Colon Cleansing for a Healthy Digestive System: Tips and Advice

  • Thread starter Nuklear
  • Start date
In summary: I would not recommend using a colon cleanser. It's unnecessary and could do some serious damage. See a doctor if this problem persists.In summary, you are experiencing problems with your digestion and your adrenal gland. You should see a doctor.
  • #1
I'm trying to clean my digestive system out. I'm trying a product called Colonix. I'm not sure if it cleans out stool or just toxins.

I'm looking to clean my system of stool or feces. I have large clumps stuck especially abovoe, in , or below my stomach. Tried laxatives, medical lacatives, even Renu Herb Colon Cleanser. Got any advice?
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  • #2
Don't do it.

Why do you think you have large clumps of feces "stuck". Also your colon (which carries stool out of the body) would not be above or inside your stomach.

I don't recommend the use of colonics as there is essential bacteria contained in the colon and you shouldn't be washing this out regularly. You can accidently perforate your colon and it's absolutely unnecessary.
  • #3
Did you see a doctor?
  • #4
You should see a doctor. You can do a lot of damage to yourself with laxatives and "cleaners". You can even die.
Unless you have tests, there is no way of knowing if anything is stuck inside you. Seek medical help.
  • #5
Just to be on safety's side, you should consult a doctor.
Most likely, he will either give you some laxative, or perform an enema or something.

You might ask if there are dietary changes you ought to make in order not to get this nuisance again.
  • #6
One should see a specialist such as a gastroenterologist.

I have large clumps stuck especially above, in , or below my stomach.
I somehow doubt that. Above the stomach is the esophagus and if one has clumps of fecal matter there or in the stomach, then one has a serious problem.
  • #7
Astronuc is right. (You proabably are experiencing cramps in the transverse colon - it goes across and a little above where the stomach is.)

If you had feces backing up all the way into your stomach you'd be in intensive care right now.
  • #8
The fact that you are experiencing cramps is one of the main reasons why you should go to the doctor.
  • #9
When did he say he had cramps?
  • #10
I think arildno is referring to jim's comment about cramps in the stomach/intestines, which may be mistaken for have 'clumps' of fecal matter in or above one's stomach.

Refer to -

  • #11
It could be a lot of things, such as cramps in the gallbladder. If you think you have medical problems, the wost thing to do is using laxatives: it might exaggerate the condition. Go to your doctor and ask for advice.
  • #12
I've been taking a colon cleanser for a few months now. Acidophilus as a dietary supplement. I read that soy is a very mucoid producing food, and thus the acidophilus pills (in a proprietary blend with bifidobacterium bifidum, L. Helveticus and S. thermophilus) are supposed to be used to help out. I drink soy milk every day, so I thought this would be wise.

Should I not take these supplements then?
  • #13
You shouldn't be using a colon cleanser, period. There's no reason for it without a doctor's orders (such as if you're prepping for a colonoscopy). If you have trouble with constipation, eat a diet higher in fiber (whole grains, fresh vegetables). Frequent use of laxatives can be harmful to your health. If you're frequently constipated, and adjusting your diet doesn't take care of it, see your doctor, because it can be an indicator of another health problem.

If you are feeling sensations of pain or fullness high up in your abdomen, see your doctor right away. That can be originating from a lot of places, and they can find out what's causing it. Pain up around where your stomach is can be caused by anything from stomach upset from eating something that didn't agree with you to signs of an impending heart attack, and a long list of things in between, from minor to serious.

I can assure you that you don't have feces backing up to your stomach though, or you'd be so severely ill right now that you wouldn't be sitting up to post this question. It is, however, possible to vomit up green bile from your upper intestinal tract if you get very strong vomiting from something, and that too would be an illness severe enough to seek medical treatment.
  • #14
You heard it here first: No physics. :rolleyes:
  • #15
well,i would recommend those colon cleansing teas. I've had some on accident. but boy, i was clean as a whistle.
  • #16
I didn't say I had feces in my stomach.

