Is Local the Same as Isotropic in Physics?

In summary, the conversation is discussing two expressions, F(r, t) and F'(r, t), which involve the variables r, r', t, t', x, and g. It is noted that F' is local in space while F is non-local. The question is raised about whether F' describes an isotropic object, which is determined by translational invariance. The symbols x and g are defined as the susceptibility and electric field, respectively. The variables r, r', t, and t' are not defined.
  • #1

Say I have two expressions of the form

F(r, t) = \int{dr'\,dt'\,\,x(r,r',t,t')g(r',t')}


F'(r, t) = \int{dt'\,\,x'(r,t,t')g'(r, t')}

It is clear that F' is local in space, whereas F is non-local in space. Is it correct of me to say that F' describes an isotropic object? I.e., does isotropic = translational invariance?

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  • #2
You should define the various symbols to make it a physics question. Right now they are mathematical expressions.
  • #3
Good point, thanks. Say "x" denotes the susceptibility and "g" the electric field.
  • #4
How about r, r', t, and t'.
  • #5

Hello Niles,

Thank you for your question. In physics, isotropy refers to a property of a system that remains unchanged under rotations or translations. In your example, F' is indeed local in space and therefore it is also isotropic, as it remains unchanged under translations. However, it is important to note that being isotropic does not necessarily imply translational invariance. Translational invariance refers specifically to the property of a system that remains unchanged under translations in space, whereas isotropy includes both rotations and translations.

In summary, F' can be described as both local and isotropic, but it is not necessarily translational invariant. I hope this helps clarify the relationship between local and isotropic in your example. Keep questioning and exploring the properties of your system to deepen your understanding of physics. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Is Local the Same as Isotropic in Physics?

1. What does "local" and "isotropic" mean in scientific terms?

"Local" refers to a specific area or region, while "isotropic" means having the same properties in all directions. In scientific terms, these terms are often used to describe the behavior or characteristics of a specific phenomenon or material.

2. Are local and isotropic properties always the same?

No, local and isotropic properties can vary depending on the specific conditions or context. While they may refer to a specific area or have the same properties in all directions, they can still have different characteristics or behaviors.

3. How are local and isotropic properties related?

Local and isotropic properties are often used together to describe a specific phenomenon or material. While they may have different meanings, they often work together to provide a more complete understanding of a system or process.

4. Can you give an example of a local and isotropic phenomenon?

An example of a local and isotropic phenomenon is the diffusion of a gas in a closed container. The gas particles are evenly distributed throughout the container (isotropic) and the diffusion process occurs at a local level within the container.

5. How do scientists study local and isotropic properties?

Scientists use a variety of methods, such as experiments, simulations, and mathematical models, to study local and isotropic properties. These methods allow them to observe and analyze the behavior and characteristics of a specific phenomenon or material in a controlled environment.

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