Is computer science the next physics?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of computers conducting physics experiments in the future, with the potential for advancements and optimizations through computational software and hardware. The conversation also touches on the relationship between computer science and physics, and the potential for further discoveries and advancements in both fields. There is also mention of digital physics and the need for both computer science and physics backgrounds in this field. However, it is also noted that context and interpretation are important factors that may still require human involvement in physics experiments.
  • #1
Can anyone out there entertain the idea of the likelihood that sometime in the future (say, maybe 50 years or so from today) there will computers that can "conduct" physics experiments. Let's say, for example, we program a machine, with corresponding hardware apparatuses to detect a nearby magnet, record the electric and magnetic fields/potentials/etc at different points using hardware, run it through computational software and do some "best-fit" measurements to conform it to an all-encompassing equation and have the machine spit out one of Maxwell's equations? Surely, this would seem cumbersome at first, but with enough insight and trial and error, we could optimize calculations and generalize the machine to mathematically formulate other complex phenomena. This is one of the reasons that I've switched to computer science from physics, in that cs has so much potential. Has anyone heard of digital physics? Are there graduate programs in that field? Is a degree in CS enough preparation, or do you also need a physics background?
Physics news on
  • #3
Pengwuino said:

I think I heard about that somewhere. That's pretty neat, but aren't those scientists comparing it with already known formulas? I'm talking about the computer being the one in charge here, and creating truly original expressions by generalizing and molding empirical measurements. Perhaps, that's a bit bold for right now, but it's good to see that progress is being made.
  • #4
CyberShot said:
I think I heard about that somewhere. That's pretty neat, but aren't those scientists comparing it with already known formulas? I'm talking about the computer being the one in charge here, and creating truly original expressions by generalizing and molding empirical measurements. Perhaps, that's a bit bold for right now, but it's good to see that progress is being made.

Well, of course they compare to already known formulas because we have to check to make sure it knows what it's doing. The key is they didn't tell the computer anything about Newton's laws and it popped out Newton's laws.
  • #6
Ah damn it and here I thought I found the new path of life.
  • #7
Computer Science was created by physics. Without physics foundation, this generation wouldn't have much technology as we do now.
  • #8
leontd said:
Computer Science was created by physics. Without physics foundation, this generation wouldn't have much technology as we do now.

Agreed, and what's your point?
  • #9
CyberShot said:
Can anyone out there entertain the idea of the likelihood that sometime in the future (say, maybe 50 years or so from today) there will computers that can "conduct" physics experiments. Let's say, for example, we program a machine, with corresponding hardware apparatuses to detect a nearby magnet, record the electric and magnetic fields/potentials/etc at different points using hardware, run it through computational software and do some "best-fit" measurements to conform it to an all-encompassing equation and have the machine spit out one of Maxwell's equations? Surely, this would seem cumbersome at first, but with enough insight and trial and error, we could optimize calculations and generalize the machine to mathematically formulate other complex phenomena.

This is one of the reasons that I've switched to computer science from physics, in that cs has so much potential. Has anyone heard of digital physics? Are there graduate programs in that field? Is a degree in CS enough preparation, or do you also need a physics background?

I don't think computer science will be the next physics. The domain and context of the two are so different.

Physicists think, analyze, and solve problems in a very unique way to computer scientists, and computers.

Even if a super-computer somehow magically fitted all the data to some model using advanced algorithms, it doesn't really know how to interpret it. You need physicists for that. You need context and context is not something that can be easily programmed into a computer.

Personally I think every major science has unlimited potential. There are so many unanswered questions, so many opportunities for further abstraction, and just so many opportunities for discovery and advancement.
  • #10
Yep, of course. Like Pengwuino showed there's already experiments done within the whelm of computer science. Obviously, as computer power increases we'll see more advanced experiments :)

FAQ: Is computer science the next physics?

1. Is computer science replacing physics as the dominant scientific field?

No, computer science is not replacing physics. Both fields have their own unique and important contributions to the scientific community. Computer science deals with the study of computers and their applications, while physics focuses on the study of the fundamental laws of nature.

2. How are computer science and physics related?

Computer science and physics are closely related in terms of their use of mathematical principles and problem-solving approaches. Many advances in computer science, such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing, have been inspired by principles and theories from physics.

3. Is computer science more important than physics?

It is difficult to compare the importance of two scientific fields as they both have their own unique contributions to society. However, in the modern era, computer science has played a significant role in advancements in technology, communication, and data analysis, making it a crucial field in today's world.

4. Will studying computer science lead to a career in physics?

Studying computer science does not necessarily lead to a career in physics. While some concepts and skills may overlap, computer science and physics are distinct fields with their own job opportunities and career paths.

5. Can computer science solve the mysteries of the universe like physics?

Computer science can contribute to solving mysteries of the universe by providing tools and techniques for data analysis and simulations. However, physics will always be the primary field for understanding the fundamental laws and principles of the universe.

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