Is a Course Load of 3 Math and 1 Physics Class Doable?

  • Thread starter Sorgen
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In summary, this person is considering taking a heavy course load of physics, calc, and linear algebra, while also taking a proof-based course. They are currently in physics 1 and are thinking that it would not be a problem to take on a schedule like this. Most of the people in this thread are against this course load because it's too demanding and it would take too long to graduate.
  • #1
I know questions like this have been asked before, but my situation's a bit different so I was wondering how you guys think it would apply to me.

I'm considering taking Physics II (e+m), calc 3, linear algebra, and a proof based course using reed's 'fundamental ideas of analysis'.

This seems like a heavy course load, but I took ap physics c, so I already have a strong understanding of most of the content in physics II (got a 4 on the test, but my school doesn't accept ap credit for physics for whatever reason) so I don't think i'll have to work too hard on that class.

Also, I'm currently taking (and flunking) the linear algebra class due to misreading 2 questions on the midterm and solving them backwards (learned my lesson, no more all nighters the day before a test...).

Anyway, considering that I've seen most of the content in two of these classes, would it be reasonable to take on a schedule like this, or might it be a little much?
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  • #2
i would never want to take a semester like that if i could avoid it, but that's me personally. . . if you have to do it, then you have to do it, but there is no reason to rush things.
  • #3
It seems doable. You'll have to work a bit harder than usual, but that shouldn't be a problem...
  • #4
No, I do not recommend this course load. I already know that doing 2 physics class and 1 math class a quarter is very demanding. I would assume you could do well in 2 or 3 of your classes at the expense of the other 1 or 2 classes. I would stick to 3 physics/math classes a quarter (or semester) at most. Even though you might have done well in AP physics, even an introductory course in physics at the university level (assuming you are a physics or engineering major, they had different "introductory classes" at my school depending if you were physics/engineering or biology/chemistry and then a very simple one for humanities majors) is much harder than high school. I do not think AP physics, or a good grade on the AP test prepared me enough for my first year of my physics degree, and I only took 1 physics class, 1 math class, and 1 GE. I would say just try to take it easy, take 3 classes, and see how that feels. If you really think you can handle more after that, then you can always sign up for more next semester or quarter. There is no need to rush things (except I guess tuition is getting higher and higher ever semester).
  • #5
What are you taking for your fifth course?
  • #6
I should actually have said that my school was on a quarter system (thats only 10 weeks for the quarter), so maybe I can't really compare to your situation. I just know that 3 math/physics classes in just 10 weeks is a lot (totally doable), but 4 would be suicide IMHO (for the quarter system!)
  • #7
I'm in physics 1 right now, and it's a lot easier than the ap mechanics portion, so I'm thinking that physics 2 wouldn't be a problem (i'd have the same professor). However, it may just be that they want to ease you into physics with the mechanics part.

The reason I'm considering this courseload is that I want to study abroad for the fall semester next year, and the place that I want to go to doesn't offer an equivalent of the proof based course, and i'd like to have that out of the way so I can move onto part two of that course when I get back in the spring semester (part two isn't offered in fall)

If I take a fifth course, it's just going to be a voice training lesson that meets an hour a week, so that's no problem at all.
  • #8
cbetanco said:
No, I do not recommend this course load. I already know that doing 2 physics class and 1 math class a quarter is very demanding...
How exactly would anyone striving for a physics degree be able to obtain it in four years without a course load such as this? It's not uncommon for one to be taking even 5 science courses at once in upper level undergraduate courses... In fact, I generally take 6 courses, with 5 being science related and 1 course for general requirements.
  • #9
Why are (most) of the people in this thread against it? You have to take classes in order to graduate. I'm taking 4 engineering classes, 1 general education class, and 1 physics lab in the spring and my advisor was perfectly chill with it.
  • #10
Like I said, a quarter is 10 weeks long, shorter than a semester. I tried to explain this earlier...
  • #11
Fusiontron said:
Why are (most) of the people in this thread against it? You have to take classes in order to graduate. I'm taking 4 engineering classes, 1 general education class, and 1 physics lab in the spring and my advisor was perfectly chill with it.
It depends on the student and his or her abilities. When I was an undergrad, I regularly took 20 units per quarter (because I'm cheap and wanted my money's worth). I didn't think anything of it, but my peers thought it was crazy because they had their hands full with the normal 16-unit load.

