Legendre Polynomials: Beginner's Guide

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Legendre polynomials and their use in modeling irregularities in the shape of an object. The conversation also mentions orthogonal polynomials and a link to a resource for beginners to learn more about these concepts.
  • #1
hi folks!

I have been trying to figure out some plausible geometric intrepretation to legendre polynomials and what are they meant to do.

I have come across the concept of orthogonal polynomials while working with some boundary value problems in solid mechanics and wasn't able to come to terms with that since then.

Can some one amongst you suggest a beginner's literature on this ?

It would be invalueble if someone can share ur insights on this ?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Try this link:


The section on Legendre polynomials, zonal harmonics, sectorial harmonics, and tesseral harmonics are in the appendix.

It's basically a sine regression. You have an actual shape of a non-perfect sphere that you want to model. Legendre polynomials give you a method of creating an equation that will model the irregularities in the object's shape.
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  • #3

Hi there,

Legendre polynomials are a type of orthogonal polynomial that are commonly used in mathematics and physics. They were first introduced by Adrien-Marie Legendre in the late 18th century and have since been widely studied and applied in various fields.

One way to understand Legendre polynomials is to think of them as a set of functions that can be used to represent any other function. They have a special property called orthogonality, which means that when multiplied together and integrated over a certain range, they result in zero. This property makes them useful in solving boundary value problems, as you mentioned in your post.

A geometric interpretation of Legendre polynomials can be seen in their graphical representation, which resembles a series of curves with peaks and valleys. Each peak and valley corresponds to a root of the polynomial, and together they form a pattern that can be used to approximate other functions.

In terms of beginner's literature, I would recommend checking out "A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations" by Arieh Iserles. It provides a good introduction to Legendre polynomials and their applications in solving differential equations.

I hope this helps! Feel free to share any insights or questions you may have.

FAQ: Legendre Polynomials: Beginner's Guide

1. What are Legendre polynomials?

Legendre polynomials are a type of orthogonal polynomial, meaning that they are a set of polynomials that are orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other when plotted on a graph. They are named after French mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre, who first studied them in the late 1700s.

2. What is the significance of Legendre polynomials?

Legendre polynomials have many applications in mathematics and physics. They are used to solve differential equations, represent wave functions in quantum mechanics, and approximate other functions in numerical analysis. They also have connections to other important mathematical concepts, such as spherical harmonics and Bessel functions.

3. How do you calculate Legendre polynomials?

The formula for calculating Legendre polynomials involves a recursive relationship, meaning that each polynomial can be calculated from the previous ones. There are also tables and computer programs that can generate the values for specific polynomials. The coefficients of the polynomials can also be found using the Gram-Schmidt process, a method for generating orthogonal polynomials.

4. What is the range of Legendre polynomials?

The range of Legendre polynomials is from -1 to 1, with each polynomial having a different number of zeros (points where the graph crosses the x-axis) within this range. The n-th polynomial has n distinct zeros, with the exception of the 0th polynomial, which is a constant value of 1.

5. How are Legendre polynomials related to other types of polynomials?

Legendre polynomials are a special case of Jacobi polynomials, which are in turn a special case of hypergeometric polynomials. They are also closely related to Chebyshev polynomials, which are commonly used in numerical analysis. Legendre polynomials can be converted into other types of polynomials through a process called orthogonal projection.
