When the electron prob wave spreads what happens to the electron?

In summary, the chances of an electron's wave-function spreading to a macroscopic size are extremely small due to interactions. When the wave-function interacts with something, the joint quantum state of the electron and the object it interacts with must be considered. The momentum of an electron in empty space will not change without interactions. The book "Principles of Quantum Mechanics" states that it takes a long time for the wave-function to convert, but the exact value is not given. When a quantum particle is detected in one location, it implies something about all other possible locations. The collapse of the wave-function can be seen as defining quantum non-locality.
  • #1
When the electron's probability wave spreads out to a macroscopic size, what happens? How does it return to a microscopic spread in the future? Does the electron gain a new probability wave?
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  • #2
The chances that an electron's wave-function spreads to macroscopic size is infinitesimal due to the large chances of interaction.

But anyways, according to SQT (not including decoherence) the electron's wave function will collapse instantaneously back to a very sharply peaked and narrow wave function once a measurement of its position is made by any observer. This is called wave function collapse, and is not yet quite well understood. I hear decoherence is solving that problem though...I'm not too familiar with decoherence.
  • #3
So each time the electron interacts the wave function returns to some given spread? I read it can take much less than a second for an electron wave function to spread to a macroscopic size.
  • #4
You can't analyze this properly in terms of just a wavefunction describing the electron. Once the electron interacts with anything, you need to consider the joint quantum state of the electron and whatever it interacted with.
  • #5
So what can we say about a free electron in a vacuum. After a few seconds it could be anywhere within an astronomical range? And what about the momentum, that spreads just as quickly, the crazy thing could be going FTL before you know it :)
  • #6
I'm not sure where you're getting these figures, or if this is a joke I don't get, but momentum is conserved, so in empty space with no interactions there won't be any change to the momentum probability distribution.
  • #7
Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R.Shankar says, it takes a long time to convert it. But this book is not available at hand. So I cannot give the exact value. And I think Matterwave's explanation is good.
  • #8
5.71 through 5.86 from this PDF http://www.physics.sfsu.edu/~greensit/book.pdf
It never explains what happens to the electron when it's function spreads to macroscopic size.
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  • #9
Although the chances are that the probability wave will expand far away are remote, it is technically not correct to say that the wave stops spreading when it interacts with something else. Not trying to be picky here, but more address the point the OP is trying to ask about.

Any time a quantum particle is detected "here", logically it is NOT detected "there". It would be correct to say that "there" can be any possible history of the particle, including one in the distant future in a distant location. So a measurement here implies something about there, and vice versa.

If you think about it logically, the collapse of the wavefunction can be seen as defining quantum non-locality. Entanglement experiments are the usual way to see this, but it does not take 2 particles to have quantum non-locality.

FAQ: When the electron prob wave spreads what happens to the electron?

1. What is the electron probability wave?

The electron probability wave, also known as the wave function, is a mathematical description of the probability of finding an electron in a particular location at a given time. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to describe the behavior of electrons and other subatomic particles.

2. How does the electron probability wave spread?

The electron probability wave spreads through space as the electron moves and interacts with its surroundings. This spreading is described by the Schrödinger equation, which takes into account the particle's position, energy, and the forces acting upon it.

3. What happens to the electron when its probability wave spreads?

As the electron probability wave spreads, the particle can be found in a larger region of space. This means that there is a higher probability of finding the electron in a specific location within that region. However, the electron itself does not physically spread out, as it is still a point particle with a fixed location in space.

4. Does the electron's probability wave ever disappear?

No, the electron's probability wave never disappears. It may become very small in certain regions of space, indicating a low probability of finding the electron there, but it still exists throughout the entire universe. This is in accordance with the principle of conservation of probability in quantum mechanics.

5. Can the electron's probability wave be observed?

No, the electron's probability wave cannot be directly observed. However, its effects can be observed through experiments such as the double-slit experiment, which demonstrate the wave-like nature of particles. The probability wave itself is a mathematical concept used to make predictions about the behavior of subatomic particles.

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