Numerially integrate the radial schrodinger equation

In summary, the conversation discusses the integration of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation in 2D with a rotationally invariant potential and an initial wave function with preserved symmetry. The speaker encounters difficulties when trying to integrate a 1D equation about the radial part of the wave function, particularly near the origin where a 1/r term causes divergence. Various suggestions are given, including using a cut-off radius and replacing the unknown wavefunction with u/r. The focus is on the time-dependent S equation in the 2D case.
  • #1
i now need to integrate the time-dependent schrodinger equation in 2D

the potential is rotationally invariant and so is the initial wave function

thus the symmetry of the initial wave function will be preserved in time

Instead of a 2D equation, i now only need to integrate a 1d equation about the radial part of the wave function.

However, in doing so i encounter some difficulties. There are terms like 1/r \partial_r in the equation.

near the origin, this term will diverge!

I guess this is a well-solved problem. Could anyone give me some help?
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  • #2
(Why'd this get moved here, of all places? It's a math problem. Numerical methods, really.)

I guess this is a well-solved problem. Could anyone give me some help?

Well, more of an ill-conditioned problem, really. :)
I'm not at all a numerics expert, but the simplest (but surely not most efficient) numerical method that comes to mind would be to calculate the integral from h to infinity and shrink h until you're within convergence limits. You could also use Richardson extrapolation to improve on that.
  • #3

The 1/r potential term is best handled by recognizing that the value from the analytical solution at r = 0 for the hydrogen atom is 1. You should try to define a cut-off radius, which inside this radius the wavefuntion takes on the above value. Also, be careful of your radius step-size: use a small enough step size so your solution doesn't blow up.
  • #4
Modey3 said:

The 1/r potential term is best handled by recognizing that the value from the analytical solution at r = 0 for the hydrogen atom is 1. You should try to define a cut-off radius, which inside this radius the wavefuntion takes on the above value. Also, be careful of your radius step-size: use a small enough step size so your solution doesn't blow up.

Thanks a lot!

but I do not mean the 1/r potential

i mean the lapalace operator in polar coordinates, 2D

you will find a term 1/r(d/dr)

This term diverge near the origin.

I do not know how to handle it. Moreover, i am interested in the time-dependent S equation, not the time-independent S equation.
  • #5
I recommend you take the unknown wavefunction psi(r) and replace it with u(r)/r. Substitute psi = u / r into your equation and you will hopefully find a less ill-conditioned problem for u.
  • #6
confinement said:
I recommend you take the unknown wavefunction psi(r) and replace it with u(r)/r. Substitute psi = u / r into your equation and you will hopefully find a less ill-conditioned problem for u.

Yes, but that works for 3D

I am concerned with the 2D case.

FAQ: Numerially integrate the radial schrodinger equation

1. What is the radial Schrodinger equation?

The radial Schrodinger equation is a mathematical equation used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of a particle in a spherically symmetric potential. It is a second-order differential equation that relates the spatial wave function of the particle to its energy and potential energy.

2. Why is numerical integration necessary for solving the radial Schrodinger equation?

The radial Schrodinger equation cannot be solved analytically for many potential energy functions, so numerical integration is necessary to approximate the solution. This involves breaking down the equation into smaller parts and using numerical methods to calculate the values at each point.

3. What are some commonly used numerical integration methods for the radial Schrodinger equation?

Some commonly used numerical integration methods include the Euler method, the Runge-Kutta method, and the Simpson's rule. These methods differ in their level of accuracy and complexity, and the choice of method depends on the specific problem being solved.

4. How do you determine the accuracy of a numerical integration solution?

The accuracy of a numerical integration solution can be determined by comparing it to an analytical solution, if one exists, or by using convergence tests. These tests involve calculating the solution with different step sizes or using different numerical methods and comparing the results to see if they converge to the same value.

5. What are some challenges when numerically integrating the radial Schrodinger equation?

One of the main challenges is choosing the appropriate numerical method and step size to ensure both accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, some potential energy functions can be highly oscillatory or have singularities, which can cause difficulties in the integration process. It is also important to consider numerical stability and the effects of discretization on the overall solution.
