Want to hear something REALLY gross?

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary, a Swedish chemist, Karl Scheele, discovered eight elements, but didn't receive credit for them. He tasted everything in his lab and died from working with toxic chemicals.
  • #1
My finger had a little bump on it and it hurt. I asked around and was told that it was a wart. It didn't look like those warts on the end of a witch's nose, but I guess there are different kinds. I went to the store and bought some Compound W band aids. I put one on the wart and all it did was kill all the good skin around the wart. that skin peeled off and I guess warts are like icebergs, because underneath the skin was a tumor. It was bright white and very smooth and shiny and it went all the way to the bone. It was also connected to ALOT of nerve endings cause it hurt, it REALLY hurt. I wasn't impressed with the band aids, so I went to the store and got some of the Freeze-Off stuff, which is just a 99 cent can of butane marked up to $23 and some hollow Qtips. That stuff showed me a whole new level of pain. I got to where I couldn't handle the constant pain, so I started digging around and finally got ahold of the wart with some tweezers. I pulled and it hurt and I pulled harder and it hurt more and I pulled and twisted and screamed and out it came. Now I have a big hole in my finger. Not one to let a learning experience slip by I dissected my tumor. It's bigger than a bb, maybe 4mm in diameter, and very hard, sort of rubbery. It looks like they grow like a water balloon. They don't break apart, but outer layers can be slipped off, like a rubber.
oh, and it tastes bitter.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

I once had warts on my hands somehow, like big painful ones on the tip of my thumb. Excruciating and the stupid kits from the store with acid would only kill the skin around it. Went to doctor repeatedly and they attempted to freeze-kill them over and over.

Nothing worked and I had them for a couple years. Finally I had my wisdom teeth remove, and, due to an infection in my mouth I was given some antibiotic. That stuff made the warts (about a dozen) fall off in clumps within 48 hours.

On the bright side, the nurse told me that people who have warts which won't go away are generally healthy people or something :-p (don't know the truth in that)
  • #3
yeah, but the only reason they are healthy is because no one wants to be around them. Therefore there is a lower risk from infectious disease.
  • #4
ummm.. you might want to go to the doctors to make sure that doesn't get infected.. big holes in fingers tend to be proned to that.
  • #5
nah, I don't worry about infections. I was always told that when you get a cut you should take a handful of dirt, spit in it and rub it into the cut.
  • #6
tribdog said:
nah, I don't worry about infections. I was always told that when you get a cut you should take a handful of dirt, spit in it and rub it into the cut.

Don't forget the defecation and urination in the wound. Those are vital to your recovery.
  • #7
tribdog said:
oh, and it tastes bitter.


Why were you tasting it?
  • #8
I had one on my finger last year. I got the band-aid things and they worked for me.

The way they work isn't to burn the wart off or anything like that. I basically just aggravates the tissue around and under the wart which causes your body's natural defenses to attack it.

I used the band-aids for a week, and then stopped, convinced they weren't working. Three days later, the wart was gone.
  • #9
DeadWolfe said:

Why were you tasting it?
Real scientists are willing to sacrifice for knowledge.
A Swedish chemist, Karl Scheele discovered 8 elements (but didn't get credit for them) chlorine, fluorine, manganese, barium, molybdenum, tungsten, nitrogen and oxygen as well as ammonia, glycerin and tannic acid and chlorine bleach. He tasted everything. He was also found dead in his lab surrounded by toxic chemicals.
  • #10
I have been reading "Chasing the Molecule", a history of chemistry from Priestly and Lavoiseur to Kekule and the benzene ring. What struck me was how many of these early chemists died young, one went mad, and the book never connects it with their activities.
  • #11
tribdog, you probably experienced the closest thing a woman experiences when she gives birth. congratulations to the newest addition of your family-a baby finger tumor.
  • #12
I named it, "Growthie"
  • #13
I had one once on my hand, and those band-aid thingies didn't work for me either. I used them according to directions as long as I was supposed to, and all I ended up with was a more prominent wart because the skin all around it was peeling off. I didn't bother spending $23 on some spray-on remedy, I got a little piece of dry ice from the lab and burned it off with that. Yowie! I've burned myself with dry ice by accident before, and it's not nearly as painful as when you do that to a wart! Then again, as soon as dry ice starts to sting, I drop it or brush it off the skin it got onto, and with the wart I was purposely keeping it there until I had a big hole instead of a wart. But it worked.
  • #14
You might consider putting live maggots into your hole.
There exist, from various wars, solid evidence that soldiers with open wounds containing maggots have a lower infection rate (and mortality rate) than soldiers without maggots in their wounds.
  • #15
I saw a tv show about the medical use of maggots. They're used to eat the dead and rotting flesh in very severe wounds, leaving the live tissue.

Tribdog needs to wait until the flesh starts to rot, then add the maggots.
  • #16
Well, then he SHOULD let it rot!
It might be FUN, tribdog!
Giving them names like Squirmer and Floppy and so on.
Invite friends over to watch gobble contests and the like..
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  • #17
appropriate topic for halloween...
  • #18
Kerrie said:
appropriate topic for halloween...
wow, this might sound like an exaggeration but it is not.
That is the first time in my entire life, in any phase of my life, that I have been told I was doing the appropriate thing.
  • #19
I got a wart once and tried everything only to realize, after getting annoyed and opening it up with a needle, that there was a small stone inside. I found it quite funny.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #20
you should have left it in there. That's how you make diamonds.

FAQ: Want to hear something REALLY gross?

What does "gross" mean?

"Gross" is often used to describe something that is unpleasant, disgusting, or offensive. It can refer to anything that causes a strong negative reaction or discomfort.

Why do some people enjoy hearing gross things?

Some people may enjoy hearing gross things because they find it thrilling or exciting, or because it provides a temporary escape from their normal life. It may also satisfy a morbid curiosity or desire for shock value.

Is it normal to find gross things entertaining?

It is not uncommon for people to find gross things entertaining, as it can provide a release of tension or a feeling of superiority over the subject matter. However, it is important to consider the context and audience when sharing gross content.

What are some examples of gross things?

Examples of gross things can vary widely, but commonly include bodily functions or fluids, disturbing images or videos, and unpleasant smells or textures. It can also refer to taboo or socially unacceptable behaviors or topics.

Is it harmful to constantly seek out gross things?

Constantly seeking out gross things can potentially be harmful, as it can desensitize a person to certain subjects or create a negative mindset. It is important to find a balance and be mindful of the content we consume and its impact on our mental health.

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