Is there a solution for feeling like suicide is the only option?

  • Thread starter Godb4religion
  • Start date
In summary, the person is struggling with feeling like they don't belong and always being on the defensive. They have attempted suicide since the age of five and feel like they don't have a choice in their own life. They also mention feeling like they don't fit in anywhere and not being able to talk to anyone without getting biased responses. They question the purpose of life and wonder if suicide could be justified. The responder shares their own life experiences and advises the person to be grateful for what they have and to share themselves with others. They also mention that the person is responsible for their own life and encourage them to make positive changes.
  • #1
I need an answer. I've never been able to do suicide because I was always told I would go to hell. I've attempted it since I was five. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I just never have been able to understand people and get along with people for very long. I seem to always be on the defense and always feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I don't feel like I belong ANYWHERE. If I talk about suicide I just get the biased "don't do it" **** and worry about people thinking its a cry for sympathy. Its like taking my life isn't my choice, it's only everybody else's choice. There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?
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  • #2
I'm obligated to take care of my animals, so no suicide for me. I also have a nice family and some friends that I think would miss me. I wouldn't want to put them through that sadness.

So why would a 5 year old want to attempt suicide? (assuming I am not falling for some trolling here)
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  • #3
If you commit suicide, you will not find peace. Instead, you will go to hell. All of your friends and family will mourn you, but they will not blame themselves, don't ever think that.
  • #4
I would justify suicide if you ultimately believe the purpose of life is to die and continue on to what ever next occurs. Or maybe you're so curious that you just can't wait for natural causes. But I doubt many people would ever commit suicide for this reason. But it's justifiable in whose eyes? The person committing the suicide? The general public? A specific group of people? It depends.
  • #5
Godb4religion said:
I need an answer. I've never been able to do suicide because I was always told I would go to hell. I've attempted it since I was five. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I just never have been able to understand people and get along with people for very long. I seem to always be on the defense and always feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I don't feel like I belong ANYWHERE. If I talk about suicide I just get the biased "don't do it" **** and worry about people thinking its a cry for sympathy. Its like taking my life isn't my choice, it's only everybody else's choice. There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?

With regards to you being a soul trying to find peace, I think you'd be amazed at how many people on this Earth are in you're situation: maybe not to the extent you are, but I would speculate that at least once or twice, we question our purpose, our meaning, and go into some sort of spiritual quest to find out who we are. Don't feel about about going through a spiritual journey.

I don't know you, your life experiences, your current situation, your state of mind, so I acknowledge that anything I say might be rendered irrelevant to your question, but I will state a few things I've learned in my life.

One the things I've learned is that despite my situation and life experiences, I am extremely grateful with what I have in the present, in the now.

Working in factories and on assembly lines with people that come from countries that have very strong oppression against people where people are generally very poor like places like Sudan, Tonga, Vietnam, India and so on, you really find out how insignificant you are in this game of life. The thing that amazes me is that you see people from these backgrounds that put their head to what they want, work hard, never complain, and most importantly never forget the life that they had once came from.

Another experience is related to living with different kinds of people like drug addicts, criminals, dealers and so on.

After this experience, I had mixed experiences about these kind of people. I learned first hand what drugs can do to normal people, and I saw what these situations did mentally to the people affected. These experiences helped myself get my head straight when thinking about the life that may have become of me if I didn't make the choice to turn my life around.

I bring up this because in some ways I can see a part of you that relates to those people in my past. I'm not saying your a drug addict, but often in this case people don't really have a positive outlook on life if their priority is getting wasted, especially when they may have children all taken off them by community services, and care less for themselves possibly than others would for them.

With regards to suicide, I have seen someone first hand try to take their life. They tried to gas themselves in their car. They wrote a note and didn't screw around with their intentions.

Fast forward the same guy ended up finding his love, got married, has children and is now very happy.

After he had attempted suicide and was in the hospital, he was embarrassed about himself and was genuinely surprised for the people around him who cared enough to intervene. He was also extremely lucky to not have brain damage and personally I think that someone was definitely watching over him.

I will leave you with this final comment:

Share yourself with those around you. If you want to make the changes in your life, you are 100% responsible for the life you have right now. None of us will know completely why the hell we are here, but that in itself is one of the great things about life. If everyone had the answers, life wouldn't be as enjoyable and we wouldn't look forward to the future as much as we do.