I have large clumps in or below my stomach and undigested food above it.
It presses hard against my kidneys cause I urinae right after I have a bowel movment. SO my adrenalin and kidneys haven't been moving normally. SInce this has been happening my body has been low on water although I'm drinking plenty of it. It doesn't flow around my body.

Since I don't have water I don't have stmach acid. With no acid I can't digest fod. SO the clumps are getting larger and my bowels are moving real slowly.
  • #17
So, did you see a doctor yet?
  • #18
Colonix colon cleansing

Nuklear said:
I'm trying to clean my digestive system out. I'm trying a product called Colonix. I'm not sure if it cleans out stool or just toxins.

I'm looking to clean my system of stool or feces. I have large clumps stuck especially abovoe, in , or below my stomach. Tried laxatives, medical lacatives, even Renu Herb Colon Cleanser. Got any advice?

I have a cousin who is a massage therapist in florida and she will do some sort of colon cleansing program once a year. I've talked to her about these many times, because I agree with all of you guys, that it's an unneccesary practice. And I've expressed my concerns to her, but she touts the "benefits" she gets from them. I just recently sent her a link to this" . Nuklear, you may want to check this one out, because this guys is actually doing the Colonix program, and he's not enjoying it.

::: Good Luck :::​
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  • #19
Nuklear said:
I didn't say I had feces in my stomach.

I have large clumps in or below my stomach and undigested food above it.
It presses hard against my kidneys cause I urinae right after I have a bowel movment. SO my adrenalin and kidneys haven't been moving normally. SInce this has been happening my body has been low on water although I'm drinking plenty of it. It doesn't flow around my body.

Since I don't have water I don't have stmach acid. With no acid I can't digest fod. SO the clumps are getting larger and my bowels are moving real slowly.

None of what you said makes ANY sense biologically, physiologically, or medically.

Urination after a bowel movement is not unusual, and has nothing to do with "clumps" or anything pressing against your kidneys. It has to do with abdominal straining putting pressure on your bladder. And, yes, as long as your heart is beating, water is flowing around your your blood, just like it is supposed to. If your kidneys weren't working sufficiently, you would be experiencing bloating and edema (water retention), not dehydration, due to their inability to remove excess water from your body.

And, what on Earth do you mean by your adrenaline isn't moving normally? Adrenaline is a hormone that is released from the adrenal glands, as needed. It's not something that would be affected by pressure or any sort of lumps in your GI tract, nor would you in any way feel it "moving." You aren't describing any symptoms consistent with an insufficiency in adrenaline.

If you had a problem with your stomach preventing you from adequately digesting food, you'd probably have vomiting and/or diarrhea. So, nothing you're describing makes any sense at all.

If something doesn't feel right to you, consult a physician, don't try diagnosing and self-treating yourself, because your post clearly indicates you don't know enough about basic biology to even know what parts of the body you're talking about, let alone being capable of diagnosing an illness. You may not even have anything wrong with you and are somehow interpreting normal variation in body functions as something abnormal. A physician can help you figure that out. We can't help you any further than that online, so I'm locking this thread.
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FAQ: Colon Cleansing for a Healthy Digestive System: Tips and Advice

1. What is colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing is a process that involves removing waste and toxins from the colon, also known as the large intestine. This can be achieved through various methods such as herbal supplements, enemas, or colon hydrotherapy.

2. What are the benefits of colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing is believed to improve overall digestive health by removing built-up waste and toxins that may be causing discomfort or illness. It may also lead to increased energy levels, improved skin health, and weight loss.

3. Is colon cleansing safe?

While colon cleansing is generally considered safe, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning the process. Some methods of colon cleansing may have potential risks or side effects, and it is important to use caution and follow instructions carefully.

4. How often should I do a colon cleanse?

The frequency of colon cleansing varies depending on the individual's health and needs. Some people may benefit from a cleanse once or twice a year, while others may require more frequent cleanses. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

5. Are there any natural ways to cleanse the colon?

Yes, there are many natural methods for colon cleansing, such as increasing fiber intake, drinking plenty of water, and incorporating probiotics into your diet. These methods can help promote healthy bowel movements and support the natural detoxification process of the colon.

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