Can a Pocket Watch Keep Ticking at Light Speed?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of time dilation and its effects on a clock moving at the speed of light. It is impossible to answer questions about this scenario, but it is explained that as an object approaches the speed of light, time slows down. There is also a mention of relativity and the fact that photons do not experience time.
  • #1
if you have, let's say, a pocket watch. and somehow using and infinite energy, it travel at a light speed and still working properly. now if relatively to us, is the clock ticking.
Physics news on
  • #2
Questions involving physical impossibilities don't have any answers.

- Warren
  • #3
It is an impossibility to answer, but we can answer the next best thing, which is what happens as we approach that condition.

If the stopwatch is moving but you are not, you will observe its time slowing down. The nearer it approaches c, the slower it will go.

(Thus, if you wished to extrapolate that to the speed of light, you can probably deduce the result, though, as chroot says, it's physically impossible.)

This is relativity 101. Any primer will answer most of your questions.
  • #4
There is no question mark. THIS IS NOT A QUESTION. It is another poem!@! The second in just a couple of days.

So much wonderful literature,
here in theory development.
  • #5
sorry Locrian, just the punctuation and please also forgive my 'wonderful' spelling and grammer.

what i am actually thinkin is that if the clock stops ticking, it mean's that for a photon there is no 'time'. and when there is no 'time' then a photon cannot move. and are all about talking about C. can anyone explain that ?
  • #6
"for a photon there is no 'time'". Ding!
"and when there is no 'time' then a photon cannot move." Bzzt!

Photons do not experience time. They do move - at the speed of light. You cannot think of them like normal particles that experience a change in position over a length of time. They are a fundamental particle and they are tied up with the fundamental speed of light and fundamental spacetime.

FAQ: Can a Pocket Watch Keep Ticking at Light Speed?

1. What is a "pocket watch infinite energy"?

A "pocket watch infinite energy" refers to a hypothetical device that would provide an endless supply of energy in a compact, portable form. It is based on the concept of perpetual motion, where the energy is constantly replenished without any external input.

2. Is a pocket watch infinite energy possible?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence or theoretical framework to support the existence of a pocket watch infinite energy device. The concept goes against the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. However, research and advancements in alternative energy sources continue to explore the possibility of more efficient and renewable energy options.

3. How would a pocket watch infinite energy device work?

The exact workings of a pocket watch infinite energy device are purely hypothetical and have not been proven to be feasible. However, some proposed theories involve utilizing perpetual motion machines, harnessing zero-point energy or tapping into the energy of virtual particles in the vacuum of space.

4. What are the potential benefits of a pocket watch infinite energy device?

If a pocket watch infinite energy device were to be successfully created, it could potentially revolutionize the energy industry by providing an endless supply of clean and renewable energy. This could greatly reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources and decrease carbon emissions, leading to a more sustainable future.

5. Are there any ongoing research or development on pocket watch infinite energy?

While there is no known active research or development on pocket watch infinite energy specifically, there are ongoing studies and advancements in the field of alternative energy sources. Scientists continue to explore new and innovative ways to harness and utilize energy in a more efficient and sustainable manner.
