An experiment with atomic clocks

In summary: If so, what are the possibilities for accuracy and precision?In summary, the two atomic clocks on a hard rod must be synchronized for the experiment to be successful. The accuracy and stability of the clocks during the time of the experiment is important. The distance between the clocks about 2 meters is also important. The clocks have light emitter (L1 and L2) and there is some receiver R in the middle of the rod. Periodically both clocks sends short light impulses to the receiver. We may adjust frequency of (AC1) so that [R] would see/measure equal frequency of light impulses coming from both sides. Now we may adjust position of the receiver [R] so that both impulses would come simultaneously. So
  • #1
Let say we would like to perform such experiment:

Let we have 2 small/mobile atomic clocks on a hard rod.
Distance between clocks about 2 meters.

There is no any electrical wire connections between these two clocks for synchronization.
This is important for this experiment.
The clocks themselves must have necessary accuracy and stability
during the time of the experiment. Let's say during a few minutes.

Both clocks have light emitter (L1 and L2)
and there is some receiver R in the middle of the rod.

Periodically both clocks sends short light impulses to the receiver.
We may adjust frequency of (AC1) so that [R] would see/measure
equal frequency of light impulses coming from both sides.

Now we may adjust position of the receiver [R] so that both impulses would come simultaneously.
So that [R] will not see any phase shift between light impulses.

Now let's put some very tiny plate |P| between [L1] and [R]
so that it would generate light delay about 10^-13 seconds.

I need info about equipment capable to detect such delay.
Is it realistic to achieve such accuracy with currently available equipment?
What biggest problems may arise here?

Thank you in advance for your minds.
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, it should be possible. There are probably a few ways of doing it, the most obvious would be to use an interferometric setup.

That said, the difficulty of this experiment depends a great deal on whether or not whether or not you want a single shot measurement (i.e. detect the shift in a single pulse).
  • #3
f95toli said:
Yes, it should be possible. There are probably a few ways of doing it, the most obvious would be to use an interferometric setup.

That said, the difficulty of this experiment depends a great deal on whether or not whether or not you want a single shot measurement (i.e. detect the shift in a single pulse).

This setup has another purpose than just measure delay due some plate [P]
But this plate [P] can be used to test the accuracy.
Just by varying [P] we may find what is the smallest delay the whole setup is capable to detect.

Usual interferometers like Mickelson's may well measure delay inside [P],
but they are not useful for the main purpose I have in my minds.

The main purpose would be to place such apparatus on a satellite to measure possible ether drift.
Although Mickelson's interferometer is more precise for measuring delay inside [P],
it is completely valueless in case if we are going to measure ether drift
and if exist real contraction predicted by H. Lorenz.

Setup with two atomic clocks is the only one I was able to find on Internet
which is not sensitive for such Lorenz contractions if they are real.

Please say if you know more.

Therefor would be interesting to know do already exist suitable equipment for such experiment?
Like you see here it is no strict requirement to relay on a single pulse. The results may be calculated from many pulses.

FAQ: An experiment with atomic clocks

1. What is an atomic clock?

An atomic clock is a highly accurate timekeeping device that uses the natural vibrations of atoms to measure time. It is considered the most precise type of clock and is used in scientific experiments and for official timekeeping purposes.

2. How does an atomic clock work?

An atomic clock works by using the oscillation frequency of atoms to measure time. Atoms, specifically those of certain elements like cesium or rubidium, vibrate at a consistent and predictable rate. This vibration is measured and converted into time units, resulting in extremely accurate timekeeping.

3. What is the purpose of using atomic clocks in experiments?

Atomic clocks are used in experiments because of their precision and accuracy. They can measure extremely small intervals of time, making them essential in experiments that require precise timing. Additionally, they can be used to measure the effects of gravity, motion, and other physical phenomena.

4. How are atomic clocks calibrated and maintained?

Atomic clocks are calibrated by comparing them to other atomic clocks that are known to be accurate. They are also periodically adjusted to account for factors that may affect their accuracy, such as temperature changes. Regular maintenance is also important to ensure the proper functioning of atomic clocks.

5. What are the potential applications of atomic clocks?

Aside from their use in scientific experiments and official timekeeping, atomic clocks have various potential applications. They are used in GPS systems, telecommunication networks, and financial transactions. They may also play a role in future technologies such as quantum computing and space exploration.

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