Given the OP's background, what he or she is proposing doesn't sound unreasonable. I'd go for it.
  • #12
So really then the point is what is Sorgen's courseload compared to a standard courseload?

The subtext that I getting from a question like that is that a courseload consisting of these four particular courses may be difficult and result in less free time, or perhaps lower marks than if they were taken stretched out over time.

Naturally how the courseload affects you is going to come down to the type of student you are. Some students thrive under a focused semester. Others need to switch intellectual gears in order to be at their best. On top of that you have a whole bunch of other factors that will affect what you're doing. Do you have kids? Do you have to balance school with a 40 hour work week? Do you have a disability?

On the other hand, it's tempting to just tell you to "cowboy up."

The fact of the matter is that if you're majoring in physics or math and seriously contemplating going on to graduate work, your workload is only going to get harder and more focussed. You are after all in doing this degree because you enjoy these subjects aren't you?
  • #13
The only potential problem I see here is that a lot of people have a hard time in real analysis, if they are not used to doing proofs.
  • #14
Fusiontron said:
Why are (most) of the people in this thread against it? You have to take classes in order to graduate. I'm taking 4 engineering classes, 1 general education class, and 1 physics lab in the spring and my advisor was perfectly chill with it.

Not if you really want to learn. If you want to have a rudimentary understanding then by all means go ahead. You can get away with memorizing a lot of things in engineering, or even math and physics, but if you want to become truly good at math and physics you should aim for a deeper understanding.

Its fine if you know you can do it for sure. But this doesn't seem the case here; hence the topic.
  • #15
What i took this semester was Physics II(e+m) with the lab, calc 3, linear algebra, and discrete math. I have to study a lot but that's what college is all about. Also my grades are pretty good. But if you working a lot i would not suggest this.
  • #16
I had a semester like this and it was my favorite ever. I'm not a perfect student but with Calc 3, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Physics 2, and statics, I was able to pull a 3.78. You probably can too. The classes are all so interesting at this level and don't quite yet touch upon the "ridiculousness" that you may encounter at upper level math/physics courses. Just work hard, make sure you understand the homework, study for EVERY test, and you should be all right.
  • #17
I've had terms like this and it really isn't so bad as long as you don't fall behind on your studying. Intro to analysis can be a bit rough. A lot of people failed that one in my class. If you're having trouble with linalg, I'd say lighten the load a bit.
  • #18
It's doable, just be ready to work hard for A's.

FAQ: Is a Course Load of 3 Math and 1 Physics Class Doable?

1. What is "3 maths and 1 physics doable"?

"3 maths and 1 physics doable" refers to a common practice in scientific research where a team of scientists, typically consisting of three mathematicians and one physicist, collaborate on a project or study together.

2. Why is this combination of scientists commonly used?

This combination of scientists is commonly used because it allows for a diverse range of skills and perspectives to be applied to a research project. Mathematicians are experts in problem-solving and analytical thinking, while physicists have a strong understanding of the laws and principles that govern the physical world. Together, they can tackle complex problems and come up with innovative solutions.

3. What types of projects or studies are typically undertaken by "3 maths and 1 physics doable" teams?

These teams often work on projects that involve mathematical modeling and analysis of physical phenomena. This can include studies on fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, or cosmology, among others. They may also collaborate on interdisciplinary projects that require both mathematical and physical expertise.

4. How do mathematicians and physicists work together in these teams?

Typically, mathematicians and physicists each bring their own set of skills and knowledge to the table. Mathematicians may develop models and equations to describe a physical phenomenon, while physicists provide the context and understanding of the underlying principles. They work closely together to analyze data, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions.

5. What are the benefits of using a "3 maths and 1 physics doable" approach in scientific research?

There are several benefits to this approach, including the ability to tackle complex problems from different angles, fostering collaboration and communication between different disciplines, and potentially leading to more innovative and groundbreaking discoveries. It also allows for a more efficient use of resources, as the strengths of each discipline can be utilized effectively.

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