Exploring the Ground State Energy: Harmonic Oscillator and Particle Description

In summary, the ground state energy of a system can be calculated using E=w*h(bar) and can be derived with the harmonic oscillator. This energy corresponds to a free photon and cannot be used to describe a particle between walls. The energy of a photon is given by E=h*f and is different from the energy eigenvalues of a harmonic oscillator. The two cannot be interchanged and describe different systems. The vacuum state is the state with no photons and cannot be described using the harmonic oscillator.
  • #1
If we calculate the ground state energy of a system we receive E=w*h(bar).
This Energy can be derived with the harmonic oscillator.

Is this Energy the Energy of a free photon or a free electron in (for ecample) the vacuum state or is this describing a particle between (potential,...) walls?

If yes, why can we describe particles as oscillators (always thought that's to do with waves)?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sterj said:
If we calculate the ground state energy of a system we receive E=w*h(bar).

What do you mean...?Which system...?

Sterj said:
This Energy can be derived with the harmonic oscillator.

I frankly doubt it.Please show us... :rolleyes:

Sterj said:
Is this Energy the Energy of a free photon or a free electron in (for ecample) the vacuum state or is this describing a particle between (potential,...) walls?

If you refer to [itex] E=\hbar\omega [/itex],yes,it's for a free photon.

Sterj said:
If yes, why can we describe particles as oscillators (always thought that's to do with waves)?

You might make a connection between an infinite set of quantum oscilators and the free scalar boson.

  • #3
What's the ground state energy of a free electron for example? Can we also say, that a free electron is a harmonic oscillator? Why is E=h(bar)*w the energy of a photon, the derivation of this energy isn't explicit for the photon.

And another problem is: Energy of photon: E=h*f but the energy of a photon is also E=h(bar)*w*(n+1/2). That would say, that a photon can't have all frequences f.

thanks dexter
  • #4
Sterj said:
What's the ground state energy of a free electron for example? Can we also say, that a free electron is a harmonic oscillator? Why is E=h(bar)*w the energy of a photon, the derivation of this energy isn't explicit for the photon.

And another problem is: Energy of photon: E=h*f but the energy of a photon is also E=h(bar)*w*(n+1/2). That would say, that a photon can't have all frequences f.

thanks dexter

ER.. no. You cannot mix things with different potentials and think that it fits everything. The system that produces the energy eigenstates of E = hbar*w is ONLY for the harmonic oscillator. It is NOT for electron in an atom. The potential profile for an electron in a central coulombic force is different than a harmonic oscillator.

Furthermore, harmonic oscillators are usually not associated with photon emission/absorption UNLESS these are electric dipole or higher order mode vibrations such as those found in the optical phonon modes of solids.

  • #5
thanks, now i got it.
  • #6
Sterj said:
What's the ground state energy of a free electron for example?

A bound system (such as an electron in an atom, or a simple harmonic oscillator) has a ground state. An unbound system (such as a free particle) does not. So it makes no sense to talk about the ground state energy of a free particle.

Can we also say, that a free electron is a harmonic oscillator?

No, see above.

Why is E=h(bar)*w the energy of a photon, the derivation of this energy isn't explicit for the photon.

This is a fundamental assumption, not a derived result.

And another problem is: Energy of photon: E=h*f but the energy of a photon is also E=h(bar)*w*(n+1/2).

No, the second formula gives the allowed energies of a simple harmonic oscillator:

[tex]E=\frac{1}{2}\hbar\omega, \frac{3}{2}\hbar\omega, ...[/tex]
  • #7
@jtbell: You said: "No, the second formula gives the allowed energies of a simple harmonic oscillator" (E=h(bar)w)

If that's the energy of a simple harmonic oscillator, what is E=h*f? The energy of an electromagnetic wave?
Whats the differrent of these two things?

And another question:
Cause of the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle there is a virtual pair (photons) createn with energy E1. While its life time it gets more energy and before annihilating it has energy E2. E1<E2. Now, what happens with the energy that doesn't go back to "vacuum"?

thanks for all answers.
  • #8
No. [itex]E=\hbar\omega[/itex] is for the photon, not the harmonic oscillator. This equation is identical to [itex]E=hf[/itex], since [itex]\hbar=\frac{h}{2\pi}[/itex] and [itex]\omega = 2\pi f[/itex], we get

[tex]E=hf\Rightarrow E=\frac{h}{2\pi}2\pi f\Rightarrow E=\hbar\omega[/tex]

You seemed to have confused the energy eigenvalues of the simple harmonic oscillator and the photon. We calculate the energy eigenvalues of the oscillator given the potential function. We assume that all photons have energy E given by [itex]\hbar\omega=hf[/itex].

Sterj said:
If that's the energy of a simple harmonic oscillator, what is E=h*f? The energy of an electromagnetic wave? Whats the differrent of these two things?