No-one can live your life but you, but hopefully I've given you something to ponder that may enrich your existence right now.
  • #6
... There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?

Your question, "When is suicide justified," is subjective in nature; therefore, you need to realize that you're going to get biased responses. If you want a list of facts on whether or not it's justified, I'm not sure where to send you. All I can say is that I, personally, could not just leave my family to fend for themselves just because I was unhappy.

I sincerely hope that you find some reconciliation.
  • #7
To answer your question, I believe suicide is justified in certain situations.

I.E - Wheel/Bed bound with a non-functioning brain who does not want to continue life, suffering in this way. I'm talking about people who have thought long and hard about it, and accept there fate, not someone who wants to die for the sake of it, or over an argument etc, but someone who has spoken to there family about it, and all are in agreement, albeit it wound't be easy, but assisted suicide in this way is acceptable in my opinion.

In your case, you have to think about the pain, the suffering & the misery you will cause by doing this quite selfish act. Life isn't always easy, I should know, I have gone through my own bad patches, and at the time would have loved it to all end, but that's a horrible thought, and very selfish.

As the old saying goes, "Seek, and you shall find"... Try this OP, try to find that something you are missing, don't cause the massive pain or hurt by taking your own precious life. You may involuntary make someone else take there own, because of the pain caused.

You are special OP, your one in 10 billion, remember that.

Love & Peace my friend...
  • #8
Yeah, I have an answer!

Suicide is NEVER justified, you're now here along with others on this planet. Show every single witness of your life including yourself what are you made of... And don't bother yourself to understand people, let them understand you!
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  • #9
Godb4religion said:
I need an answer. I've never been able to do suicide because I was always told I would go to hell. I've attempted it since I was five. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I just never have been able to understand people and get along with people for very long. I seem to always be on the defense and always feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I don't feel like I belong ANYWHERE. If I talk about suicide I just get the biased "don't do it" **** and worry about people thinking its a cry for sympathy. Its like taking my life isn't my choice, it's only everybody else's choice. There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?

You got your life, it was not your choice. You got your education (it seems you wrote this yourself). You got your blessing with a wonderful life. Now you want someone to get you out of your corner and give you feeling of belonging somewhere. Or you think about a suicide that will give you peace.

I say it is your turn to give. Maybe that will find you a place in the world and give you the peace you need. I'm sorry if I'm wrong about you, but it is conclusion based on a few rows. That is hardly "knowing" someone.

Ask yourself what a suicide will accomplish. In any case it will trade your pain for someone's else pain. Is that justified? Yes, if all all who will be in pain for you agree to carry the pain. Normally that will happen when someone is very ill without any hope for a cure. People will agree to face the death of such person to save him the unnecessary pain.

Do people who care about you agree with your suicide?
  • #10
Godb4religion said:
I need an answer. I've never been able to do suicide because I was always told I would go to hell. I've attempted it since I was five. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I just never have been able to understand people and get along with people for very long. I seem to always be on the defense and always feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I don't feel like I belong ANYWHERE. If I talk about suicide I just get the biased "don't do it" **** and worry about people thinking its a cry for sympathy. Its like taking my life isn't my choice, it's only everybody else's choice. There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?

That's not good. Life is a struggle, there is agony all along the way but it's all we have. What's wrong with surviving? Why not? And you're blessed with a wonderful life? Well that's nice. Wish mine was more wonderful. My knee hurts. Lost my truck, what else? Could use more money. My house is real cold in the winter except right by the heater, in the tub, or in bed. Yeah, really hot in the summer too. Everyone has a cross to bear. Some things in life are fun and worth living for. Family and a healthy, loving relationship are some. Children, a little daughter in your life if you're a man is in my view the most precious thing worth having and living for. Lots of other things, the joy of discovery, teaching your children and watching them succeed, lots more. Try not to focus too much on the cross-bearing part and embrace the good things and always, always consider people that have it worst than you like just yesterday I watched Dr. Phil and he had this woman missing an eye. Didn't catch why but the topic was on abusive relationships. Got a good idea why she may have lost it. Lots of other people much worst than me. So I' whinning about my knee to my son and he tells me, "look dad, you're pretty old and it's just starting to hurt, but take my uncle who's had a bad knee since he was very young". I say, yeah dawg, you're right, I got it good. :)
  • #12
Godb4religion said:
I need an answer. I've never been able to do suicide because I was always told I would go to hell. I've attempted it since I was five. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I just never have been able to understand people and get along with people for very long. I seem to always be on the defense and always feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I don't feel like I belong ANYWHERE. If I talk about suicide I just get the biased "don't do it" **** and worry about people thinking its a cry for sympathy. Its like taking my life isn't my choice, it's only everybody else's choice. There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?

