Are we in two thousand ten or twenty ten ?

  • Thread starter Richard87
  • Start date
In summary, two thousand ten is the current year. Some people call it "twenty ten", while others call it "two thousand and ten". There is a movement to call it "twenty-ten" and it will be the official name of the year in 2020.
  • #1
Are we in "two thousand ten" or "twenty ten"?

What year are we in?
Physics news on
  • #2

i say twenty ten
  • #3

It's a matter of individual choice. I go with 'Twenty-Ten' because I'm lazy and it's easier to say.
  • #4

Twenty-Ten saves a syllable.
  • #5

Who actually keeps track of what year it?
  • #6

  • #7

I call 1810 "eighteen ten" and 1910 "nineteen ten" so I call 2010 "twenty ten".

On the other hand, I call 1909 "nineteen oh nine" but I didn't call last year "twenty oh nine." But that year is over with, thank God.
  • #8

Last year was "oh nine", so I'm just going to call it "oh ten". I'm lucky that it will actually be true in this particular century.
  • #9

I don't get it. It's two thousand nine plain and simple. Oh wait. Never mind.
  • #10

I realize that we've historically called it nineteen-fifty-two but we also called it nineteen-oh-eight. This century, we called it two thousand eight. (I know there's supposed to be an "and" in there, but when I said it out loud, here, to me, I said it with a bare hint of an "n" to represent the "and".) I intend to call it two-thousand-ten because that goes with how I've been addressing this century for the first nine/ten years.
  • #11

I bet it won't matter, because 10 years from now *everyone* will say "twenty-twenty". From there on, it will be "twenty-" whatever.

I guess I'll be an early adapter and use "twenty-ten."
  • #12

Two thousand ten.
Two thousand twenty

I will not be here for
Two thousand one hundred eleven
  • #13

5770. :)

I use both.
  • #14

Alienjoey said:
Last year was "oh nine", so I'm just going to call it "oh ten". I'm lucky that it will actually be true in this particular century.

so, two oh ten?

I think when some people will speak in a 'dramatic' sense, they may say two thousand and ten, or two thousand ten---I'll call it 20 10, 10 4
  • #15

Uhh, "yes". Just not "Two thousand and ten" For the love of god Montressor!
  • #16

Let me be the first to call it "2kX"

and the last.

EDIT: no, just googled it. Of course someone else used it already.
*takes down his homemade banner*
I'll go now.
  • #17

It's two thousand and ten... bloody yanks!
  • #18

I changed my mind... I'm going to call this year "Michelson-Morley Experiment." (MMX)
  • #19

lisab said:
10 years from now *everyone* will say "twenty-twenty"

Unless some smarta** will call it twenty squared.
  • #20

Chi Meson said:
Let me be the first to call it "2kX"

and the last.

EDIT: no, just googled it. Of course someone else used it already.
*takes down his homemade banner*
I'll go now.

  • #21

i say we are in MMX.
edit: damn i was beaten to it.
  • #22

cristo said:
It's two thousand and ten... bloody yanks!

I can't believe it took a whole page of cobblers before this sense came out. Good man. Two thousand and ten it is.
  • #23

Twenty Ten it is!
  • #24

brewnog said:
I can't believe it took a whole page of cobblers before this sense came out. Good man. Two thousand and ten it is.
I'm with you there, although I sustain no illusions about actually being able to change anyone's mind.

Among certain people I know there was a movement for '0A ('08, '09, '0A... yes we are nerds)
  • #26

brewnog said:
I can't believe it took a whole page of cobblers before this sense came out. Good man. Two thousand and ten it is.

MM and X
  • #27

eminem ex
  • #28

Its "one one one one one zero one one zero one zero".
  • #29

Or 7DA (That's "seven dee ayhe") :smile:
  • #30

jtbell said:
I changed my mind... I'm going to call this year "Michelson-Morley Experiment." (MMX)
Good one. I can't believe it's been 22 years since the Centenial Celebration, or M2C2, at Case Western.

Topher925 said:
Its "one one one one one zero one one zero one zero".
It will be 100,000,000,000 before you know it.
Hope that doesn't create a worldwide software glitch :smile:
  • #31

Topher925 said:
Its "one one one one one zero one one zero one zero".

rolerbe said:
Or 7DA (That's "seven dee ayhe") :smile:

Or as the Brits would say 1111101 and 1010; 7D and A
  • #32

Ivan Seeking said:
Or as the Brits would say 1111101 and 1010; 7D and A

That made my day :smile:
  • #33

Ivan Seeking said:
Or as the Brits would say 1111101 and 1010; 7D and A
I'm just glad one thousand and nine hundred and ninety and nine is well behind us.
  • #34

when I read twenty ten, something from those aptitude tests, gets to me and I want to say 'five'

FAQ: Are we in two thousand ten or twenty ten ?

1. What is the current year?

The current year is 2021.

2. Are we in 2010 or 2020?

We are currently in the year 2021, so we are in the decade of the 2020s.

3. Is it correct to say "two thousand ten" or "twenty ten"?

Both "two thousand ten" and "twenty ten" are acceptable ways to say the year 2010. However, "twenty ten" is more commonly used.

4. Why do we say "twenty ten" instead of "two thousand ten"?

This is purely a matter of preference and style. Some people prefer to say "twenty ten" because it is shorter and easier to say. Others may prefer to say "two thousand ten" because it follows the same pattern as previous years (e.g. "nineteen ninety-nine").

5. Will we ever stop saying "twenty" and switch to "two thousand"?

It is possible that as we move further into the 21st century, we may start saying "two thousand" instead of "twenty" for the years. However, it ultimately depends on personal preference and cultural norms.