The two things are complete different systems. E=hf is the energy of a photon, [itex]E=\hbar\omega(n+\frac{1}{2})[/itex] give the eigenvalues of a harmonic oscillator. A harmonic oscillator and a photon are two different systems!
  • #9
If a harmonic osscillator and a photon are two different things, what's the different between this two things? But the eigenvalues of a harmonic oscillator are the energy states of a photon, right? And E=hf describes a classical electro magnetic wave.
  • #10
Sterj said:
If a harmonic osscillator and a photon are two different things, what's the different between this two things?

Take any decent SM book.I'm sure they discuss photonic & phononic ideal gases...

Sterj said:
But the eigenvalues of a harmonic oscillator are the energy states of a photon, right?

No,they are the eergy states of the LHO...

And E=hf describes a classical electro magnetic wave.

No,it describes the QUANTUM particle called photon.

  • #11
Aaa, A photon is a "light particle" and a phonon is createn if an electron,... absorbates a photon. I got it, so we can describe the phonon as a harmonic oscillator and the photon as an electro magnetic wave/"light particle".

thanks, now I think I got it.

But in ground state, we can describe phonons like photons (because h(bar)*w=h*f)?
I read that the vacuum state is the state with no photons, why (I think at protons, ...)?
  • #12
Sterj said:
Aaa, A photon is a "light particle"

A quanta of the EM field...

Sterj said:
and a phonon is createn if an electron,... absorbates a photon.

No.A phonon is a quanta (particle) which describes the quantized modes of the vibration of a crystaline structure/lattice.

Sterj said:
I got it, so we can describe the phonon as a harmonic oscillator and the photon as an electro magnetic wave/"light particle".

Sort of...

Sterj said:
But in ground state, we can describe phonons like photons (because h(bar)*w=h*f)?

Not really.Phonons have nonzero zero-point energy,which photons have zero zero-point energy.

Sterj said:
I read that the vacuum state is the state with no photons, why (I think at protons, ...)?

The theory says so.Take the [itex] \hat{N} [/itex] and aply it on the vacuum state [itex] |0\rangle [/itex]...I'm sure the result will be zero...It's in the definition of the vacuum state for any free field.

  • #13
Do you mean, that the zero point energy of a phonon is E=h(bar)w/2 and the zero point energy of a photon is E=0.

And if we have the casimir effect, the photons between the plates behave like harmonic oscillators (is written in wikipedia).

Ok, now, if I'm right, I'm understanding it:
If a photon is createn in vacuum it has energy E=hf=h(bar)w and so the virtual photon has an energy of: E=2hf=2h(bar)w.

If we are in a vacuum and there is a cristall structure the energy of one phonon in this cristall is: E=h(bar)w/2.

But something is confusing me now, see attachment (from a pdf that derives casimir force).
Why can the Hamiltonian of an electro magnetic field be written by (a part of) a harmonic oscillator? You said that phonons can be written by harmonic oscillators and not photons.


  • casimir.GIF
    4.1 KB · Views: 505
  • #14
One question:what happened to normal ordering...?You know,the trick that allows zero vacuum energy.

  • #15
yep: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
  • #16
What does it have to do with normal ordering...?

  • #17
Sterj said:
Do you mean, that the zero point energy of a phonon is E=h(bar)w/2 and the zero point energy of a photon is E=0.

And if we have the casimir effect, the photons between the plates behave like harmonic oscillators (is written in wikipedia).

Ok, now, if I'm right, I'm understanding it:
If a photon is createn in vacuum it has energy E=hf=h(bar)w and so the virtual photon has an energy of: E=2hf=2h(bar)w.

If we are in a vacuum and there is a cristall structure the energy of one phonon in this cristall is: E=h(bar)w/2.

But something is confusing me now, see attachment (from a pdf that derives casimir force).
Why can the Hamiltonian of an electro magnetic field be written by (a part of) a harmonic oscillator? You said that phonons can be written by harmonic oscillators and not photons.

I need to ask you one thing. You were having problems finding the connection between "f" and "omega" a few postings ago (which is a rather elementary problem if you have had any basic college intro physics). So now I do not understand how you can "read" a Hamiltonian and understand what it is, especially the one you cited that contains creation/destruction operators (i.e. 2nd Quantization formalism).

I will right off the bat tell you that you cannot learn, much less understand, physics by learning things in bits and pieces like this. It appears that you are picking out stuff that maybe you read or came across, but you have no clue where they came from. This is a dangerous way to learn this subject because you will lose the coherence and interconnectivity of physics. It is one thing to want to know it generally or via hand-waving arguments. But if you start citing specific equations or expressions, then this is no longer an informal description and it is imperative that things are done carefully. You cannot mix "handwaving" with "exactness". If you want the latter, then you need to study the material from the very beginning.

