QM of particles with no common past light cone

In summary, the conversation discusses the claim that Bell's theorem does not disprove classical determinism and the counterargument that microwave photons from the early universe could be used to choose detector orientations. The question is then raised about whether quantum mechanics still applies to two particles created at the big-bang with no possibility for a light signal to travel between them. There is also a mention of how this situation may affect the calculations used to derive Schrodinger's equation.
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When discussing EPR experiments on this forum I made the claim that Bell's theorem does not prove classical determinism false because there is always the possibility that the correlations between distant measurements can be a result of the common past shared by particle source and the two detectors.

A counterargument to this "loophole" is that one can use microwave photons from a period close to big-bang, to chose the detector orientation, and those particles do not necessary have a common past.

Now, my question is as follows:

If two particles are created at the big-bang in such a way that no light signal could travel between them, does QM, as we know it, still apply? For example, I would expect that two charged particles in that situation would not experience Coulombian force, therefore the potential used to calculate the Hamiltonian necessary for the derivation of Schrodinger's equation would be different than for a "normal" pair of particles.

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  • #2
Anybody There?
  • #3

I can provide a response to this content by saying that the question of whether QM still applies in a scenario where two particles have no common past light cone is a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community. While the concept of a common past light cone is important for understanding the correlations between distant measurements in EPR experiments, it is not the only factor at play in determining the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

The use of microwave photons from a period close to the big bang to choose detector orientation is an interesting proposal that challenges the idea of a common past for particles. However, it is important to note that this is still a theoretical concept and has not yet been experimentally tested. Therefore, it is premature to draw conclusions about the applicability of QM in this scenario.

Regarding the specific example of two charged particles created at the big bang, it is true that the potential used to calculate the Hamiltonian necessary for the derivation of Schrodinger's equation may be different than for a "normal" pair of particles. However, this does not necessarily mean that QM does not apply. In fact, the principles of QM, such as superposition and entanglement, have been successfully applied to a wide range of physical systems, including those involving charged particles.

In conclusion, the question of whether QM still applies in a scenario where two particles have no common past light cone is a complex and ongoing topic of research. While there may be challenges to the traditional understanding of this concept, it is important to continue studying and testing these ideas in order to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics.

FAQ: QM of particles with no common past light cone

1. What is the "QM of particles with no common past light cone"?

The "QM of particles with no common past light cone" is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the behavior of particles that have no common past light cone, meaning they have not interacted with each other in any way in the past.

2. How does this concept differ from traditional quantum mechanics?

This concept differs from traditional quantum mechanics because it takes into account the behavior of particles that have not interacted with each other in any way in the past, whereas traditional quantum mechanics only describes the behavior of particles that have interacted with each other.

3. What implications does this concept have in the field of physics?

This concept has significant implications in the field of physics as it challenges traditional notions of causality and raises questions about the fundamental nature of reality and the role of time in quantum mechanics.

4. Can this concept be observed or tested in experiments?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence for the "QM of particles with no common past light cone" as it is a theoretical concept. However, some scientists are working on developing experiments to test this concept and potentially provide evidence for its existence.

5. How does this concept relate to the concept of entanglement?

This concept is closely related to the concept of entanglement, as both involve the behavior of particles that are not in direct contact with each other. However, entanglement typically refers to particles that were once in contact but have since become separated, while the "QM of particles with no common past light cone" describes particles that have never been in contact.
