Wave mechanics: the adjoint of a hamiltonian

Yes, but the conditions Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0 and QQ^{\dagger}+Q^{\dagger}Q put restrictions on H, which allow you to simplify (QQ^{\dagger})^2 to \alpha QQ^{\dagger}...which is exactly what you've just shown. It's no different from saying x^2=1 when x=1.Anyways, H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}=\alpha(\alpha...)\alpha=__________.$\alpha Q^{\dagger}Q$.Does this answer your question?Hmm, is there a reason why you want to answer
  • #1

Homework Statement

The operator Q satisfies the two equations

[tex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0[/tex] , [tex]QQ^{\dagger}+Q^{\dagger}Q=1[/tex]

The hamiltonian for a system is

[tex] H= \alpha*QQ^{\dagger}[/tex],

Show that H is self-adjoint

b) find an expression for [tex]H^2[/tex] , the square of H , in terms of H.

c)Find the eigenvalues of H allowed by the result from part(b) .

where [tex]\alpha[/tex] is a real constant

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution



self adjoint of an operator

[tex](Q^{\dagger}\varphi,\phi)=(\varphi,Q\phi)[/tex] Should I take the conjugate of the operator H?

b)[tex]H^2=(\alpha)*(1-Q^{\dagger}Q)(\alpha)*(1-Q^{\dagger}Q)=(\alpha)^2*(1-Q^{\dagger}Q-Q^{\dagger}Q+Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}QQ.) [/tex] since [tex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0 [/tex] then the expression for H^2 is : [tex]H^2=(\alpha)^2*(1-Q^{\dagger}Q-Q^{\dagger}Q=(\alpha)^2(1-2*Q^{\dagger}Q)[/tex]. Now what?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
a) any operator of the form [itex]cQQ^\dagger, c \in R[/itex], is self-adjoint. You don't need to use any other equation to prove this.

b) What does finding an expression for [itex]H^2[/itex] in terms of [itex]H[/itex] mean? [itex]H^2[/itex] is an expression for [itex]H^2[/itex] in terms of [itex]H[/itex].
  • #3
Preno said:
a) any operator of the form [itex]cQQ^\dagger, c \in R[/itex], is self-adjoint. You don't need to use any other equation to prove this.

b) What does finding an expression for [itex]H^2[/itex] in terms of [itex]H[/itex] mean? [itex]H^2[/itex] is an expression for [itex]H^2[/itex] in terms of [itex]H[/itex].

a)show [tex] H=H^{\dagger}[/tex]? if so[tex] H^{\dagger}=((\alpha)QQ^{\dagger})^{\dagger}=QQ^{\dagger}(\alpha)[/tex]
  • #4
What is the adjoint of a product?
  • #5
Preno said:
What is the adjoint of a product?

i don't know [tex](PQ)^{\dagger}=Q^{\dagger}P^{\dagger}[/tex]?
  • #6
Well, yeah, so you just apply this rule to the definition of H and use the fact that [itex](Q^\dagger)^\dagger=Q[/itex].
  • #7
Preno said:
Well, yeah, so you just apply this rule to the definition of H and use the fact that [itex](Q^\dagger)^\dagger=Q[/itex].

I did that: [tex]
  • #8
So did I apply the rule correctly? Hope there is no hard feelings
  • #9
er... bump! I am having trouble with part b) [tex]H^2=HH=(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}*(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}=(\alpha)^2*Q^{\dagger}Q(1-QQ^{\dagger})=(\alpha)^2*(Q^{\dagger}Q-QQ^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}Q[/tex]. Using the fact that [tex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0[/tex] [tex]H^2[/tex] the equals: [tex] H^2=(\alpha)^2*(Q^{\dagger}Q)[/tex]; Shouldn't [tex](Q^{\dagger}Q)[/tex] be squared?

c) [tex]H*\varphi=E*\varphi[/tex] ; Not sure how to finish this problem.
  • #10
noblegas said:
er... bump! I am having trouble with part b) [tex]H^2=HH=(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}*(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}=(\alpha)^2*Q^{\dagger}Q(1-QQ^{\dagger})=[/tex]

Shouldn't this be [itex]H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}(1-Q^{\dagger}Q)[/itex]?
  • #11
noblegas: you need to pay more careful attention to non-commutativity. You seem to be randomly swapping [itex]Q Q^\dagger[/itex] with [itex]Q^\dagger Q[/itex] in your expressions... and in general that is simply not allowed when working with operators.

