Lower Pressure of 9.5L/min Fluid Through 3.17mm Passage

In summary, Charlie needs to accumulate 510 Lohms in order to lower the pressure of a 9.5 liter/minute stream of water flowing through a 3.17 mm passage 275 bar. He has a 22mm X 100 mm cylindrical volume in which to contain a single part or assembly of parts in which to accomplish this. Heat generation is not a problem.
  • #1
I need to lower the pressure of a 9.5 liter/minute stream of water flowing through a 3.17 mm passage 275 bar. I have a 22mm X 100 mm cylindrical volume in which to contain a single part or assembly of parts in which to accomplish this. I need to keep minimum ID to 3.17 mm. Heat generation is not a problem.

I think I need to accumulate 510 “Lohms”. Lohms seem difficult to amass passing such a low rate of fluid through a series of 3.17 mm orifices. Best I gather is manipulating the liquid’s mass and inertia in an efficient flow pattern to remove it’s energy is the key to my problem. I only have hazy daydream like images of how this could be accomplished. I can’t justify the expense of trying out my whims through trial and error. I’ve put off this problem while designing the rest of the system hoping the solution would come to me in some kind of epiphany, but it hasn’t. Thanks for any help.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Charlie. Industry doesn't generally use lohms, nor does academia. You've provided flow and upstream pressure, but not downstream pressure. If you can explain better what you need to accomplish that would help.

I take it your minimum orifice size (3.17 mm) is due to solids going through?

Also, is this ambient temp? Without looking, I'd guess you're in the supercritical range for water here.
  • #3
The Lee Company uses LOHM and calls it LOHM LAWS. There website is here:
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  • #4
The pressure drop of the power fluid will be an anticipated 4800 down to about 800 relative to ambient pressure. But ambient pressure will be up to 10000 psi so everything will stay liquid. Environmental temperature will be 100 to 250 F.
I want to create the pressure drop in order to utilize the high pressure to operate a piston motor. Yes, it's a potentially trashy power fluid. I can't use valves or tiny orifices. I've operated the motor using orifices in testing it, but know it wouldn't be practical trying to operate it in it's intended environment.
I picked up that "Lohms" at the site Nucleus refers to above. I thought I was making some headway on this using a pressure drop calculator from engineeringtoolbox. But then I noticed when I doubled the length of a passage, like from three inches to six, the pressure doubled. I knew then that it was worthless. But thanks for any help.
  • #5
I've seen the lohm law stuff about 20 years ago but never saw anyone actually use it. I suppose someone does but it's unusual.

The standard in industry has become the Crane Paper #410. You can purchase it online here:

If you want to get started looking at this, another paper is from Pipe-Flo Pro which I've posted here:

If you're looking to calculate water flow through an orifice, try API 520, para 3.8.
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  • #6
These plumbing and pipeline calculation programs seem to go by a different set of rules than higher pressure and velocity and smaller and shorter passage power transmission hydraulics. I don't trust the conclusions they draw when operating in the ranges I'm needing.

FAQ: Lower Pressure of 9.5L/min Fluid Through 3.17mm Passage

1. What is meant by "Lower Pressure" in this context?

The term "Lower Pressure" refers to the decrease in force or intensity of the fluid passing through the 3.17mm passage. It is typically measured in units of pressure, such as pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals (Pa).

2. How is the pressure of 9.5L/min determined?

The pressure of 9.5L/min is determined by measuring the volume of fluid passing through the 3.17mm passage per unit of time, typically in liters per minute (L/min). This measurement is then used to calculate the pressure using the Bernoulli's principle, which states that pressure and velocity are inversely proportional.

3. Why is a 3.17mm passage used in this experiment?

A 3.17mm passage is used in this experiment because it represents a small and narrow channel, similar to what may be found in real-world applications. This allows for a controlled and precise measurement of the pressure and flow rate of the fluid passing through it.

4. What factors can affect the pressure of 9.5L/min fluid through a 3.17mm passage?

There are several factors that can affect the pressure of 9.5L/min fluid through a 3.17mm passage, including the viscosity and density of the fluid, the size and shape of the passage, and the velocity of the fluid. Other external factors such as temperature and external forces may also play a role.

5. How does the pressure of 9.5L/min fluid through a 3.17mm passage impact the overall system?

The pressure of 9.5L/min fluid through a 3.17mm passage can have significant effects on the overall system, such as determining the flow rate and efficiency of the system. It can also affect the stability and performance of other components in the system, making it an important factor to consider in engineering and design processes.
