Is every metric space a hausdorff space too?

In summary, we discussed the concept of Hausdorff space and how it relates to metric spaces. We also examined a proof for why every metric space must be Hausdorff and questioned if there are any interesting non-Hausdorff spaces. Examples of non-Hausdorff spaces were given, including the indiscrete and Sierpinski topologies, and their applications in algebraic geometry and computer science were mentioned. Further study in algebraic geometry may be necessary to fully understand non-Hausdorff spaces.
  • #1
I've encountered the term Hausdorff space in an introductory book about Topology. I was thinking how a topological space can be non-Hausdorff because I believe every metric space must be Hausdorff and metric spaces are the only topological spaces that I'm familiar with. my argument is, take two distinct points of a topological space like p and q and choose two neighborhoods each containing one of the two points with the radius d(p,q)/2. Now I claim that these two neighborhoods must be disjoint. Suppose that they are not disjoint, therefore there must exists a z such that z lies in both neighborhoods. using the triangle inequality, I can say that d(p,q)<=d(p,z)+d(z,q). since z is in both neighborhoods we have: d(p,z)<d(p,q)/2 and d(z,q)<d(p,q)/2. using the triangle inequality again we obtain: d(p,q)<=d(p,z)+d(z,q)<d(p,q)/2 + d(p,q)/2 = d(p,q) which is a contradiction. therefore every metric space must be Hausdorff. is this a correct argument?

Now, How can we find a non-Hausdorff space? such a space must be so interesting because we can't distinguish between two points intuitively. am I right? Is there any famous examples of a non-Hausdorff space that can be visualized or understood intuitively?
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  • #2
AdrianZ said:
I've encountered the term Hausdorff space in an introductory book about Topology. I was thinking how a topological space can be non-Hausdorff because I believe every metric space must be Hausdorff and metric spaces are the only topological spaces that I'm familiar with. my argument is, take two distinct points of a topological space like p and q and choose two neighborhoods each containing one of the two points with the radius d(p,q)/2. Now I claim that these two neighborhoods must be disjoint. Suppose that they are not disjoint, therefore there must exists a z such that z lies in both neighborhoods. using the triangle inequality, I can say that d(p,q)<=d(p,z)+d(z,q). since z is in both neighborhoods we have: d(p,z)<d(p,q)/2 and d(z,q)<d(p,q)/2. using the triangle inequality again we obtain: d(p,q)<=d(p,z)+d(z,q)<d(p,q)/2 + d(p,q)/2 = d(p,q) which is a contradiction. therefore every metric space must be Hausdorff. is this a correct argument?

Now, How can we find a non-Hausdorff space? such a space must be so interesting because we can't distinguish between two points intuitively. am I right? Is there any famous examples of a non-Hausdorff space that can be visualized or understood intuitively?

Yes, your proof is absolutely correct! A metric space is indeed a Hausdorff space (and it's even much more than that!).

Non-Hausdorff spaces can be interesting or boring. Here are some examples:
- Take an arbitrary set X and define [itex]\emptyset[/itex] and X as its only open sets. Then if [itex]X\geq 2[/itex], then it's non-Hausdorff. This is called the indiscrete or trivial topology.
- Take the set {0,1} and define [itex]\emptyset[/itex], {0} and {0,1} as its only open sets. This is non-Hausdorff. It is called the Sierpinski topology
- The most interesting class of non-Hausdorff spaces are the affine schemes with the Zariski topology. But these spaces are too complicated to be able to give a nice description here.
  • #3
A much more interesting topology is to take an arbitrary infinite set X, and define

[tex]\mathcal{T}=\{A\subseteq X~\vert~X\setminus A~\text{is finite or entire}~X\}[/tex]

this is called the cofinite topology (and it's very close to being the Zariski-topology on a scheme). As you can see, it's open sets are verry large. And this is typical for non-Hausdorff spaces. These spaces intuitively have very large open sets which fail to distinguish between points.
  • #4
I see. thanks for the examples.
I don't understand this one:
Then if X≥2, then it's non-Hausdorff.
what does X≥2 mean here? Can't we equip the trivial topology with the discrete metric? I mean the function that gives 0 when p=q and gives 1 otherwise.

Are non-Hausdorff spaces interesting only for pure mathematicians or there are applications for those spaces as well? Is there any geometrical application for non-Hausdorff spaces?
  • #5
AdrianZ said:
I see. thanks for the examples.
I don't understand this one:

what does X≥2 mean here? Can't we equip the trivial topology with the discrete metric? I mean the function that gives 0 when p=q and gives 1 otherwise.

