How to measure speed of light?

In summary, the conversation explores the concept of speed and motion in the void of space. The speaker is on a spaceship and questions whether they can eventually reach or exceed the speed of light. They also discuss how velocities are calculated in relativity and how they don't add up as expected.
  • #1
Thought experiment.

Let's imagine I'm on my spaceship moving in the void. For this example, I'm assuming my flight started on the Earth, where I could see the ground and landscape and thus I was able to tell that I was moving; however, without accelerating or decelerating, I progressively got further from the Earth, and at some point I entered the void, which is where I am now. There is nothing around my ship to see, and so as expected I'm effectively unable to tell my speed (but I know that I'm not still - or don't I?).

Now, let's imagine that, from time to time, I turn on some special engine and accelerate a bit, then again turn the engine off and go back to uniform motion (but with a greater speed than before). During the acceleration phase, I can tell that I'm accelerating.

At any time, I don't know my speed, except that after each acceleration my speed is greater than before. (I hope things are plausible up to here).

Now, is there something that prevents me from eventually reaching the speed of light or even exceeding it? If that is not possible, then I suppose at some point I should be able to detect that I cannot accelerate anymore, and thus infer that I'm moving at or near the speed of light.

But what's the meaning of "speed" and "moving" when you are in the void, if there's a meaning at all?
Physics news on
  • #2
homer5439 said:
At any time, I don't know my speed, except that after each acceleration my speed is greater than before.
Not in all frames. In some reference frames each time you activate your engine your speed is reduced.
  • #3
Whatever speed you are traveling at, the speed of light is always 299,792,458 m/s faster, from your point of view, so there's nothing to stop you accelerating and going even faster.

In relativity, velocities don't add together as you expect.

If you are going at 99% of the speed of light relative to your starting point, and then go at 2% of the speed of light faster relative to your current speed, you end up traveling not at 101% of the speed of light but at

[tex] \frac{0.99 + 0.02}{1 + 0.99 \times 0.02} \, c = 0.99039 \, c [/tex]​

FAQ: How to measure speed of light?

1. How do you measure the speed of light?

The most common method of measuring the speed of light is using the time-of-flight method, which involves measuring the time it takes for light to travel a known distance. This can be done using specialized equipment such as a laser interferometer or by using mirrors and a stopwatch.

2. Why is the speed of light important to measure?

The speed of light is a fundamental constant in physics and is used in many equations and theories, such as Einstein's theory of relativity. It also has practical applications in fields such as telecommunications and astronomy.

3. How accurate is the current measurement of the speed of light?

The current accepted value for the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, and this has been determined with a high level of precision through multiple experiments and calculations. The current margin of error is less than 1 meter per second.

4. Can the speed of light be measured in a vacuum?

Yes, the speed of light is typically measured in a vacuum as this eliminates any interference from other particles or substances. This also allows for a more accurate measurement, as the speed of light can be affected by the medium it is traveling through.

5. How has the measurement of the speed of light changed over time?

The first accurate measurement of the speed of light was done by Ole Rømer in the late 17th century, using the motion of Jupiter's moons. Since then, advancements in technology and experimentation have led to more precise measurements. The current accepted value has remained relatively unchanged since the early 20th century.
