Why Can't Detected Particles Be Virtual?

In summary, the article explains that virtual particles are particles that exist for a brief moment and do not have a definite line separating them from real particles. If a single particle is detected, it is considered to be real and not virtual. This is because the detection of a particle means it has a measurable effect and is no longer just an interference in calculations. Additionally, virtual particles often appear in pairs that cancel each other out, and detecting one of the pair means the other has already been annihilated. This concept can be better understood by learning about off-shell and on-shell particles.
  • #1
On the wikipedia page about virtual particles it says:

"If a single particle is detected, then the consequences of its existence are prolonged to such a degree that it cannot be virtual."

Could someone explain to me why this is true, ie why is it that if we detect a particle it cannot be virtual?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Bobhawke said:
On the wikipedia page about virtual particles it says:

"If a single particle is detected, then the consequences of its existence are prolonged to such a degree that it cannot be virtual."

Could someone explain to me why this is true, ie why is it that if we detect a particle it cannot be virtual?

As I understand it at least, virtual particles are, by definition, particles which pop in and back out of existence between classical states. You shoot two classical electrons at each other. They exchange a photon and their momenta are affected. We collect the electrons a short while later when they hit a detector.

But the photon never hits a detector. The photon is never measured. It was not something we "put into" the system, not was a it a by product. It's a ghost. In fact, the electrons didn't even exchange a single photon. All possible interactions between the two electrons occurred, weighted by their appropriate amplitudes.
  • #3
Read a little further in the Wikipedia article and it also says:

There is not a definite line differentiating virtual particles from real particles — the equations of physics just describe particles (which includes both equally). The amplitude that a virtual particle exists interferes with the amplitude for its non-existence; whereas for a real particle the cases of existence and non-existence cease to be coherent with each other and do not interfere any more. In the quantum field theory view, "real particles" are viewed as being detectable excitations of underlying quantum fields. As such, virtual particles are also excitations of the underlying fields, but are detectable only as forces but not particles. They are "temporary" in the sense that they appear in calculations, but are not detected as single particles.

So your quoted statement while accurate is subtle and easy to misinterpret. In classical physics the expalantion makes no sense.

An alternative way to think about it is that virtual particles appear in pairs which cancel...if you are able to detect one of the pairs, it's already real and it's partner annihilated...an example is right outside the horizon of a black hole...one particle is absorbed and disappears and presto chango it's partner becomes real and emitted as a bit of energy...
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  • #4
Naty1 said:
An alternative way to think about it is that virtual particles appear in pairs which cancel...

I don't think that's a very good way to think about it. If an electron and a neutrino scatter through the exchange of a virtual W, there is no "pair".
  • #5
You have to learn the meaning of off-shell and on-shell particles.A particle on the mass shell satisfies the relation p^2=m^2 where p and m are the momentum and the mass of the particle.The propagator of a particle is 1/(p^2-m^2) (the denominator at least).virtual particles are of-shell and that is why they don't propagate...

FAQ: Why Can't Detected Particles Be Virtual?

1. What are virtual particles?

Virtual particles are hypothetical particles that are thought to pop in and out of existence in a vacuum. They are not physical particles, but instead are fluctuations in energy that can briefly take on the properties of a particle.

2. How are virtual particles different from real particles?

Virtual particles are different from real particles in that they do not have a stable existence and cannot be directly observed. Real particles have a defined mass and energy, while virtual particles do not. They also have a limited lifespan and do not interact with other particles in the same way as real particles do.

3. What is the significance of virtual particles in physics?

Virtual particles play a crucial role in quantum field theory and the understanding of fundamental interactions between particles. They also help explain the behavior of physical systems at the quantum level, such as the Casimir effect.

4. Can virtual particles become real particles?

Yes, virtual particles can become real particles under certain conditions. For example, in particle accelerators, high-energy collisions can create real particles from the energy of virtual particles. Additionally, virtual particles can also become real particles through the process of pair production.

5. Do virtual particles violate the laws of conservation of energy and momentum?

No, virtual particles do not violate the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. Although they can briefly take on the properties of a particle, they do not have a net effect on the energy and momentum of a system. They simply borrow energy from the vacuum and then return it, maintaining overall balance in the system.

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