  • #18
I started with integral and differential calculus. After that I went offer to Einsteins theory of relativity. Then I wanted to do something in quantum mechanics, so I learned to calculate with a very important equation (schrödinger equation <--- Hamiltonian). After that I took a watch at Hilbertspace (only a little) and learned to calculate and to derive the uncertainty principle. So, I've to be more then 1.5 years in school until I can study physics. In school we're discussing electricity (easy physics).
Now I want to learn some thing about ZPE and vacuum fluctuation.

I know what f is and I now what omega is, I know what a oscillation and a wave is. But a pdf document was confusing me.

"What does it have to do with normal ordering"
Sorry I'm not from UK, what's a "normal ordering". Don't let me think of anything in physics.

I think I understand it now really and finally, let me try:
Einstein's equation for the energy of a photon is: E=hf=h(bar)w/2. Here we describe a photon. Now, in the ground state an electro magnetic field hasn't any energy and so far no photons. Cause of the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle d(E)d(t)=h/(4pi) a system can't have an energy of zero. So in vacuum the above equation wouldn't be sadisfied if we work in classical theories. In quantum mechanics this problem is solved by letting create virtual particles and letting them annihilate after a short time. The energy of such a particle pair (if electro magnetic) is: E=2hf.

If we go over to a cristall latter (my English :eek: ) that is cooled down to 0 K we see that this cristall latter oscillates. The reasen is that the lowest allowed energy of a harmonic oscillator is E=1/2h(bar)w and not zero. E=1/2h(bar)w is the energy of a phonon, a quantum we use to describe vibration mods in a cristall latter.

I saw, that my posted forumla in tha attachment is the formula to "count" the whole energy of a system of all free bosons. Can somebody give me a web page where this formula is derived (can't find one).

Thanks for everything.
  • #19
Sterj said:
I started with integral and differential calculus. After that I went offer to Einsteins theory of relativity. Then I wanted to do something in quantum mechanics, so I learned to calculate with a very important equation (schrödinger equation <--- Hamiltonian). After that I took a watch at Hilbertspace (only a little) and learned to calculate and to derive the uncertainty principle. So, I've to be more then 1.5 years in school until I can study physics. In school we're discussing electricity (easy physics).
Now I want to learn some thing about ZPE and vacuum fluctuation.

I know what f is and I now what omega is, I know what a oscillation and a wave is. But a pdf document was confusing me.

Do you know what raising/lowering/creation/destruction operators are? What about the normal modes of oscillation? Or even Hermite polynomials? Do you think not knowing how the energy eigenvalues were obtained for each of the different situations, as illustrated by your confusion in the beginning of this thread, presents no hindrance to your understanding of the material? Do you think "phonons" is simply described via the eigen energies of a harmonic oscillator? [Look up a Solid State Physics text]

The last thing I want to do is damper your enthusiasm to study the material. But you must also be realistic on your part. There are NO shortcuts to understanding physics. You snip bits and pieces of information and try to put them together, which is why you end up using principles in the wrong situations. You can put better use of your effort and time if you start from the ground up.

  • #20
Davydov wrote two fabulous books,it's true,they're a bit old,but nevertheless valuable:"Quantum Mechanics" and "The Theory of Solids"...

Maybe u may take a look.

  • #21

What is a SM book? and do you know of any?

dextercioby said:
Take any decent SM book.I'm sure they discuss photonic & phononic ideal gases...

No,they are the eergy states of the LHO...

No,it describes the QUANTUM particle called photon.


FAQ: Exploring the Ground State Energy: Harmonic Oscillator and Particle Description

1. What is the ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator?

The ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator is the lowest possible energy level that the system can have. It is also known as the zero-point energy, as it represents the minimum energy that a system has even at absolute zero temperature.

2. How is the ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator calculated?

The ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator can be calculated using the formula E0 = (1/2)hω, where h is Planck's constant and ω is the angular frequency of the oscillator. Alternatively, it can also be calculated using the Schrödinger equation for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator.

3. What is the difference between a harmonic oscillator and a particle in a box?

A harmonic oscillator is a system that experiences a restoring force proportional to its displacement from equilibrium, while a particle in a box is a quantum mechanical model of a particle confined to a one-dimensional box. The main difference between the two is that a harmonic oscillator is a continuous system, while a particle in a box is a discrete system with quantized energy levels.

4. How does the particle description of a harmonic oscillator differ from the classical description?

In the classical description, a harmonic oscillator is treated as a point mass attached to a spring, and its motion is described using Newton's laws of motion. In the particle description, the harmonic oscillator is treated as a quantum mechanical system, and its motion is described using the Schrödinger equation. The particle description takes into account the wave-like nature of particles and the quantization of energy levels.

5. How does the ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator change with increasing mass?

The ground state energy of a harmonic oscillator is directly proportional to the mass of the particle. As the mass increases, the energy levels also increase. This can be seen from the formula E0 = (1/2)hω, where ω is inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. Therefore, the ground state energy of a heavier particle will be higher than that of a lighter particle in a harmonic oscillator.
