Noise Removal in Radio Telescope Observations

In summary: Noise in radio telescopes comes from both man-made and natural sources. The main way to remove background noise is to look at very narrow frequency bands. By having very carefully designed receivers you can look at a faint astronomicla signal at 890Mhz and ignore the cell phone tower next door at 900Mhz.
  • #1
while dealing with radio telescopes how can we remove the noise and other disturbances like microwave radiation etc.
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  • #2
When you say "noise" do you mean noise induced by man made devices such as cell phones, microwave ovens and washing machines? Or noise caused by amplifying stages of the telescope's receiver?
  • #3
I have often wondered the same thing myself. I think pseudo meant radio frequency noise such as radio transmissions. We're bathed in electromagnetic signals: AM, FM, XM, VHF, UHF, Shortwave, GPS, Digital Pager waveband, Mobile Phone waveband, Wireless internet waveband, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, Bluetooth come to mind. Some of these signals must get out to the large array fields.
  • #4
sysreset said:
I have often wondered the same thing myself. I think pseudo meant radio frequency noise such as radio transmissions. We're bathed in electromagnetic signals: AM, FM, XM, VHF, UHF, Shortwave, GPS, Digital Pager waveband, Mobile Phone waveband, Wireless internet waveband, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, Bluetooth come to mind. Some of these signals must get out to the large array fields.

there u got me sysreset. there is somthing called as fouriertransform which removes noise . can sm1 tell me how it is used ?
  • #5
pseudo said:
there u got me sysreset. there is somthing called as fouriertransform which removes noise . can sm1 tell me how it is used ?

radio signals have no atmospheric disturbance. then why does the radio flux has disturbance. why do we use atmospheric extinction for radio flux and not for radio signals.whats d difference ?
  • #6
The main way to remove background noise is to look at very narrow frequency bands.
By having very carefully designed receivers you can look at a faint astronomicla signal at 890Mhz and ignore the cell phone tower next door at 900Mhz.
There are international agreed quiet bands but a big problem is poorly maintained commercial transmitters that generate harmonics or drift out of frequency. Wide spectrum noise sources are a problem, car engines were a pain especially before electronic ignition.

Depending on the wavelength the sky does have an effect. At short wavelengths (high frequency) such as micrtowaves both the signal from the sun and water vapour in the air are a problem and so microwave telescopes are built on the same remote, high and dry sites as optical telescopes - this also gets them well away from artificial noise sources.
Low frequency (long wavelength) are sensitive to large scale waves in the ionosphere whihc cause 'seeing' like the shimmer of atmosphere seen by optical telescopes.
  • #7
There is also the problem of frequency shifting. Radio waves I believe bounce off the ionosphere, and are slightly shifted.

I think they compensate by looking for lower signals. The interference produces a lot of strong signal lines. By looking for weaker ones, that can eliminate a lot of the interference.
  • #8
Is it true that looking at narrow bands of frequency means that we are missing out on unique information carried on the bands we use for commercial purposes? Or is the consensus that the narrow bands give a good representation of what is out there?

FAQ: Noise Removal in Radio Telescope Observations

1. What is "noise" in radio telescope observations?

Noise in radio telescope observations refers to any unwanted or extraneous signals that are received by the telescope and can interfere with the detection and analysis of the desired signals from celestial objects. This can include interference from human-made sources, atmospheric conditions, and other natural sources.

2. Why is noise removal important in radio telescope observations?

Noise removal is important in radio telescope observations because it allows for a clearer and more accurate analysis of the signals from celestial objects. By removing the unwanted noise, scientists can better understand the properties and characteristics of these objects, leading to new discoveries and advancements in the field of astronomy.

3. How is noise removed from radio telescope observations?

Noise removal from radio telescope observations can be achieved through various techniques such as filtering, averaging, and signal processing algorithms. These methods aim to isolate and remove the unwanted noise while preserving the desired signals from celestial objects.

4. Are there any limitations to noise removal in radio telescope observations?

While noise removal techniques can greatly improve the quality of radio telescope observations, there are some limitations. These include the possibility of removing some of the desired signals along with the noise, as well as the fact that some types of noise may be difficult to filter out completely.

5. How does the type of radio telescope affect noise removal?

The type of radio telescope can affect noise removal in several ways. For example, larger telescopes with higher sensitivity may be able to detect and remove smaller levels of noise. Additionally, the design and technology of the telescope may impact the effectiveness of noise removal techniques. Therefore, it is important for scientists to carefully consider the telescope used in their observations when implementing noise removal methods.

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