinitely, with no eventual collapse.

What implications does the closed universe model have for the fate of the universe?

If the closed universe model is correct, then the universe will eventually collapse in on itself, leading to the end of everything. However, this is just one possible model and there are other theories about the ultimate fate of the universe, such as the Big Freeze or the Big Rip.
