Chemical thermodynamics, heat of formation and heat of atomization

In summary, the book is covering the lattice enthalpy of ionic compounds and how it is calculated using the Born-Haber Cycle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Sorry if this kind of question is atypical for this forum. I'm trying to understand the physical concepts involved in my chemistry class.

My homework is covering lattice enthalpy, and to get the lattice enthalpy of an ionic compound using the Born-Haber Cycle:

Homework Equations

lattice enthalpy = -(enthalpy of formation of ionic compound) + heat of atomization of the elemental components + enthalpy of ionization of the cation - electron affinity of the anion

The Attempt at a Solution

In the examples that the book gives, it uses the heat of formation values to replace the heat of atomization values. I vaguely understand what heat of formation is, but not in a way that would suggest that it should be equal to the value of heat of atomization.

heat of atomization = - heat of formation
but for some double negative that exists beneath the lattice equation that I don't see? Is my textbook wrong?

Could anyone help to explain heat of formation as it relates to heat of atomization? I'm not really sure if the author of my text or my professor understands why they are equal in this equation. "Standard state" also seems to constantly come up in the text while the examples all suggest that we should ignore the difference in effects from all other "states" as it were. As a physics major that makes me very uncomfortable.
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  • #2
I've continued on in the chapter, but I still feel as though I'm learning like a parrot and not getting the concepts clearly enough. If my first post here was too confusing to understand, please let me know. The simple form of my question is as follows:

Why does enthalpy of atomization = enthalpy of formation?
  • #3
As far as I can tell - it doesn't. But it is hard to say what they mean without analyzing whole text.

Perhaps try to read about BH cycle in other places (plenty of lecture notes on the web), once you will feel comfortable with the idea it may click.

FAQ: Chemical thermodynamics, heat of formation and heat of atomization

1. What is chemical thermodynamics?

Chemical thermodynamics is the study of the relationships between energy and chemical reactions. It involves understanding the transfer and transformation of energy during chemical reactions, and how this affects the stability and spontaneity of the reactions.

2. What is heat of formation?

Heat of formation, also known as enthalpy of formation, is the change in enthalpy that occurs when one mole of a compound is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states. It is a measure of the energy released or absorbed during a chemical reaction.

3. How is heat of atomization different from heat of formation?

Heat of atomization is the amount of energy required to break apart one mole of a compound into its individual atoms in the gas phase. This is different from heat of formation, which measures the energy released or absorbed when forming a compound from its elements.

4. How is heat of formation calculated?

Heat of formation is typically calculated using Hess's law, which states that the overall enthalpy change of a reaction is equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes of its individual steps. This involves measuring the enthalpy changes of the reactants and products and using them to calculate the heat of formation.

5. Why is understanding heat of formation and heat of atomization important?

Understanding heat of formation and heat of atomization is important for predicting the energy changes that occur during chemical reactions. This information is useful for determining the feasibility and spontaneity of reactions, as well as for designing and optimizing chemical processes. It also provides insight into the stability and properties of different compounds.
