CMB, Sky Surveys, & Computational Cosmology

In summary: I'll give it and the reference you gave me some time though as I'm very interested in this.Can you clear up the two points below?1. Is the topography of this map matching the distribution of matter we now see in the Universe?No, the topography of the map does not match the distribution of matter we now see in the Universe. 2. Are the models of the Universe emerging for studies in Computational Cosmology reflecting the distribution of matter in the Universe?No, the models of the Universe emerging for studies in Computational Cosmology do not reflect the distribution of matter in the Universe.
  • #1
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Recently, several groups have endeavored to experimentally map the large-scale structure of the Universe with the Sloan Survey being the most ambitious.
At the same time, we've been able to map the cosmic microwave background to 10^-6 degrees. I believe these two maps agree but I'm confused about it. For example, select a portion of the sky, if the CMB indicates a perturbation, will the exact same portion of the sky in the Sloan map indicate some structure such as a super-cluster? And in an area of CMB uniformity, will the same location in the Sloan map be relatively sparse?

Also, the new field of Computational Cosmology has likewise "created" a Universe from theoretical computations alone.

Is the topology of these three maps in agreement? If so, can anyone add more to the interpretation of the results? The info on the net I've been able to read is a bit confusing.

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  • #2
In my oppinion you cannot expect any matching betwen the primary anisotropies (the ones which were generated during recombination at z = 1100) and the current (z = 0) distribution of matter in the universe. However, there are possible matchings between the secondary anisotropies (generated between 0 < z < 1100) and the large scale structures today.

One of the effects which leads to secondary anisotropies is called "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect": CMB photons are inverse Compton scattered when passing through hot ionized gas such as the intracluster gas -- these photons are displaced from their original blackbody curve (2.73 °K) and appear as a deviation to that curve. The intracluster gas contains six times more mass than the visible mass in galaxies and occupies a great volume.

Since the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich anisotropies can be identified in the CMB map (I believe mainly due to its angular scale) it is possible, at least in principle, to correlate these anisotropies with the locations of cluster and superclusters. I think this has already been done for some cases. You can find more information in the following very interesting page I highly recommend you to read: (and go to "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect")
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  • #3
Well hellfire . . . thanks. I'm not afraid of the math but the terminology is tough for me to follow. I'll give it and the reference you gave me some time though as I'm very interested in this. Can you clear up the two points below?

1. The COBE images we're all familiar with: Does the topography of this map match the distribution of matter we now see in the Universe?

2. The models of the Universe emerging for studies in Computational Cosmology: Do the topography of these maps reflect the distribution of matter in the Universe?

Thanks a bunch, you can just answer yes or no for each if you wish and I'll follow up with internet searches.

  • #4
saltydog said:
1. The COBE images we're all familiar with: Does the topography of this map match the distribution of matter we now see in the Universe?
The COBE images depict every deviation of the microwave background from a blackbody curve at 2.73°K. Some of these deviations were produced at z = 1100 (360.000 years after the big-bang). At this time electrons and protons formed neutral hydrogen and the background photons did not find anymore electrons to scatter with. A source of deviation from the blackbody curve is, for example, the redshift of photons when escaping from the potential wells of higher density concentrations. These are called "primary anisotropies". Other deviations were produced afterwards. The background photons have to travel from z = 1100 to our detectors and do interact with electrons, gravitational fields, etc. These are called "secondary anisotropies". The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect is a kind of secondary anisotropy, which is produced when the background photons interact with the electrons in the intracluster gas. I think the primary anisotropies are too far away in time to be correlated with the matter distribution. If you had a map depicting only the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, then you could correlate.

saltydog said:
2. The models of the Universe emerging for studies in Computational Cosmology: Do the topography of these maps reflect the distribution of matter in the Universe?
Only statistically (statistical methods are used to measure the degree of clustering of galaxies), but not for concrete matter structures.
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  • #5
Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me Hellfire. That was helpful. I once inquired about running the simulations on a desktop. They told me it was too difficult. Need a supercomputer. That'll change. Starting to see multi-processor chips on the market now. Do you know if the calculations are ammendable to parallel processing? I'm thinking of "How to Create a Universe on Your Desktop" appearing in Scientific American soon.

  • #6
saltydog said:
Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me Hellfire. That was helpful. I once inquired about running the simulations on a desktop. They told me it was too difficult. Need a supercomputer. That'll change. Starting to see multi-processor chips on the market now. Do you know if the calculations are ammendable to parallel processing? I'm thinking of "How to Create a Universe on Your Desktop" appearing in Scientific American soon.
I'm sorry but I cannot help you. May be you can find some information here:
  • #7
Thanks hellfire, those pictures and movies were amazing! I could easily see myself just staring at them in awe for long periods of time if they were longer. We are so much living in a golden age of Astronomy now. How nice to be experiencing it as it happens!

  • #8
Indeed, there are others who agree it is the golden age of astronomy:
Observational Implications of Cosmological Event Horizons
N-body simulations are used to computationally test models of things like large scale structure formation [e.g., galaxies and galactic clusters]. They require mind boggling computational power and time to do all the iterations without using tons of approximations [which pretty much defeats the whole purpose of doing the study]. You can, however, do simple N-body calculations on a desktop. Just don't expect much. It is fun, you can generate some very nice fractal patterns.
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FAQ: CMB, Sky Surveys, & Computational Cosmology

1. What is CMB and why is it important in cosmology?

CMB stands for Cosmic Microwave Background. It is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang and is important in cosmology because it provides evidence for the Big Bang theory and helps us understand the early universe.

2. What are sky surveys and how are they conducted?

Sky surveys are large-scale surveys of the night sky conducted by telescopes or satellites. They capture data on the positions, brightness, and spectra of celestial objects. They are conducted by systematically scanning the sky and collecting images or spectra of objects.

3. How are computational methods used in cosmology?

Computational methods are used in cosmology to simulate and model complex phenomena in the universe, such as the evolution of galaxies and the formation of structures. These methods also help analyze and interpret large datasets from sky surveys and CMB observations.

4. What is the significance of the large-scale structure of the universe?

The large-scale structure of the universe refers to the distribution of galaxies and clusters on the largest scales. It is significant because it provides insights into the formation and evolution of the universe, as well as the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

5. How does cosmology contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Cosmology is the scientific study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. It uses observations, theoretical models, and computational methods to understand the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe. By studying cosmology, we can gain insights into the nature of space, time, matter, and energy, and ultimately understand our place in the universe.

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