You should not be surprised to see Q behaving degenerately -- that's one of the big things that the identity [itex]Q^\dagger Q^\dagger = 0[/itex] tells you!

I don't know if it will help your intuition or not, but that means [itex]Q^\dagger[/itex] will, heuristically speaking, behave something like an "infinitessimal" number whose square is negligible.

Now, rather than doing things haphazardly, you can try and systematically rewrite equations. The original identities say that [itex]Q^\dagger Q^\dagger[/itex] is trivial, and that [itex]\{ Q Q^\dagger, Q^\dagger Q \}[/itex] is a linearly dependent set. (What about [itex]QQ[/itex]?) It might help if you can decide upon a standard form for any products of Q and [itex]Q^\dagger[/itex], and use these relations to convert any product into the standard form.
  • #12
gabbagabbahey said:
Shouldn't this be [itex]H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}(1-Q^{\dagger}Q)[/itex]?

yes. Thats what I meant to write. Nevertheless the second term in the impression goes away.
. How should I approach the eigenvalue problem? I know that [tex] H*\varphi =E*\varphi ==> \alpha*QQ^{\dagger}*\varphi=E*\varphi[/tex]
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  • #13
noblegas said:
yes. Thats what I meant to write. Nevertheless the second term in the impression goes away.

Right, the second term goes away (since [itex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0[/itex])...and the first term is____?
  • #14
Hurkyl said:
noblegas: you need to pay more careful attention to non-commutativity. You seem to be randomly swapping [itex]Q Q^\dagger[/itex] with [itex]Q^\dagger Q[/itex] in your expressions... and in general that is simply not allowed when working with operators.

You should not be surprised to see Q behaving degenerately -- that's one of the big things that the identity [itex]Q^\dagger Q^\dagger = 0[/itex] tells you!

I don't know if it will help your intuition or not, but that means [itex]Q^\dagger[/itex] will, heuristically speaking, behave something like an "infinitessimal" number whose square is negligible.

Now, rather than doing things haphazardly, you can try and systematically rewrite equations. The original identities say that [itex]Q^\dagger Q^\dagger[/itex] is trivial, and that [itex]\{ Q Q^\dagger, Q^\dagger Q \}[/itex] is a linearly dependent set. (What about [itex]QQ[/itex]?) It might help if you can decide upon a standard form for any products of Q and [itex]Q^\dagger[/itex], and use these relations to convert any product into the standard form.
Sorry yahiko, I know matrices don't Commute. I mistakenly wrote down the wrong expression
  • #15
gabbagabbahey said:
Right, the second term goes away (since [itex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0[/itex])...and the first term is____?



that can't be right because the [tex] QQ^{\dagger} [/tex] is not squared
  • #16
Why would the [itex]QQ^{\dagger}[/itex] term have to be squared?

Anyways, [itex]H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}[/itex]...and [itex]\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}=\alpha(\alpha QQ^{\dagger})=\alpha[/itex]__?
  • #17
gabbagabbahey said:
Why would the [itex]QQ^{\dagger}[/itex] term have to be squared?

Anyways, [itex]H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}[/itex]...and [itex]\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}=\alpha(\alpha QQ^{\dagger})=\alpha[/itex]__?

Because [tex] HH=(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}[/tex]
  • #18
noblegas said:
Because [tex] HH=(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}(\alpha)QQ^{\dagger}[/tex]

Yes, but the conditions [itex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0[/itex] and [itex]QQ^{\dagger}+Q^{\dagger}Q[/itex] put restrictions on [itex]H[/itex], which allow you to simplify [itex](QQ^{\dagger})^2[/itex] to [itex]\alpha QQ^{\dagger}[/itex]...which is exactly what you've just shown.

It's no different from saying [itex]x^2=1[/itex] when [itex]x=1[/itex].

Anyways, [itex]H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}=\alpha(\alpha QQ^{\dagger})=\alpha[/itex]__?
  • #19
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, but the conditions [itex]Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0[/itex] and [itex]QQ^{\dagger}+Q^{\dagger}Q[/itex] put restrictions on [itex]H[/itex], which allow you to simplify [itex](QQ^{\dagger})^2[/itex] to [itex]\alpha QQ^{\dagger}[/itex]...which is exactly what you've just shown.

It's no different from saying [itex]x^2=1[/itex] when [itex]x=1[/itex].

