Redshift / blueshift of light in a gravity well

In summary, the redshift and blueshift of light in a gravity well is a phenomenon where the wavelength of light is shifted towards the red or blue end of the spectrum due to the influence of gravity. This occurs because the gravity of a massive object, such as a black hole, warps the fabric of space-time, causing light to travel along a curved path. As a result, light that is emitted from an object near the gravity well will appear redder, while light that is emitted from an object moving away from the gravity well will appear bluer. This shift in wavelength is a key concept in understanding the effects of gravity on light and has been observed in various astronomical observations.
  • #1
I appreciate that as light approaches (say) a star, the light is blueshifted by gravity, and that as it leaves the area of the star, the light is redshifted as it climbs out of the gravity well. However, given that spacecraft execute gravity assist manoeuvres to increase / reduce speed, does light also get a positive or negative “jolt” such that the blue and red shift does not cancel exactly?

(I appreciate that, if it happens, the magnitude the jolt would depend on the specific trajectory.)


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  • #2
A gravity assist happens because the gravitational source, usually a planet, is moving. The spacecraft steals a tiny bit of the planets orbital momentum. Stars move also, but I am not sure if light can take momentum away from the planet or star. I wonder, would reflection off a moving object be similar to a gravity assist? I only bring that up because of the ball bouncing off the train picture they use in the wiki article below.

See here:
  • #3
Thanks Drakkith. (In relation to the gravity assist, I appreciate that the numbers involved are very small, but) Am I right in saying that the spacecraft changes velocity while the planet moves to a different orbit?

Do you know if the same would apply to objects with peculiar velocities (i.e. assuming that the various vectors matched-up, could I use a slingshot around a rogue planet / star, that is not orbiting … anything, to obtain the boost / brake – I assume that it does and that there is a negligible impact on the trajectory of the rogue)?


  • #4
If it is moving relative to something else you can.
  • #5
Thanks Drakkith.


  • #6
Lino said:
I appreciate that as light approaches (say) a star, the light is blueshifted by gravity, and that as it leaves the area of the star, the light is redshifted as it climbs out of the gravity well. However, given that spacecraft execute gravity assist manoeuvres to increase / reduce speed, does light also get a positive or negative “jolt” such that the blue and red shift does not cancel exactly?

(I appreciate that, if it happens, the magnitude the jolt would depend on the specific trajectory.)



If light aproaches a matter-antimatter bomb, which explodes when the light has blueshifted, then the light keeps half of the blueshift.

If light aproaches an object, which is pulled away at nearly speed of light, when the light has blueshifted, then the light does half of the work of separating the light and the object, and loses half of the blueshift.

If we ask a large object, that does not do any sudden movements, about the speed change of a passing small object, the large object says: "the small object approched me at some speed, and left at that same speed".
  • #7
jartsa said:
If light aproaches a matter-antimatter bomb, which explodes when the light has blueshifted, then the light keeps half of the blueshift.

If light aproaches an object, which is pulled away at nearly speed of light, when the light has blueshifted, then the light does half of the work of separating the light and the object, and loses half of the blueshift.

If we ask a large object, that does not do any sudden movements, about the speed change of a passing small object, the large object says: "the small object approched me at some speed, and left at that same speed".

er, that is nonsense.
  • #8
Lino said:
I appreciate that as light approaches (say) a star, the light is blueshifted by gravity, and that as it leaves the area of the star, the light is redshifted as it climbs out of the gravity well. However, given that spacecraft execute gravity assist manoeuvres to increase / reduce speed, does light also get a positive or negative “jolt” such that the blue and red shift does not cancel exactly?

(I appreciate that, if it happens, the magnitude the jolt would depend on the specific trajectory.)


If the gravitational potential well changes as the light ray passes through it, then yes, the light can pick up a total redshift or blueshift. This actually happens at very large scales, as dark energy makes it so that the gravitational potential wells for very large galaxy clusters get shallower over time, so that the light rays going into them don't redshift quite as much on the way out as they blueshifted on the way in. Underdense regions of the universe have a similar but opposite effect.

This is known as the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect.
  • #9
Thanks Chalnoth. That (Sachs-Wolfe effect) is actually on my list of things to get a better understanding of!


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  • #10
Chalnoth said:
If the gravitational potential well changes as the light ray passes through it, then yes, the light can pick up a total redshift or blueshift. This actually happens at very large scales, as dark energy makes it so that the gravitational potential wells for very large galaxy clusters get shallower over time, so that the light rays going into them don't redshift quite as much on the way out as they blueshifted on the way in. Underdense regions of the universe have a similar but opposite effect.

