Are Overnight Contact Lenses for Perfect Vision Legit?

  • Medical
  • Thread starter Perceptron
  • Start date
In summary, according to these sources, RGP contact lenses are not a guaranteed way to have perfect vision overnight, and may not be effective for people with certain conditions. They are not very affordable, and may not be suitable for everyone.
  • #1
I heard that there was these special contact lenses that one can put on their eyes over night for some period of time, and in the morning they wake up to have perfect vision. Is it legit? If it is, is there any side effects?
Biology news on
  • #2
Never heard about it. Sounds snakeoilish to me.
  • #4
You can search on "corneal reshaping", though be advised that most of the top-ranking articles you'll find were written by one guy -Jeffery Walline.
  • #5
  • #6
Perceptron said:
But it seems legit.
Given that your opening post was:
Perceptron said:
special contact lenses that one can put on their eyes over night for some period of time, and in the morning they wake up to have perfect vision.
I'm not going to comit and agree it is legit. The idea that there are contact lenses that grant perfect vision isn't legitimate as far as I can tell. The use of contact lenses in various treatments in certain circumstances is legitimate but let's not conflate the two
Perceptron said:
It also slows down the progression of myopia for young children according to this study:
If you flick through the list of papers there are various disagreements. Indeed the paper you are linking has a Cochrane review that shows that there is a lack of quality studies regarding therapeutic use of rigid contact lenses over other treatments (admittedly it came out shortly before this study). It doesn't see like there is a strong consensus on the issue with different studies reaching different conclusions. This isn't uncommon for treatments that have yet to be fully explored.
  • #7
I have a condition called I had a cornea transplant something over 10yrs ago to correct the worst eye. I now must were RGP lens to correct my vision and also help my misshapen corneas from progressing further.

They do not really reshape the cornea as much a just hold its shape. No miracles here.
  • #8
These lenses are routinely sold and can provide short term benefit, reshaping the eye enough to pass a driver test for instance w/o needing glasses. They are not cheap, because the lenses have to be customized for the individual buyer, so their use is not widespread.
  • #9
etudiant said:
These lenses are routinely sold and can provide short term benefit, reshaping the eye enough to pass a driver test for instance w/o needing glasses. They are not cheap, because the lenses have to be customized for the individual buyer, so their use is not widespread.
Please provide sources for this. Thanks.
  • #10
Integral said:
I have a condition called I had a cornea transplant something over 10yrs ago to correct the worst eye. I now must were RGP lens to correct my vision and also help my misshapen corneas from progressing further.

They do not really reshape the cornea as much a just hold its shape. No miracles here.

RGP are unfortunately not very good even at holding the shape. I also have keratoconus and when I finally had to have surgery on one eye a couple of years ago the specialist told me that the idea that contact lenses can slow down the progression (whcih is what I was also told) has been discredited. For most people RPGs don't help.

FAQ: Are Overnight Contact Lenses for Perfect Vision Legit?

What is cornea remolding and how does it work?

Cornea remolding is a non-surgical method of correcting vision by reshaping the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye. This is done by wearing specialized contact lenses, called orthokeratology lenses, overnight. These lenses temporarily flatten the cornea, allowing light to properly focus on the retina and improve vision.

Is cornea remolding a legitimate method of vision correction?

Yes, cornea remolding is a legitimate method of vision correction that has been approved by the FDA. It has been around for several decades and has been proven to be effective in correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

What are the potential risks and side effects of cornea remolding?

The most common side effects of cornea remolding include discomfort, dryness, and increased sensitivity to light. In rare cases, some individuals may experience corneal infections or ulcers. It is important to follow the instructions of your eye care professional and properly clean and care for your orthokeratology lenses to minimize these risks.

Is cornea remolding suitable for everyone?

No, cornea remolding is not suitable for everyone. It is typically recommended for individuals with low to moderate myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. It is not recommended for individuals with severe vision problems, as the lenses may not be able to fully correct their vision. Your eye care professional will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for cornea remolding.

Are the effects of cornea remolding permanent?

No, the effects of cornea remolding are not permanent. The cornea will gradually return to its original shape if the orthokeratology lenses are not worn consistently. Therefore, it is important to wear the lenses every night as prescribed by your eye care professional to maintain the corrected vision. If you stop wearing the lenses, your vision will return to its original state within a few days or weeks.

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