[Poll] What's Your Linux Distribution

In summary: Fedora is pretty cool too.In summary, Fedora is a desktop Linux distribution that is bleeding edge, while Ubuntu is user friendly.

Favourite Linux Distro

  • Total voters
  • #1
What's Your Linux Distribution?

I have just started learning the ropes with Ubuntu, and haven't yet tried others. If you're a Linux user (home/work/uni/wherever), which 'distro' is your favourite?

If you use a variant of a particular distro (for example, Kubuntu), please say so. You can also vote for more than one distro.
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  • #2
Is this a multi-choice vote? Because i kinda run 2.

Fedora & Ubuntu, fedora is bare-bones set up and Ubuntu as a linux desktop.

But i don't use either often tbh, i mostly use XP.
  • #3
Yes, it is a multi-choice vote.

I tend to use XP most of the time too, because I don't find any major differences or interesting things with the GUI, and the internet is not the best when you're working in Ubuntu. I'm just learning all the basic commands that one needs to know when working from a termial from a book and web souces.
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  • #4
I recently installed Ubuntu 5.10 at my uni comp at the insistence of my open-source friends (or rather, cultists ).

I found http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html" very useful for learning the basics.

The man and info commands are indispensable.
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  • #5
I'm running Ubuntu on my PC laptop (as well as XP). I'm no Linux expert, but I've tried Fedora and Debian but I preferred Ubuntu.

Very useful tutorial siddharth.
  • #6
Ubuntu is a Debian variety

I have an FC box, XP box, Ubuntu box, and a Mac Laptop. I also run XP, Ubuntu, and freeBSD Virtualised. Ohh and I use Knoppix from CD quite often
  • #7
Thanks for the link, Siddharth.

Not using Dapper?
  • #8
Anttech said:
Ubuntu is a Debian variety
That's true, but unilike Kubuntu and Ubuntu, I do not think their only differences are in the desktop environment.

I'm just a newb, what do I know, anyway. :biggrin:
  • #9
Fedora's pretty cool. I like SUSE 10 the best.
  • #10
neutrino said:
That's true, but unilike Kubuntu and Ubuntu, I do not think their only differences are in the desktop environment.

I'm just a newb, what do I know, anyway. :biggrin:
The desktop you mean? Well you can use Gnome or KDE on both Umbuntu & Debian...

As for distrubted packages, yes there are differences, but the core infrastructure is Debian.

  • #11
Okay, here's a question for those who've used Fedora - What makes the download so big (3 GB) as opposed to, say, Ubuntu's 700 MB?
  • #12
Because of the packages that are included with Fedora compared to Ubuntu. Fedora is bleeding edge Red Hat, Ubuntu is a user friendly Desktop Linux enviroment.
  • #13
Thinking about going to gentoo, have not had the time to go out and get a drive to install it on.
  • #14
I've been using linux for over five years now. I've been through over a dozen distros. Currently I'm using fedora and slackware.

I see Ubuntu has a lot of votes, but its not one the distros I've used.

FAQ: [Poll] What's Your Linux Distribution

What is a Linux distribution?

A Linux distribution, or distro, is an operating system based on the Linux kernel. It includes a collection of software packages, tools, and utilities that make up a complete operating system.

Which Linux distribution is the most popular?

As of 2021, the most popular Linux distribution is Ubuntu, followed by Debian and Linux Mint. However, the popularity of a distribution can vary depending on the target audience and intended use.

What factors should I consider when choosing a Linux distribution?

Some factors to consider when choosing a Linux distribution include your level of technical expertise, the purpose of the operating system (e.g. desktop, server, gaming), the software and tools you need, and the community support available.

Can I switch between different Linux distributions?

Yes, it is possible to switch between different Linux distributions. However, it may require some technical knowledge and there is a risk of data loss. It is recommended to back up important data before attempting to switch distributions.

Are all Linux distributions free?

Most Linux distributions are free and open-source, meaning they can be downloaded and used for free. However, there are some paid distributions that offer additional features and support.
