Understanding the Symbol <x,y> and Its Meaning in Equations

  • Thread starter transgalactic
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    Mean Symbol
In summary: The Triangle inequality states that if a, b, and c are real numbers, then a+bi+c is greater than a+b+c. This is true for any inner product space.
  • #1
<x,y>+<x,y>= (a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2) + (a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2)=2*(a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2)

i have <x,y> + <x,y> it written that it equals


what 2Re<x,y> means ??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Re means "the real part of..."
  • #3
buts its not a complex number its a vector operation

why to involve therms from complex numbers in that formula when developed it other wise

<x,y>+<x,y>= (a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2) + (a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2)=2*(a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2)

why am i mistaken?


and what the meaning of |< >| marked in blue in the link
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  • #4
if you look carefully, it says <x,y> + <y,x>, not <x,y> + <x,y>.

if the inner product is defined on a complex vector space, which means that a1,b1,c1, a2,b2,c2 are complex numbers, then <x,y> is a complex number, and <y,x> is the complex conjugate of <x,y>
in which case | < > | means the complex norm of the complex number given by the inner product.
  • #5
transgalactic said:
<x,y>+<x,y>= (a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2) + (a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2)=2*(a1*a2 +b1*b2 +c1*c2)

i have <x,y> + <x,y> it written that it equals


what 2Re<x,y> means ??

I believe that the vectors are supposed to be complex and the asterisks should represent complex conjugates. Note then too that the order in the inner product matters. Your formula is then a bit off and should read:

[tex]\langle x,y \rangle + \langle y , x \rangle = \cdots = 2\Re(\langle x , y \rangle ) [/tex]

Reversing the inner product effects a complex conjugate of the value thus adding both you cancel out the imaginary part and get twice the real part.
  • #6
when i wrote astrix i ment multiplication
  • #7
whats the full formula for <x,y>
(including the complex part)

  • #8
  • #9
transgalactic said:
when i wrote astrix i ment multiplication

I know you ment it as multiplication but...
1.) If you are working with complex vectors (implied by the [tex]\Re[/tex]), and
2.) If you are working with a Hermitian inner product, then
the complex conjugate is required:

[tex] \langle x , y \rangle = x_1^* \cdot y_1 + x_2^*\cdot y_2 + \ldots [/tex]

(where I am using * for complex conjugate and [tex]\cdot[/tex] for multiplication.)

If you are not working with a Hermitian inner product then the formula is just plain wrong.
If you are not working with possibly complex vectors then the formula is trivial:
[tex] \langle x,y\rangle + \langle x , y \rangle = 2\langle x , y \rangle[/tex]

See what I mean?

You didn't state from where you got your formula or for what reason you are writing it. You asked about the [tex]\Re[/tex] = "Re" symbol and I can only assume it came from some assignment or text. I am also extrapolating that the text must be talking about complex vectors with a Hermitian inner product.

Go back to your source of information and recheck it without the assumptions that the vectors are real or that [tex]\langle x , y \rangle = \langle y , x \rangle[/tex]
  • #11
why are they
opening the 2ab part
not as <x,y> + <x,y>

but as
<x,y> + <y,x>

  • #12
transgalactic said:
why are they
opening the 2ab part
not as <x,y> + <x,y>

but as
<x,y> + <y,x>


For the reasons stated above. Note that that section of the wikipedia article proves the inequality for an arbitrary inner product space, that is, a vector space endowed with an inner product. There is nothing that says the vectors have to be real

If I may, I'd suggest you didn't try and learn things from wikipedia, but instead invest in a good book.
  • #13
transgalactic said:
its from

Triangle inequality


is it about complex vectors?

It's about vectors real or complex. In the real case [tex]Re( \langle x, y \rangle) = \langle x,y \rangle[/tex] hence the "or equals" in the first inequality relation.

In the complex case they are in effect invoking the triangle inequality on the complex norm:

Let [tex]Re(\langle x,y \rangle) = a+bi[/tex]
Then [tex] |a| \le |a|+|b| \le |a+bi| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/tex]
where a, b are real numbers and the second inequality is the trangle inequality on the complex norm.

Note that we can write the complex squared norm norm as:
[tex] a^2+b^2= (a+bi)^*\cdot (a+bi) = c^* c[/tex]
where [tex] c = a+bi[/tex] our complex number. Recall that [tex] i^2 = -1[/tex] and [tex] (a+bi)^* = a-bi[/tex] (where a,b are real).

Thence the magnitude of a complex number is [tex] |c| = \sqrt{c^* c} = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}[/tex]

Also [tex] Re(c) \equiv \Re(c) = a[/tex] and [tex] Im(c) = \Im(c) = b[/tex] is just a way to indicate the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.

That is all the details implicit in the wiki article. Sit down and work them out on paper and you should be able to see what's goin' on.
  • #14
whats a complex conjugate??
  • #15
Maybe you should start learning the basics... and then go on to more advanced topics...
  • #16
ok now i know what's complex conjugate

know i will read it all over again
  • #17
what the values of x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2

\langle x , y \rangle = x_1^* \cdot y_1 + x_2^*\cdot y_2 + \ldots
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  • #18
transgalactic said:
what the values of x1 ,y1 ,x2 ,y2

\langle x , y \rangle = x_1^* \cdot y_1 + x_2^*\cdot y_2 + \ldots

I was using subscripted x's to indicate the x vector's coordinates. Your a,b,c my x_1 x_2 x_3.
That way we can talk about a vector with more than 3 or even 26 coordinates/dimensions.

BTW One way to think about complex conjugation is to remember we invented i to be one of the two square roots of -1 The other of course is -i
[tex]i^2=-1, i = \pm \sqrt{-1}[/tex].
Complex conjugation switches this choice, i.e. where ever an i occurs replace it with -i.

FAQ: Understanding the Symbol <x,y> and Its Meaning in Equations

1. What is the meaning of the symbol in equations?

The symbol in equations represents an ordered pair, where x and y are two distinct values that are related in some way. It is commonly used in mathematics and science to denote a relationship between two variables.

2. How do I interpret the symbol in an equation?

The symbol can be interpreted as the coordinates of a point on a graph, where x represents the horizontal position and y represents the vertical position. It can also represent a function, where x is the input and y is the output.

3. Can the symbol have different meanings in different contexts?

Yes, the symbol can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In mathematics, it can represent an ordered pair, while in other fields such as computer science, it may represent a data structure or a function.

4. How is the symbol used in solving equations?

The symbol can be used in solving equations to represent the relationship between two variables and to find a solution that satisfies both variables. It can also be used to graph the equation and visually understand the relationship between the variables.

5. Are there any other symbols or notations that are similar to in equations?

Yes, there are other symbols and notations that represent a relationship between two variables in equations. These include (x,y), [x,y], {x,y}, and x,y. However, they all follow the same concept of representing an ordered pair or a function with two variables.

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