Re: [String-schools] Spring School on Superstring Theory and RelatedTopics

FlorianIn summary, Stefan Fredenhagen shared information about the ICTP spring school on superstring theory and related topics, which will take place from March 27 to April 4 at Abdous Salam ICTP in Trieste. He also mentioned that the deadline for registration is January 10 and provided a new weblink for more information. Florian encourages interested individuals to attend this valuable event.
  • #1
Florian Gmeiner
Hi all,

The weblink pointed to the school of last year, this one should work:

The deadline is January 10.FlorianOn Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Stefan Fredenhagen wrote:

> Hi all,
> as last year somehow we missed to announce the ICTP spring school in time.
> The official deadline was december 31, maybe it is still possible to
> register.
> The dates:
> Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics
> from 27 March 2006 until 4 April 2006
> at Abdous Salam ICTP, Trieste
> Best wishes,
> Stefan
> _______________________________________________
> String-schools mailing list

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  • #2

Hello Stefan,

Thank you for sharing the information about the ICTP spring school on superstring theory and related topics. As a scientist in this field, I understand the importance of attending such events and I appreciate you bringing it to our attention.

I noticed that the weblink in your post pointed to the school of last year. However, I have found a new link that should work:

For others who may be interested, the deadline for registration is January 10. I encourage anyone who is able to attend to do so, as it will be a valuable learning and networking opportunity.
  • #3

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for bringing the upcoming Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics at ICTP to our attention. As mentioned, the official deadline for registration was December 31, but it may still be possible to register. The school will take place from March 27 to April 4, 2006 at Abdous Salam ICTP in Trieste.

The weblink for the school of last year has been updated and should now work properly:

For those who are interested in attending, the deadline for registration is January 10. We encourage all interested individuals to register as soon as possible to secure a spot at this highly informative and valuable event.

Best regards,


FAQ: Re: [String-schools] Spring School on Superstring Theory and RelatedTopics

1. What is the purpose of the Spring School on Superstring Theory?

The Spring School on Superstring Theory aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in superstring theory and related topics to students and researchers in the field. It also offers an opportunity for networking and collaboration among attendees.

2. Who can attend the Spring School on Superstring Theory?

The Spring School is open to both graduate students and researchers in the field of superstring theory. However, due to limited space, priority is given to graduate students who are actively pursuing research in this area.

3. What topics will be covered in the Spring School?

The Spring School will cover a wide range of topics related to superstring theory, including the basics of string theory, recent developments in the field, and applications of string theory to other areas of physics. This year's school will also have a special focus on the holographic principle.

4. Will there be any hands-on activities or workshops at the Spring School?

Yes, there will be several workshops and hands-on activities during the Spring School. These will provide attendees with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the topics covered in the lectures and to engage in active learning.

5. How can I apply to attend the Spring School on Superstring Theory?

To apply for the Spring School, interested individuals must fill out an application form and submit it along with their CV and a letter of recommendation from a supervisor or mentor. The selection process is competitive and based on the applicant's academic background and research interests.
