Determining e/m of electron lab

In summary, in the lab we determined the charge to mass ratio of an electron by creating an electron beam and making it spin in a circle using a magnetic field. However, due to nonuniform acceleration and collisions with helium atoms, the velocity of the electrons in the beam is lower than theoretical. This results in our measured e/m being higher than theoretical, as the lab manual makes the assumption that the velocity is uniform throughout the circular path, when in reality it decreases. This leads to an overestimation of the measured e/m, as the true average velocity is lower than the assumed one used in the calculation.
  • #1
In our lab we determined the charge to mass ratio e/m of electron by creating electron beam and making it spin in a circle using a magnetic field from helmholtz coils. According to the pasco lab manual for this experiment, the velocity of the electrons in the beam will be lower than theoretical (because of nonuniform acceleration and collisions with helium atoms which made the circle glow), and thus the lab manual says that our measured e/m will be HIGHER than theoretical...

But I thought our measured should be LOWER than theoretical? Since (e/m)=(v^2)/(2ΔV) where v is velocity and ΔV is accelerating voltage, then lower v for the same ΔV should yield lower e/m...
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  • #2
Think about it. The lab makes the simplifying assumption that the velocity is uniform throughout the trip of the circular path; as noted, the electron slows down because of interaction with the rarefied gas in the chamber. This means that the true average velocity is lower than the assumed average velocity. However, it is the assumed (initial) velocity that you plug into the equation you gave to determine your measured e/m; the theoretical e/m is the one where you plug in the true average velocity and will be lower than what you measure.
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  • #3
Jasso said:
Think about it. The lab makes the simplifying assumption that the velocity is uniform throughout the trip of the circular path; as noted, the electron slows down because of interaction with the rarefied gas in the chamber. This means that the true average velocity is lower than the assumed average velocity. However, it is the assumed (initial) velocity that you plug into the equation you gave to determine your measured e/m; the theoretical e/m is the one where you plug in the true average velocity and will be lower than what you measure.

ok I am still confused...
you say
"However, it is the assumed (initial) velocity that you plug into the equation you gave to determine your measured e/m; the theoretical e/m is the one where you plug in the true average velocity and will be lower than what you measure."

but the assumed/measured velocity is lower. thus measured e/m is lower. thus theoretical is higher than measured, not lower...
  • #4
Maybe "the velocity of the electrons in the beam will be lower than theoretical" means that you overestimate the velocity - the real velocity is lower than the calculated one (based on magnetic field and radius), so the real e/m is lower, too. This corresponds to "your measured e/m is too high".
  • #5
mfb said:
Maybe "the velocity of the electrons in the beam will be lower than theoretical" means that you overestimate the velocity - the real velocity is lower than the calculated one (based on magnetic field and radius), so the real e/m is lower, too. This corresponds to "your measured e/m is too high".

but if real velocity is lower, then my MEASURED e/m will be lower, not the real e/m. the real e/m is independent of my measured (lower) velocity..
  • #6
You aren't measuring the velocity, you are measuring the radius of curvature of the beam.

When you find the curvature, you plug that in, along with other values into an equation to find the e/m. For a given velocity and magnetic field strength, the e/m is given by [itex]e/m = v / (r B)[/itex]. So as the velocity of the electrons decrease, the radius of the beam increases making a spiraling shape instead of a perfect circle. However, the lab doesn't take into account that the velocity decreases, it assumes that the velocity is higher than it really is and this higher velocity is the one used to calculate the e/m. That means that the e/m you calculate will be higher than it would normally be without the energy loss.
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FAQ: Determining e/m of electron lab

1. What is the purpose of the "Determining e/m of electron lab"?

The purpose of this lab is to experimentally determine the e/m ratio of an electron, which is the ratio of its charge to its mass. This is an important value in the field of physics and helps to better understand the behavior of electrons.

2. How is the e/m ratio of an electron measured in this lab?

The e/m ratio is measured by applying a known magnetic field to a beam of electrons and observing the resulting deflection. By manipulating the variables and using mathematical equations, the e/m ratio can be calculated from the observed deflection.

3. What materials and equipment are needed for this lab?

This lab requires a vacuum tube, power supply, Helmholtz coil, voltmeter, ammeter, and a computer with data analysis software. Other materials such as wires, resistors, and rulers may also be needed.

4. What are some sources of error in this lab?

Some sources of error in this lab include imperfect calibration of equipment, variations in the strength of the magnetic field, and human error in taking measurements and calculations. It is important to repeat the experiment multiple times and take precise measurements to minimize these errors.

5. What are some real-world applications of the e/m ratio?

The e/m ratio is used in various technologies, such as cathode ray tubes, particle accelerators, and mass spectrometers. It also has applications in understanding the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields, which is important in fields such as plasma physics and astrophysics.

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