Please talk to your doctor about these feelings. It is amazing what he or she will be able to do for you.
  • #13
Godb4religion said:
I need an answer. I've never been able to do suicide because I was always told I would go to hell. I've attempted it since I was five. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I just never have been able to understand people and get along with people for very long. I seem to always be on the defense and always feel like I'm being backed into a corner. I don't feel like I belong ANYWHERE. If I talk about suicide I just get the biased "don't do it" **** and worry about people thinking its a cry for sympathy. Its like taking my life isn't my choice, it's only everybody else's choice. There's never any pro's only con's. I can't talk to anybody because they only talk about surviving. They're always biased. I'm just a soul, struggling to find peace. Anyone have answers?

My sister is a C4/5 quadriplegic. She has no movement or feeling below her shoulders since she was shot in the neck at age 23 on July 2, 2007. Because she's paralyzed, she has no bowel or bladder control. Due to the catheter installed directly into her bladder, she gets frequent urinary tract infections, which isn't pleasant even if you can't feel the physical pain associated with it.

So how is it possible she's leading a happier life than you? I flat out asked her if she would have rather died than paralyzed, and she never hesitates to say NO.

So tell me, what's so horrible about your life that makes it worse than a quadriplegic's life?
  • #14
I urge the mentors to remove post #8.

This type of message may provide the impetus for the OP to take his life. Furthermore in many cases the cause of depression is physiological and the depressed is neither responsible for his depression nor is there anything he can do about it short of taking the appropriate medication.
  • #15
I'm a bit concerned here. It appears you are asking people to justify you taking your own life. The only justification for such an action can come from yourself. Personally I find it selfish that people even consider an act such as this (especially for the reasons given) and don't consider the wider consequences.

You have a wonderful life and yet you want to commit suicide? Something isn't right here and I think you should seek some help and advice from professionals who can help you gain the answers you require.

It is only with terminal illness and similar circumstances where I find suicide to be acceptable (leaving life on your own terms, where you get a say and don't have to suffer).
  • #16
Go do something with your life then. Get out of your basement and accomplish something.

I'm so sick of weak little babies geting sympathy like the OP. I've lost loved ones, my best friend, had many other hardships in my life but I don't go around making suicide posts - no one gives me sympathy because I take what life gives me LIKE A MAN.
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  • #17
skeptic2 said:
I urge the mentors to remove post #8.

This type of message may provide the impetus for the OP to take his life...

You clearly can't READ my post.
  • #18
skeptic2 said:
I urge the mentors to remove post #8.

Looks like Driz removed it.

This type of message may provide the impetus for the OP to take his life.

Agreed. I want to kill myself anytime someone spells "lose" as "loose". Drives me nuts.

Anyway, the OP really looks like one of those "drive by" posts that we see sometimes, where a new member drops a bombshell and never come back.

I am going to close it up. GodB4religion, if you want me to reopen this, send me a Private Message.

FAQ: Is there a solution for feeling like suicide is the only option?

1. When is suicide justified?

The answer to this question varies greatly depending on personal beliefs and values. Some people believe that suicide is never justified, while others may see it as a valid option when faced with extreme physical or mental suffering.

2. Is suicide ever a rational choice?

Again, this is a highly debated question with no clear answer. Some argue that suicide can be a rational choice for someone suffering from a terminal illness or extreme mental anguish. Others believe that there are always other options and that suicide is not a rational choice.

3. Can someone be held responsible for their own suicide?

In most cases, suicide is seen as a personal choice and not something that can be held against someone. However, there are some instances where individuals may be held responsible for someone else's suicide, such as in cases of assisted suicide or cyberbullying.

4. Is suicide a mental health issue or a moral issue?

This is a complex question that has both psychological and moral implications. While mental health plays a significant role in suicidal thoughts and actions, some argue that it also has moral implications, as it goes against the instinctual drive for self-preservation.

5. How can we prevent suicide?

The best way to prevent suicide is to address underlying mental health issues and provide support and resources for those struggling with suicidal thoughts. It is essential to remove stigma and promote open communication about mental health to create a supportive and understanding environment.

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