Will a Neutral Metal Ball Near a Charge Have a Non-Zero Electric Field Inside?

In summary: Alternatively, you could try a trigonometric integration (maybe using a Simpson's Rule or a derivatives trick) or maybe even a Power Series.
  • #1
It is known that a neutral metal ball will have 0 electric field inside the sphere, will there be a non zero electric field inside the neutral metal ball if this neutral ball is placed near a charge? I know that it will induce charges of the opposite kind ont he outside, what about the inside.

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  • #2
Based on Gauss's law, there should not be a charge enclosed, because all of the charge is on the surface. So at some region r<R (r is a radius less than the Radius of the sphere) of the sphere would have zero charge. But the surface of the sphere would have a charge.

This applies for a hollow sphere.
  • #3
If the sphere is a conductor, then the electric field will be zero everywhere inside the sphere. Think about it: in a conductor, charges are free to move. So if there is a net electric field, then the charges will move...and they will continue moving until there is no net electric field. That is, the charges will arrange themselves in a way that precisely cancels the field inside the sphere.

There will, however, be an induced charge distribution on the surface of the sphere, and that means that the electric field outside the sphere will get complicated.
  • #4
Ben Niehoff said:
There will, however, be an induced charge distribution on the surface of the sphere, and that means that the electric field outside the sphere will get complicated.

Not too very complicated. You can solve the problem using the method of images if the exterior charge distribution is simple enough.
  • #5
Does anyone have the mathematical proof that the E-field is 0?

Ie that in a hollow sphere made of insulating material, if the charge is evenly distributed on the surface (so the charges cannot move) then the E-field is zero?
  • #6
I would say that for a conductor (hollow or solid) the field is zero *IF* the charge on the surface (whether induced or not) is static -- if there was a field then the charges would not be static (as was mentioned before). So the assumption is that you waited to look for the field (a millionth of a second or so) until the charges reached their equiilbrium positions and if they are staying put then the field must be zero. Note that the electric field inside a current-carrying conductor is not zero -- that's what makes the charges move!
  • #7
jambaugh said:
Not too very complicated. You can solve the problem using the method of images if the exterior charge distribution is simple enough.

Yeah, I know, I just worked through 11 problems from Chapter 2 of Jackson. :P

I meant, complicated relative to the OP's (assumed) understanding of electrostatics.
  • #8
can anyone prove it mathematically using probably gauss law or something?
  • #9
Gauss law is only really tractable analytically for charged cases about three cases (spherical symmetry, infinite line of charge, infinite plane of charge). Nevertheless, it's always true. if there's no charge inside your region, the surface integral over your gaussian surface is zero.
  • #10
zarbanx said:
can anyone prove it mathematically using probably gauss law or something?

You can't use Gauss law in general, but you may be able to do it with Coulomb's law and a good maths background in integration (analytical integration here is not trivial, see the Shell Theorem of Newton for an example - similar maths can be used for a hemispherical shell too).

FAQ: Will a Neutral Metal Ball Near a Charge Have a Non-Zero Electric Field Inside?

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in space around an electrically charged object where other charged particles experience a force. It is a fundamental concept in physics and is described by the direction and strength of the force acting on a charged particle.

2. How is an electric field created?

An electric field is created by electric charges. Positive charges create an outward electric field, while negative charges create an inward electric field. The strength of the electric field is determined by the amount of charge and the distance from the charge.

3. What is a neutral sphere?

A neutral sphere is an object that has an equal number of positive and negative charges, resulting in a total charge of zero. This means that the electric field at the surface of the sphere is zero, and the sphere will not experience any external electric forces.

4. How does a neutral sphere interact with an electric field?

A neutral sphere will not be affected by an external electric field since the positive and negative charges within the sphere cancel out, resulting in a net electric field of zero. However, if the electric field is strong enough, it can cause the charges within the sphere to separate, resulting in a temporary dipole moment and a slight distortion of the sphere's shape.

5. Can a neutral sphere become charged?

Yes, a neutral sphere can become charged if it comes into contact with a charged object. For example, if a neutral sphere touches a negatively charged object, some of the negative charges can transfer to the sphere, resulting in a negative charge and an overall charge imbalance.