Anyways, [itex]H^2=\alpha^2QQ^{\dagger}=\alpha(\alpha QQ^{\dagger})=\alpha[/itex]__?

ah! [tex] [itex]
  • #20
Right, [itex]H^2=\alpha H[/itex]...Now use that for part (c)... operate on both sides of your eignvalue equation with [itex]H[/itex]...what do you get?
  • #21
gabbagabbahey said:
Right, [itex]H^2=\alpha H[/itex]...Now use that for part (c)... operate on both sides of your eignvalue equation with [itex]H[/itex]...what do you get?

assumming that [tex] H*\varphi=E*\varphi[/tex]

  • #22
noblegas said:
assumming that [tex] H*\varphi=E*\varphi[/tex]


No, you can't just forget about [itex]\varphi[/itex] like that.

[tex]H\varphi=E\varphi \implies H^2\varphi=H(E\varphi)=E(H\varphi)[/tex]

But [itex]H^2=\alpha H[/tex], so...
  • #23
gabbagabbahey said:
No, you can't just forget about [itex]\varphi[/itex] like that.

[tex]H\varphi=E\varphi \implies H^2\varphi=H(E\varphi)=E(H\varphi)[/tex]

But [itex]H^2=\alpha H[/tex], so...

[tex]H\varphi=E\varphi \implies H^2\varphi=H(E\varphi)=E(H\varphi)=E^2\varphi[/tex]
  • #24
noblegas said:
[tex]H\varphi=E\varphi \implies H^2\varphi=H(E\varphi)=E(H\varphi)=E^2\varphi[/tex]

Yes, but you also know [itex]H^2=\alpha H[/itex], so...
  • #25
gabbagabbahey said:
Yes, but you also know [itex]H^2=\alpha H[/itex], so...

so [tex]\alpha H*\varphi=E^2*\varphi[/tex]
  • #26
Right, and [itex]\alpha H\varphi= \alpha (H\varphi)=\alpha[/itex]___?
  • #27
gabbagabbahey said:
Right, and [itex]\alpha H\varphi= \alpha (H\varphi)=\alpha[/itex]___?

can't believe I left out alpha. [tex] \alpha*E^2 \varphi [/tex]
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  • #28
No, [itex]H^2\varphi=\alpha H\varphi= \alpha E\varphi[/itex],, and you showed in post #23, [itex]H^2\varphi[/itex] also must equal [itex]E^2\varphi[/itex], so [itex] \alpha E\varphi=E^2\varphi[/itex], right?

And therfor [itex]E=[/itex]___?
  • #29
gabbagabbahey said:
no, [itex]h^2\varphi=\alpha h\varphi= \alpha e\varphi[/itex],, and you showed in post #23, [itex]h^2\varphi[/itex] also must equal [itex]e^2\varphi[/itex], so [itex] \alpha e\varphi=e^2\varphi[/itex], right?

And therfor [itex]e=[/itex]___?

[itex]e=h=e^2[/itex] sorry. don't know why latex will not capitalized E and H
  • #30
noblegas said:
[itex]e=h=e^2[/itex] sorry. don't know why latex will not capitalized E and H

No, [itex]H[/itex] is an operator, [itex]E[/itex] is a scalar, they cannot possibly be equal!
  • #31
gabbagabbahey said:
no, [itex]h[/itex] is an operator, [itex]e[/itex] is a scalar, they cannot possibly be equal!

[tex] e=e^2[/tex]
  • #32
noblegas said:
[tex] e=e^2[/tex]

No, [itex]\alpha E\varphi=E^2\varphi[/itex], so (since [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex]E[/itex] are both scalars!) [itex]\alpha E=E^2[/itex]...so [itex]E=[/itex]___?
  • #33
gabbagabbahey said:
No, [itex]\alpha E\varphi=E^2\varphi[/itex], so (since [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex]E[/itex] are both scalars!) [itex]\alpha E=E^2[/itex]...so [itex]E=[/itex]___?

[itex]E=E^2/(/alpha)[/itex] alpha isn't a matrix so I can divide alpha to the other side?
  • #34
E and alpha are numbers, yes. You want to solve alpha*E=E*E. That's the same as alpha*E-E*E=0. It's a quadratic equation. It has two solutions. Can you factor it?
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  • #35
Dick said:
E and alpha are numbers, yes. You want to solve alpha*E=E*E. That's the same as alpha*E-E*E=0. It's a quadratic equation. It has two solutions. Can you factor it?

yes. E=0 or 1