Exploring the Debate: Black Hole Radiation and its Implications

In summary, this article is a review of the literature questioning whether black holes radiate. The author cites a number of other papers and seems to be scholarly in his assessment. He is resistant to the idea of black holes evaporating and instead believes they bounce around and eventually evaporate. He also thinks that there may be a cutoff in energy at which black holes would not be able to emit Hawking radiation. If this theory is true, it could open up a new area of research in the field of quantum gravity.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
This is an issue worth discussing:

Do black holes radiate?
Authors: Adam D. Helfer
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Chronos said:
This is an issue worth discussing:

Do black holes radiate?
Authors: Adam D. Helfer

I have been looking at it. It is a review article that cites many other articles which have questioned, or critically examined, Hawking radiation. It is hard to assess this review article without checking some of the sources.

Some of the sources can be found on line. He cites
Ted Jacobson 1993 Phys Rev D48 728–741
and this is available as

I looked at the Ted Jacobson paper and it tended to confirm what your author Adam Helfer says. One cannot be absolutely sure that black holes evaporate. there has certainly been no empirical observation of hawking radiation, but on top of that the theoretical derivation is not certain because it extrapolates to very high energies (planck scale) where the physics is not known.

my impression of Jacobson is that he is very reliable and does not say things lightly. his papers are highly cited.

Helfer's bibliography seems good----he has stuff from Ashtekar, Unruh, Bekenstein.

He also cites authors like Carlip who support that Hawking radiation should be just like Hawking says, and that any problems with the theoretical derivation can be fixed. In other words scholarly evenhandedness.

I still think that it is kind of maverick to question hawking radiation. But I have to acknowledge that this Adam Helfer paper is scholarly. As far as I have been able to tell he makes the case that one still has to allow for the possibility that there isn't as much radiation, or that it has a different spectrum (not the simple thermal spectrum) and maybe even that the holes do not finally evaporate.

Personally I picture them like drops of water bouncing around on a hot skillet, and i like the idea that they evaporate, so I am disappointed to learn that this is questionable and i hope that evaporation will be vindicated.
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  • #3
The text mentions the notion of almost-black hole, an object that is near to shrink under its Schwarzschild radius, but its saved of the disaster by reamining above that limit. I wonder if almost-black hole is a synonym of neutron star, or perhaps is a new class of object that i hadn't knowledge about
  • #4
Agreed, marcus. My initial impression was ... skeptical. I was not aware there was any serious dissent over Hawking radiation. I too checked citatations. I was rather surprised to find 13 citations by several different authors to this paper. Maverick theories do not generally gather much attention from serious researchers. So I went ahead and read the thing at face value. It was illuminating... :smile: [couldn't resist].

I am also resistant to the notion of evaporation going away. It just does not seem thermodynamically viable. I can see how it may be different, possibly much different than generally thought. Perhaps a decent quantum gravity theory will make it possible to fill in the blanks. It would be nice [then again maybe not so nice] if GLAST happened to find one near and small enough to get a good look. I was thinking though [which is risky since it tends to confuse me], doesn't many-worlds predict a Planck mass black hole could be stable [non-radiating]?

The thought that meteor had is also intriguing. Could it be that a true black hole is merely a mathematical artifact, not a real object? Perhaps if we knew all the physics involved, we would find an upper density limit for matter, a state of nearly, but not quite a black hole. Would that be a dark matter candidate?
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  • #5
Here is another paper by Helfer, examining the interface between quantum theory and GR. Like many studying this area, he sees extremely high energies (trans-Planckian problem) that make reconciliation impossible without a theory of quantum gravity.


If these extreme energies are to be avoided, there must be a UV cutoff, perhaps imposed by the fine structure of our universe.
  • #6
If these extreme energies are to be avoided, there must be a UV cutoff, perhaps imposed by the fine structure of our universe.

For example LQG.
  • #7
Call me old-fashioned, but papers by theoreticians - no matter how illustrious or elegant (the paper, not the persons!) - are just that. Well before Planck scales there are many, many OOM of physics that haven't been tested - even between a magnetar or GRB (whatever they are) and Planck, let alone LEP/Tevatron and Planck. Who can say what rich physics awaits the exploration of the next 3 to 5 OOM of energy? Of course, if GLAST (or something else) sees a nice evaporating BH in our neighbourhood tomorrow ...

FAQ: Exploring the Debate: Black Hole Radiation and its Implications

1. What is the concept of black hole radiation?

Black hole radiation refers to the emission of particles and energy from a black hole. This occurs due to the Hawking radiation, which is a quantum effect that causes particles to be emitted from the event horizon of the black hole, reducing its mass over time.

2. How does black hole radiation occur?

Black hole radiation occurs due to the Hawking radiation effect. According to this theory, virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are constantly being created and destroyed at the event horizon of the black hole. If one of the particles falls into the black hole, the other can escape and become real, resulting in the emission of energy and particles from the black hole.

3. Can we observe black hole radiation?

Currently, we do not have the technology to directly observe black hole radiation. This is because the particles emitted are very weak and the radiation is in the form of infrared and radio waves, which are difficult to detect. However, scientists are working on developing new methods to potentially observe this phenomenon in the future.

4. Does black hole radiation violate the law of conservation of energy?

No, black hole radiation does not violate the law of conservation of energy. This is because the energy that is emitted from the black hole is balanced by the decrease in mass of the black hole. As the black hole loses mass, it also loses energy, thus conserving the overall energy of the system.

5. Can black hole radiation eventually cause a black hole to disappear?

Yes, black hole radiation can eventually cause a black hole to disappear. This process is known as "Hawking evaporation" and it occurs when a black hole loses all of its mass through the emission of radiation. However, this process is very slow and it would take billions of years for a black hole to completely evaporate.

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