No, that would induce the discrete topology. That is the topology in which all sets are open. Here we're talking about the indiscrete topology where only [itex]\emptyset[/itex] and X are open. So there are only 2 open sets!

With [itex]X\geq 2[/itex], I meant [itex]|X|\geq 2[/itex] (so the number of elements in X is 2 or more). I made a typo :frown:

Are non-Hausdorff spaces interesting only for pure mathematicians or there are applications for those spaces as well? Is there any geometrical application for non-Hausdorff spaces?

They are being studied in algebraic geometry. And they are very important in algebraic geometry! Algebraic geometry is being used in physics and string theory. So I guess that non-Hausdorff spaces have applications outside of mathematics as well.
Another famous non-Hausdorff topology is the Scott topology. This topology is used in computer science a lot!
  • #6
micromass said:
No, that would induce the discrete topology. That is the topology in which all sets are open. Here we're talking about the indiscrete topology where only [itex]\emptyset[/itex] and X are open. So there are only 2 open sets!

With [itex]X\geq 2[/itex], I meant [itex]|X|\geq 2[/itex] (so the number of elements in X is 2 or more). I made a typo :frown:
I see. How do you say that the discrete metric induces the topology in which all sets are open? you're using the definition of an open set that every point of it must be internal?

They are being studied in algebraic geometry. And they are very important in algebraic geometry! Algebraic geometry is being used in physics and string theory. So I guess that non-Hausdorff spaces have applications outside of mathematics as well.
Another famous non-Hausdorff topology is the Scott topology. This topology is used in computer science a lot!

Sounds quite interesting. looking forward to studying them one day soon :frown: what prerequisites do I need to know to understand algebraic geometry? I already have read baby Herstein and have watched Gilbert Strang's linear algebra lectures on MIT and Harvard's abstract algebra lectures. Is that enough to understand a bit of algebraic geometry or I still need to learn a lot before I try to read a book about algebraic geometry?
  • #7
AdrianZ said:
I see. How do you say that the discrete metric induces the topology in which all sets are open? you're using the definition of an open set that every point of it must be internal?

The easiest way to see this is to look at the open balls. Let x be an arbitrary point, then B(x,1/2)={x}. This means that all the singletons are open. But arbitrary unions of open sets are open, thus this means that all sets are open (since all sets are the union of its singletons).
Sounds quite interesting. looking forward to studying them one day soon :frown: what prerequisites do I need to know to understand algebraic geometry? I already have read baby Herstein and have watched Gilbert Strang's linear algebra lectures on MIT and Harvard's abstract algebra lectures. Is that enough to understand a bit of algebraic geometry or I still need to learn a lot before I try to read a book about algebraic geometry?

You need to know abstract algebra very well. Certainly ring-theory. Be acquainted with prime ideals, maximal ideal, noetherian rings, etc. Herstein is a good book, and I also recommend Artin's algebra.

If you're comfortable with ring theory (and a bit of module theory), then you can study algebraic geometry. The absolute best books for undergraduates is (according to me) "Lectures on Curves, Surfaces and Projective Varieties" by Beltrametti. It assumes a knowledge of projective geometry, ring theory and a bit of topology.

Another great resource, but a bit more advanced are Milne's lecture notes:
  • #8
The converse is useful to verify if some topological space is metrizable: if it's not a Hausdorff space, it can't be metrizable.

FAQ: Is every metric space a hausdorff space too?

1. What is a metric space?

A metric space is a mathematical concept that is used to describe the distance between points in a set. It consists of a set of points and a distance function that defines the distance between any two points in the set.

2. What is a Hausdorff space?

A Hausdorff space is a type of topological space that satisfies the Hausdorff axiom, which states that for any two distinct points in the space, there exist open sets that contain one point but not the other. This axiom ensures that there is enough separation between points in the space.

3. Is every metric space a Hausdorff space too?

No, not every metric space is a Hausdorff space. While all Hausdorff spaces are metric spaces, the converse is not true. There are metric spaces that do not satisfy the Hausdorff axiom, such as the discrete metric space.

4. What is an example of a metric space that is not a Hausdorff space?

An example of a metric space that is not a Hausdorff space is the discrete metric space, where the distance between any two distinct points is 1. In this space, there are no open sets that contain only one point, so it does not satisfy the Hausdorff axiom.

5. Why is the Hausdorff axiom important in mathematics?

The Hausdorff axiom is important in mathematics because it ensures that points in a topological space are well-separated and distinct. This allows for more precise and accurate mathematical reasoning and the development of more sophisticated mathematical theories and concepts.

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