Numerical Solution to 2nd Order Eqn?

In summary, there is a numerical method for finding solutions to 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equations.
  • #1
Is there a numerical method for finding solutions to 2nd order non-homogeneous differential equations? Thanks.
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  • #2
There are a plethora of numerical methods for finding solutions to a first order differential equation. Any second order differential equation (homogenous or not) can be expressed as a first order DE by making the first derivatives a state variable.

To solve a DE numerically you need not only the differential equations themselves but also information about the state. Initial value techniques are used in the case that the full state is known at some point in the domain. Boundary value techniques (much harder) are used in the case where only parts of the state are known, but at multiple points in the domain.
  • #3
So, say I had a 2nd order DE, I re-write it as a DE interms of the first derivative, so it becomes first order. Then how do I extract the variable numerically, because we just found its derivative numerically, so actually, we have a set of data points for the derivative?
  • #4
?? What do you mean by "re-write it as a DE in terms of the first derivative"? You should wind up with TWO first order differential equations.

If, for example, you have the second order equation, Y"(x)= f(x, Y, Y'), you could let U(x)= Y' so that your equation becomes U'= f(x, Y, U). Because that equation still involves Y, you need two equations: U'= f(x,Y,U) and Y'= U. Now run two simultaneous first order de solvers.

For example, if you are given Y"= f(x,Y,Y') with initial conditions Y(x0)= Y0, Y'(x0)= Y1, that is equivalent to the system of equations U'= f(x,Y,U) , Y'= U with conditions Y(x0)= Y0, U(x0)= Y1. Run, say, Runge-Kutta fourth order for both Y and U using the values calcuated for both Y and U at each step.
  • #5
So, iffin I is understannin correkly, first find
U'= f(x,Y,U)
numerically, then from Y'= U find Y?
  • #6
Find the next value of U then use that to find the next value of Y. In otherwords, calculate both U and Y at each step of your iteration.
  • #7
Ah, I think I get it. Probably not. Thank you HallsofIvy

FAQ: Numerical Solution to 2nd Order Eqn?

1. What is a 2nd order equation and why is it important in numerical solutions?

A 2nd order equation is a mathematical equation that involves the second derivative of a variable. It is important in numerical solutions because many real-world problems, such as motion, heat transfer, and electrical circuits, can be modeled using 2nd order equations.

2. How do you numerically solve a 2nd order equation?

There are several methods for numerically solving a 2nd order equation, including finite difference methods, Runge-Kutta methods, and finite element methods. These methods involve discretizing the equation and solving for the values of the variable at discrete points.

3. What are the advantages of using numerical solutions for 2nd order equations?

Numerical solutions allow for solving complex 2nd order equations that do not have analytic solutions. They also provide a way to model and analyze real-world problems that cannot be solved analytically.

4. What are the limitations of numerical solutions for 2nd order equations?

Numerical solutions can be time-consuming and require a lot of computational resources, especially for complex problems. They also rely on the accuracy of the discretization and can introduce errors in the solution.

5. How do you determine the accuracy of a numerical solution for a 2nd order equation?

The accuracy of a numerical solution can be determined by comparing it to an exact solution, if one exists. Otherwise, the solution can be compared to a known solution for a simplified version of the problem. The discretization can also be refined to improve the accuracy of the solution.

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