Compute Tidal Locking Radius: Planet/Moon Area

In summary, there is a formula for calculating the tidal locking radius of a planet and its putative moon, which involves variables such as density, initial rotation rate, semi-major axis, and mass. This formula is based on the idea that tidal height and stored tidal energy both play a role in the process of tidal locking. For more information, refer to the textbook source mentioned in the conversation.
  • #1
rieman zeta
How does one compute the tidal locking radius of say a planet on a putative moon its area?

Is there a formula?
rieman zeta
Astronomy news on
  • #2
There's a formula for how fast tidal lock occurs, see for instance

Both you and Geoffrey have rightly commented on my poorly-defined
variables, so let me re-state this. BTW, I'm cribbing this formula (very
slightly modified) from somewhere else, namely Burn's chapter in
"Satellites" (U of Az Press), edited by Burns & Mathews:

T = 16 rho omega a^6 (Q/k2) / ( 45 G M^2 )
rho = density of body being despun [kg/m^3]
omega = inital rotation rate of body being despun [rad/s]
= 2 pi / P, where P is the inital rotation rate
a = semi-major axis of orbit [m]
Q/k2 = dissipation function divided by the 2nd order Love #
M = mass of body doing the despinning [kg]

I hope this is clearer - I've taken the formula for the despinning
timescale out of Burn's chapter and modified it very slightly.

The very rough justification for this formula goes like this:

tidal height is proportional to (M/a)^3
stored tidal energy is proportioanl to tidal height squared
some fraction of the stored tidal energy gets disapated every cycle. A cycle occurs every time the planet rotates.

This gives a M^2/a^6 dependence on the tidal braking torque, or an a^6/M^2 dependence on the "time constant". This addresses only the dependence on mass and distance, but those are the main variables of interest.

'a' here is the semi-major axis of the orbit of the body being locked around the more massive body, what you would be calling (I think) the "tidal locking radius" of the more massive body.

Note that you have to specify the time allowed for the lock occurred - theoretically, anything will lock up given enough time.

For more details, see the quoted textbook source. I really don't know much more than what I've quoted (plus the comments I've added about the a^6 dependency) - specifically I don't have much insight into the numerical values of Q and k2 (though Brian Davis probably does, I don't think he's on this board).
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  • #3

Although I am light years ahead of where I was before your reply, I would invite others to continue to edify me.

Riemann Zeta

FAQ: Compute Tidal Locking Radius: Planet/Moon Area

1. What is tidal locking radius?

Tidal locking radius is the distance from a planet or moon to its primary body at which the gravitational forces between the two objects cause the rotation of the smaller body to synchronize with its orbit around the larger body.

2. How is tidal locking radius calculated?

Tidal locking radius is calculated using the formula R = (2 * GM * T^2) / (4 * π^2), where R is the tidal locking radius, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the larger body, and T is the orbital period of the smaller body.

3. Why is tidal locking important?

Tidal locking is important because it affects the rotation and orbit of a planet or moon, which can have significant impacts on its climate, geology, and potential for sustaining life.

4. Can tidal locking occur between any two objects in space?

Yes, tidal locking can occur between any two objects in space, as long as they have a gravitational pull on each other and one of the objects is significantly larger than the other.

5. How does tidal locking affect the habitability of a planet or moon?

Tidal locking can affect the habitability of a planet or moon by creating extreme temperature differences between the light and dark sides, as well as causing more frequent and severe tidal forces that can impact the planet's surface and potentially disrupt the development of life.

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