What Will Happen to Earth's Landmass When All Land Erodes into Mineral Dust?

In summary, the conversation discusses the hypothetical scenario of the Earth becoming a waterworld due to erosion and volcanic activity. There is also mention of the sun potentially absorbing dark energy and growing larger, and whether this will happen before the Earth's atmosphere dissipates and the oceans boil. The conversation also touches on the topic of plate tectonics and its constant reshaping of the continents. The discussion turns to the need for professional research and references in scientific forums to prevent wild speculation. Finally, the conversation concludes with the prediction that the Earth will eventually resemble Mars in the distant future.
  • #1
So hypothetically...In the future...When all "dry" land has eroded into mineral dust...And volcanic activity is slower...being that 71% of the surface is water... Will this planet become waterworld with a few ice islands as a product of displacement? Any thought to the final settling of the planets erosion system atmospherically?
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
Are any of those things actually predicted to happen before the sun becomes a red giant and burns up the planet?
  • #3
phinds said:
Are any of those things actually predicted to happen before the sun becomes a red giant and burns up the planet?

Of course not, but if the sun absorbed dark energy from a random wondering source... and grew... to age much longer then...
  • #4
MachX said:
Of course not, but if the sun absorbed dark energy from a random wondering source... and grew... to age much longer then...

The bolded part is just ridiculous. Dark energy doesn't wander around in clumps, it is uniform throughout the galaxiy and is known to have no effect on anything inside of galaxies (actually, there is some argument that is has an effect, but one that is so small that in the lifetime of a galaxy it is irrelevant).

I don't wish to be rude here, but you seem to be just making stuff up. What is it you really are trying to get at?
  • #5
I am trying to have a discussion and get at you phinds.. and your friends... Even if this misunderstood phenomena does not affect us... It affects YOU obviously... And I do not appreciate the fact that you are claiming that I am "Making This Up."

Define "Dark" energy... as a form of radiation... I have no point to prove other than this forum is starting to smell like nerd.

Any mass of gravity can Absorb other particles... thus A star will Absorb all particle energy around it.
  • #6
This is the wrong discussion. Note that the plate tectonic constantly reshapes the continents, forming new mountains etc.

So that process should stop first. But it's ongoing for as long as we can look back in geologic history. So there is no way to predict what will happen first.
  • #7
MachX said:
I am trying to have a discussion and get at you phinds.. and your friends... Even if this misunderstood phenomena does not affect us... It affects YOU obviously... And I do not appreciate the fact that you are claiming that I am "Making This Up." .

Define "Dark" energy... as a form of radiation... I have no point to prove other than this forum is starting to smell like nerd.

Any mass of gravity can Absorb other particles... thus A star will Absorb all particle energy around it.

If you don't want us to think you're "making this up", you've got to show us some professional research on the subject, at least an arXiv perprint article or two. That's the way things work in the technical part of the Forums. Now, while what you describe sounds like a good science fiction plot, it doesn't sound like real science, because you didn't provide any references.

You may be thinking (actually I know you are from the "smell like a nerd" comment) we are being too pedantic, but you have to realize that's the only way to keep the Forums from decending into a mass of wild speculation, like a number of other prominent STEM forums have.
  • #8
The Earth is gradually losing it's atmosphere as the stratosphere slowly 'leaks' away. When the atmospheric pressure drops below the vapor pressure of water, the oceans will boil. This will take billions of years.
I can't tell you if this will happen before the sun balloons into a red giant.
I can tell you the Earth will look a lot like Mars does today.
  • #9
Locked pending moderation.

FAQ: What Will Happen to Earth's Landmass When All Land Erodes into Mineral Dust?

1. What is displacement of earth mass?

Displacement of earth mass refers to the movement of mass within the Earth's crust, caused by natural processes such as plate tectonics, volcanic activity, and erosion.

2. How does displacement of earth mass affect the Earth?

Displacement of earth mass can have significant impacts on the Earth's surface, including changes in topography, the formation of mountains and valleys, and the creation of new landmasses.

3. What causes displacement of earth mass?

Displacement of earth mass is primarily caused by the movement of tectonic plates, which are large sections of the Earth's crust that shift and collide with one another. Other factors such as volcanic activity, erosion, and human activities can also contribute to displacement of earth mass.

4. Can displacement of earth mass cause natural disasters?

Yes, displacement of earth mass can lead to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. These events can have devastating effects on human populations and the environment.

5. Is displacement of earth mass a concern for human populations?

Yes, displacement of earth mass is a concern for human populations living in areas prone to natural disasters caused by this phenomenon. It is important for scientists to study and monitor displacement of earth mass to better understand and predict potential hazards.

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