This is known as the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect.

Also the plain old slingshot effect works with light. The deflection is small though, unless we use the athmosphere of the planet to deflect the light.
  • #11
jartsa said:
Also the plain old slingshot effect works with light. The deflection is small though, unless we use the athmosphere of the planet to deflect the light.

Thanks Jartsa. I assume that the "atmosphere" proportion is as a result of a different process. Is that correct?


  • #12
Drakkith said:
A gravity assist happens because the gravitational source, usually a planet, is moving. The spacecraft steals a tiny bit of the planets orbital momentum. Stars move also, but I am not sure if light can take momentum away from the planet or star. I wonder, would reflection off a moving object be similar to a gravity assist? I only bring that up because of the ball bouncing off the train picture they use in the wiki article below.

See here:
A "photon rocket" using "powered slingshot effect":

The rocket approaches a planet, at the nearest point it fires its engines. Because the speed of the rocket is high, the increase of kinetic energy is large, this is matched by a large redshift of the propellant (photons).

Let's say the spacecraft carries photons as a cargo. These photons become blueshifted. If the planet lost kinetic energy in this process, then part of that energy went into the cargo photons.

EDIT: Oh yes, I could avoid the silly "cargo photons" by saying that the "photon rocket" uses the "powered slingshot effect" in order to lose a lot of kinetic energy. The propellant (photons) gains all this energy, assuming the planet's energy did not change.
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  • #13
Lino said:
Thanks Jartsa. I assume that the "atmosphere" proportion is as a result of a different process. Is that correct?



Well, looks like same process to me:

A: Light experiences an elastic collision with the athmosphere of a planet.
B: Light experiences an elastic collision with the gravity field of a planet.

Although there is a slight difference in the details of A and B.
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  • #14
jartsa said:
... A: Light experiences an elastic collision with the athmosphere of a planet ...

Ah! Just like craft / body bouncing off the upper atmosphere?


  • #15
Lino said:
Ah! Just like craft / body bouncing off the upper atmosphere?



  • #16
I was thinking about this and I can see how the "bounce" would produce a change in velocity for objects traveling at less than c, but would it produce a red / blue shift in light as well?


  • #17
Lino said:
I was thinking about this and I can see how the "bounce" would produce a change in velocity for objects traveling at less than c, but would it produce a red / blue shift in light as well?



Sure it produces. All people say that policeman's radar measures the Doppler shift of microwaves that bounce back from an approaching car.

Most people say that a scientist's Doppler radar measures the Doppler shift of microwaves that bounce back from an approaching black hole. (black holes scatter some microwaves back)

I say that the microwaves experience compression when slowing down while entering the gravity field, and expansion when speeding up while leaving the gravity field, and compression and expansion are unequal when the gravity field is moving.
  • #18
Understood. Thanks Jartsa.



FAQ: Redshift / blueshift of light in a gravity well

1. What is redshift and blueshift of light in a gravity well?

Redshift and blueshift refer to the phenomenon of light having its wavelength stretched or compressed, respectively, due to the influence of gravity. In a gravity well, such as near a massive object like a black hole, the gravitational pull can cause a shift in the wavelength of light.

2. Why does light experience redshift or blueshift in a gravity well?

This is due to the effects of general relativity, which states that gravity can bend the fabric of space-time. As light travels through this warped space-time, its wavelength can be altered, resulting in a shift towards the red or blue end of the spectrum.

3. How is redshift and blueshift of light in a gravity well measured?

Redshift and blueshift can be measured by examining the spectrum of light emitted from an object in a gravity well. If the object is moving away from us, its spectrum will be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, indicating redshift. If the object is moving towards us, its spectrum will be shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum, indicating blueshift.

4. What are some real-life examples of redshift and blueshift in a gravity well?

One of the most well-known examples is the redshift of light from distant galaxies, which indicates that the universe is expanding. Another example is the blueshift of light from stars orbiting around a black hole, as the intense gravitational pull causes the light to be compressed and appear bluer.

5. How does redshift and blueshift of light in a gravity well impact our understanding of the universe?

Redshift and blueshift are important tools for astronomers to study the properties and movements of objects in the universe. They provide evidence for theories such as the expanding universe and the existence of black holes. They also allow us to measure the distance and speed of objects, providing valuable insights into the structure and evolution of the universe.

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